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Everything posted by Scrash

  1. Scrash


    Think Voorhes here got one, too. Preceded by many god-awful sequels. First two Friday the 13ths were the only good ones. =/
  2. Scrash


    I see. You're a Dodger fan.
  3. Scrash

    Frost Bike 2.0

    If only I had one D: Bricklink..? =P
  4. Scrash

    Frost Bike 2.0

    Think it'd look a bit better with Kohrak's face-shield thing.
  5. I'd better start finishing up my HF '10 collection, then. Also, the 2011 sets are cool. I don't care what people say; the sets are really cool. Also, 'gratz on PM-ship master of awesome.
  6. Scrash

    Merry Christmas!

    Lol, I see what you've done there.
  7. BIONICLE shouldn't come back, to be honest. It had a good run, but all good things must come to an end. I'll join, too - under my usual name of Iro.
  8. Scrash

    Six Years

    I've been here for three, and I'm nearing four thousand (I guess). =P Anyway, congrats, I suppose.
  9. Someone did; it was the winner of a contest LEGO had.
  10. They're cool, but worship is unhealthy.
  11. Thornax were the best launchers ever. That's why. But yeah, they're not all too great. Drilldozer and Nitroblast sound silly, but aren't too bad, IMO. And no one really seems to like the Fire Lord. =/ I thought he was pretty okay, myself.
  12. Master Chief before Kratos? Blasphemy, I say.
  13. Scrash

    Brief Update

    I was thinking of cutting, but I'm in Sacramento with no car to use.
  14. In response to the bold, not all of them are warriors, just the ten or so we met in 2009. Out of the perhaps hundred plus that could exist, I don't see why they should all be a part of a warrior-sounding species. Plus, we have Skrall for legitmate warrior society.
  15. The Green covers plant life, but fungi aren't plants.... Their properties are different enough to merit something, especially considering Ice/Water and Stone/Earth, canon elements, are separate.
  16. Well, I know that I once found the Matoran Universe a bit too restricting for what I wished to write, so Murtua, Jattillus, and Elucca sprung up in order to really focus my imagination.
  17. No, Glatorian was simply an occupation (much like gladiator).
  18. 261) Aye. I'm guessing "Terra" would mean something along the lines of "Earthen," correct? 262) Aye. I guess it's Koji's turn to crank 'em out this round, eh? =P 263) Aye. 264) Aye. 265) Aye. 266) Aye. 267) Aye.
  19. 253) Aye. Sounds somewhat fitting, if I must comment on my own name. Plus, I think that if they're not going to be named in-canon, we might as well have some shared term to refer them to. 254) Aye. 255) Aye. 256) Aye. 257) Aye. 258) Aye. 259) Aye. 260) Undecided. (First time I vote something other than "Aye," I believe.) I like the concept, and I realize that this could very well be its own element (the hallucinagetic effects definitely being a neat touch), but it's the sound of the prefix that has me reluctant to cast my "Aye" vote. It just has a somewhat silly sound to it, in my mind.
  20. 245) Aye. Also, since I'm kind of "in" on Venom's stories, I'd like to mention that this mask is located on the satelite of Benevus, and not in the Matoran Universe. 246) Aye. 247) Aye. 248) Aye. 249) Aye. Just a side-note on the Vaitelos, I'd like to mention that the wearer would maintain his shape, even if he were to reconstitute into a liquid or gaseous form. 250) Aye. 251) Aye. 252) Aye.
  21. Scrash

    Stringer Revamp B)

    Looks pretty legit, though I can't say I like the gunthing still being his right arm. That thing just doesn't look good. =/
  22. All I hope is to make it to a Giants game or three, like this year. Though, you know, when they're having a hot streak going. T'was a mistake to see them face the Dodgers in June!
  23. Should, says the crazy Giants fan. Though, I mean, if the Rangers do get themselves to the same position next year, I could see them winning the WS. I dunno', unlike the Yankees, I actually kinda' like the Rangers. The fact that they beat the Yankees puts a smile on my face.
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