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Everything posted by ToaDraco

  1. I just got Onua today as the hotel I'm staying in has a Toysrus right behind it and they had the full wave of Bionicle sets. I am very happy with the set. I do wish the upper arms were trans purple as well as the mask connection stronger and also his shoulders not be quite so wide but these are minor qualms. I could also be a bit biased though too considering Onua was always my favorite Toa, but dang he rocks! Oddly enough, Tahu appears to be the least popular in this area as Tahu was still fully stocked while all others had fewer sets left on the shelves, heck I took the second to last Onua on the shelf.
  2. I still think new names would be nice but I am totally fine with naming them after the Turaga.
  3. I would like a pre MoUP Makuta paired with Ekimu and an ultimate evil version of Makuta in titan form, big black and red, preferably covered in spikes and with a pair of big demon-like wings like what he had in LoMN and a trident for a weapon or some kind of epic-looking spear. A tail and hooves would be pretty awesome too but that may be too demonic looking for LEGO. On the other hand, Makuta in the movies looked quite demonic. Character-wise I would much rather he was like the Overlord as opposed to Garmadon in terms of being pure evil or at least remorseless. I thought Garmadon's convenient redemption was dumb and he was simply replaced by an ambiguous evil ghost that was rather bland and sounded like he had a moth permanently. embedded in his throat.
  4. YES!!! I really wish all the past Bionicle games had multiplayer options. They NEED to add this feature to any new Bionicle games that come out NO. Flock off, multiplayer birdies. Too many games have been ruined by forcing multiplayer where it's unnecessary, and Bionicle's epic fantasy does not need a bunch of misguided developers shoving Call of Duty-style multiplayer into it. Yes, the "Six heroes, one destiny" thing that runs through bionicle doesn't make it completely unsuited to multiplayer, but the current gaming industry has forgotten how do to that properly. Single-player sandbox, like "The Elder Scrolls: Okoto" is our best hope for a game that does not rip the wallpaper from BS01 and wrap it around generic gameplay. Bioncle heroes was the gaming industry's take on our beloved franchise. Do you seriously trust them to do another game and not turn it into another "Action-Adventure"? I certainly don't. I do not want to see another BIONICLE AAA game until the entire industry grows out of this obsession with profit and majority demographics. /endrant I think a game that does this well is Warframe. Although the story hasn't been fully developed, the co-op with a maximum of 4 players works really well. A fellow Warframer! I am a founder and have been playing since the release of open beta, I even met and had dinner with Steve and Rebecca during PAX Prime, they are really great people and the games is awesome. my Warframe name is SirDraco if anyone cares to friend me on there.
  5. I very much want a new Bionicle game. I want it to adhere to the story better than titles in the past and I want it to play like the minifig LEGO games with an open world and side quests, with fun combat and platforming. I never understood why couldn't work with a constraction theme, everything would just seem like it's on a bigger scale. I could see the pillars and cool architecture we've seen in the artwork made of lots of system bricks and such, mixed in with things made out of constraction pieces. Darksiders and God of War are my two favorite video game series of all time. I love the hack-and-slash combat of those games and I feel like a Bionicle hack-and-slash like that would be awesome!
  6. It was the first Bionicle video game I played (not including the online games) and I enjoyed well enough. I really liked that you could customize the colors your Mator-er-Tohunga.
  7. I got it downloaded last night and I have played through Onua, Lewa and Kopakas' campaigns. It's some good mindless fun. I really like the environments and it is a very good looking game for an app. The more I play it, the more I really want a new Bionicle video game. Most likely that won't happen until next year at least.
  8. In G1, 2001 had only a single wave, so the second wave was the Bohrok's. I think that G2 will go the same route: Collect masks whilst fighting enemies, then fight new enemies. This makes me really want (despite the 1 in 1 million probability) G2 Bohrok! Also the app looks like what I would expect, hopefully the android version will be available soon. I still really hope we get a proper TT games Bionicle video game. Maybe we might actually get a game like the other LEGO games. With the most recent ones having freeroam and side quests, we could have an explorable Okoto with side quests to help Protectors!
