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Binary Code

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Everything posted by Binary Code

  1. Yeah, I agree. I love minis and can always appreciate a good SW fig, but these seemed to expensive, and the minis just don't catch my attention.The new Y-Wing is downright awful, and makes me so much happier about my owning the '07 version. The new cockpit design is more movie accurate, but the fuselage and engines are just poorly designed.As for he remaining three, they are simply amazing. Aside from the inevitable pricing issues, they are amazing sets. I really want the TIE and the X-Wing to go with my Y-Wing and Vader's TIE. Hopefully I can find a good deal to help take the edge off those questionable prices...10010101 BC 010010101
  2. The catalog says pre-order starts on Jan. 1, so I'm guessing you'll have to wait until then, which I guess is just a couple hours away...Xplode, Meltdown, and Corroder are also on sale for ten bucks each.101000101 BC 01000101
  3. I was kinda hoping for an "All-Star" cast for the Stars, Tahu and the Rahkshi were fine but I also would have liked to see Zaktan, Nuparu Inika, Takadox, and Nuju Metru,Of course, I also would've been happy with all the Toa Mata as the Stars...1001010 BC 010001
  4. I haven't seen this yet so I thought I'd post it.Brickset has posted this set list, it isn't official, and has not been confirmed by Lego, but it's looking like this is what we're gonna be getting.9469 Gandalf Arrives9470 Shelob Attacks9471 Uruk-hai Army9472 Attack On Weathertop9473 Mines Of Moria9474 The Battle Of Helms DeepI, for one, cannot wait for this new line, and plan to buy each and every set. This set list only increases my excitement!10101010 BC 010101010
  5. There's one guy who has the DHARMA Initiative logo as his his avatar. That would have to be my favorite.100101001 BC 010010011
  6. That piece list will be an absolute godsend for me.As it turns out, constantly adding to a piece inventory in Excel really stifles the creative process...100101010 BC 01000101
  7. It appears that you can now only send three messages per IP address.If someone has had success getting more than that through, please let us know. 0101010010 BC 0101001010
  8. You want to build Minecraft Lego, go buy a boatload of 2x2 bricks.It seems Lego's popularity contest disguised as a design competition has turned out much worse than expected. We can only hope the reviewers realize how outlandishly foolish this idea is and and go with something that will actually appeal to a wide range of people.10001010 BC 00100010
  9. People who get all bent out of shape when someone says "Bionicles" or "Lego Bricks."Edit: And apparently, this obnoxious tendency is not limited to actual people...100100101 BC 010001001
  10. Many of these have already been mentioned, but many of them bear repeating, so here you go:Saving Private RyanWhere Eagles DareThe Bridge on the River KwaiThe Great EscapeFull Metal JacketThe Dirty Dozen10001011 BC 01000101
  11. Probably sets with open cockpits like motorcycles, ATVs and the ilk are gonna work best as they offer the best range for different scaled riders. I would suggest 8051 Motorbike, 8262 Quad-Bike or 8291 Dirt Bike.Unfortunately only 8051 is still available through Lego, but you might consider checking eBay or Bricklink for the others. 100010101 BC 00100101
  12. Use coupon code "TONSOFFUN" to get $15 off of orders over $100.100001010 BC 01000101
  13. I now cringe every time I have to use a lime piece from that era. No matter how careful I am they almost always break. At least that darn Chinese plastic doesn't break all the time...1001001010 BC 010001010
  14. I haven't seen these on BZP yet, so I thought I'd go ahead and post them.6858 Catwoman Catcycle City Chase6864 Batmobile and the Two-Face Chase6862 Superman vs Power Armour Lex6863 Batwing Battle over Gotham City6860 The BatcaveI don't think those names are official, but quite frankly, who cares. These are just the DC sets, there will be some Marvel sets in the winter release, but we haven't seen those yet. Okay guys, what do you think? One of the major complaints is that they're just rehashes of the '06 - '08 Batman sets (with the obvious exception of the Superman set). Another issue is that they seem to be rather cartoony.What about you, what do you think? An utter failure, a step in the right direction? What are your thoughts?1000101010 BC 00100011
  15. I imagine only about another year or two. I was starting to lose interest in BZP after Bionicle died, and the downtime certainly didn't help any.Besides, now that Bionicle is done, this is really just a Lego forum, and there are some much better Lego forums out there.10001010 BC 10001001
  16. I once found a Nuva chest armor piece buried in my sock drawer.1000101 BC 10010001
  17. Garage sales. Trust me, ebay and Bricklink are all well and good, but if you really want a bargain, hit up some garage sales. 10010101 BC 0100010
  18. I joined the same night I discovered this place. No hesitation for me! 100100001 BC 0100010
  19. If Bionicle were to come back, I'd have to be careful not to judge it against the Bionicle line I've come to know and love. If (and probably when) Bionicle returns, It will probably look more like a continuation of Hero Factory more than anything else. I'll just have to judge it as a completely new line, instead of a continuation of "classic" Bionicle. 1000101 BC 01001001
  20. I moved on about twenty minutes after learning Bionicle had ended. Bionicle was sucking up a huge percentage of by budget, the Bara Magna storyline didn't interest me whatsoever, and I was just getting to old to enjoy sitting down and "playing" with action figures. I didn't feel bad at all about Bionicle ending, it came at the ideal time for me. Most people here haven't "grown out" of Bionicle and it was just a larger part of their life to begin with, so I understand the initial outcry and backlash against Hero Factory. I also completely understand while some are still holding out for Bionicle's return. I get it, I just don't share their views on Bionicle's demise. 100101010 BC 010100101
  21. $16 for a shoebox full of about 60 mask pack Kanohi including a chrome Hau and two copper Hunas. It also had a bunch of other pieces and stuff (and Antroz!) thrown in, but the topic clearly was asking about collectibles, so... 10100101 BC 01000101
  22. I dunno why people act surprised about the projectiles; all of the villains in the 1.0 wave had them, and in the 2.0 wave; 3.0 had them in all the large box sets, so it's not exactly new. It just happens to be on the Heroes this time, and the villains don't have any. I can't actually see any back armor besides on Breez, but I'd like to see some form of it. However, that 1.0 foot isn't exactly snappy. I guess I should've been more specific, I was disappointed that the Heroes now have projectiles. Often times they're too big and bulky and simply don't look right and unfortunately these are no different. As far as back armor goes, it would appear that Split Face and Rocka include 2.0 foot pieces as what I can only assume is supposed to be back armor. 10010010 BC 010001010
  23. I loved the Power Miners line, in part because of how much I liked Rock Raiders. The sets were great and I really wish it would have lasted longer. Also, the play function included in 8109 Claw Catcher has got to be one of the best ever included in a Lego set. I've spent countless hours picking up and flinging anything I could find! 10001010 BC 010001010
  24. Well, looks like Hero Factory caught the projectile disease. I guess it would have to happen eventually, but I still don't like it. One item of note is that it looks like most of the heroes now include back armor, which can seen easiest on Breez. It appears to be a 1.0 foot attacked to the back of the torso frame. 1000101 BC 010101
  25. I don't think I know of any Yellow guy, especially not in 2006. Do you know anything else you can tell me about him?My guess is that he's referring to Dracus. 100100010 BC 0100100101
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