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Everything posted by Ahi-Dagra

  1. Hola! Welcome to BZPower! I hope you enjoy your stay and get a fair share of virtual hugs.

    *hugs and curses how fast mox is*

  2. Episode 1 of the first Batman series, back in the 60's, I think. And yes, the Batman movie is legend

  3. *gaspeth* You monster!
  4. Ooh! Ooh! Freeze me! Freeze me!
  5. Rogwiz is awesome and doesn't have to spell things right.

    Anyways, *poke*

  6. Spectacular yet brilliant at the same time. You?


  7. I'ma huggin' you again. >=D


  8. Ahi-Dagra

    8 Years?

    That was... beautiful. *cries*
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