  9. The game looks great! Unfortunately its for iproducts. As someone who hates iproducts and uses android, very frustrating. I guess I will just have to hope it eventually comes to android or wait until TT games (hopefully) makes an actual Bionicle game, perhaps finally we may get one that is more akin to the standard LEGO game fare.
  10. I saw it posted on eurobricks, it looks fantastic!
  11. Rahkshi! They would be great to set up story bits for Makuta, plus who doesn't love the Rahkshi!? As far as new villains go, I would like to see something with 4 arms, preferably hunched and bulky. I would also like a character that is like Frankenstein's monster, a creature built from a number of other cretures who isn't quite sure what to make of his new existence, though set-wise I wouldn't want it to look like a mess of random parts and colors. Perhaps it could be along the lines of the red and gunmetal twoface-ripoff from Herofactory's Breakout wave. A creature from the black lagoon kind of monster would be cool too. I'd also like to see some winged demon-looking characters like the Makuta kinda were.
  12. He is indeed adorable, I hope we see more cute little Protector children running around the villages with there big curious eyes.
  13. I liked the Cordak the best. They may not have worked the best and were a bit bulky, they were Gatling guns with a rotating barrel! They looked pretty good mounted on the sets I must say, way better than say, the multi-shot zamor launchers, those looked strange to me. The Midaks were definitely a better option imo.
  14. At the same time, they shouldn't go overboard with the simplification. I agree that we don't need a lot of technical stuff but a degree of depth to the setting and backstory would be great.
  15. When I first saw these symbols I immediately thought of the Grineer language from Warframe, anyone else an avid warframer? If not, check it out it's an awesome game. I loved the old matoran alphabet and I hope this is indeed an actual language and not just random symbols considering how they want to "simplify" things.
  16. I might end up moving his knee pads to his feet to fulfill that roll if they look alright. I haven't seen any pics of the new armor piece put on the the foot piece, could someone post what that looks like please?
  17. 2006 was such an epic year and was my personal favorite. I really wished it had gotten a movie. I really liked the darker, grittier story and it would have been fantastic onscreen.
  18. It was close between Takanuva Mistika and Brutaka, but in the end I went with Brutaka.
  19. I too find it odd they do not have names unless something were to happen to the current protectors and they must be replaced with their children... that way the sets can represent both parent and child without much change and therefore killing two birds with one stone. I actually would very much like this to happen, it would be a great plot point. The parents wouldn't necessarily have to die, they could get captured by the skull spiders and be imprisoned and the children fight to help save them. I too will imagine they have the names of the Turaga unless otherwise specified.
  20. As an avid lifetime hardcore rocker who grew up as a roadie for my dad's rock band, I want Bionicle to have some killer rock songs. I was not a fan of Cryoshell, I tried but I could not get into their stuff. I did, however, love the songs done by All Insane Kids. "Hero" is the song I think of when I think of Bionicle. I definitely want something more along those lines.
  21. I love the new cgi commercial for Bionicle! PEW PEW LAHZORS aside that is. I am glad we will have some cg animations like we had in gen1.
  22. Ok so I like the animations more than I had initially thought. The narrator however is terrible at doing character voices. Kopaka, Pohatu and the PoF are his most distinct but with the others I honestly think he could do a lot better. I am disappointed by the lack of separate voice actors for the characters but it is not unexpected. I love that the Vahi is hidden everywhere and I hope we will see more about the journey to find the masks. To those who are also concerned by the speed at which the Toa gained the golden masks, I think these are just overviews of what is to come and not meant to demonstrate what is occurring at this very point in time. I would hope that is what the videos will demonstrate over the course of the year.
  23. The guy with the really deep voice that does a lot of voice acting. He does the voice of Bulkhead in Transformers Prime and the Principle from American Dad, he would make a great Onua.
  24. My girlfriend and I are going to see the new Hobbit movie this Thursday so I'm going to check Target and Walmart while we are out, I'll of course let you guys know if I find anything. I also created this quick meme, it feels appropriate to place here:
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