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Everything posted by tent163phantoka

  1. Probably as long as you don't sell them.
  2. Where do Non-BIONICLE LEGO-themed Podcasts go?
  3. Why is there so much hatred of MSPaint on BZP? Is it because of the Big-shots using GIMP and Photoshop? is it because it's cartoony? Is it too goofy-looking? is it really that bad?
  4. In North Dakota, It's illegal to lie down and fall asleep with your shoes on.In Massachusetts,candy may not contain more than 1% alcohol.In Boston, it's illegal to play the fiddle.Fig newtons are named after the city of Newton, Massachusetts, not Sir Isaac Newton.
  5. Welcome friends, to a PSA/challenge to the members. It's challenging the members to participate in a staff appreciation project. Here: http://vimeo.com/45473574thoughts?
  6. I'm aware of that. It would be nice to have a forum for story and general non-set discussion.
  7. Ok. Suppose the admins made a forum for discussion of Hero Factory. What would you do first concerning said forum? I'd read the rules. I'm dull sometimes. Also, what would you think of it?
  8. This is a topic for the discussion of Dysgraphia, a learning disability that, as the name implies, makes it hard to write. I have it myself. As a result, very few people can read my handwriting. Now, bad handwriting does not neccesarily mean you have this learning disability. there are other signs. Click here for more info and here for a fresh sample of writing from someone who has Dysgraphia (me).Please respond.
  9. Today, those of us in the US celebrate when we declared our independance form Britain 236 years ago with baseball (in some parts), BBQs, Hot dogs,pyrotechnics, & sales on furniture, cars, clothes, and pyrotechnics. *raises glass of grape juice* true story.
  10. yes.The Person Below me has a neighbor who dances on the lawn
  11. Gotcha. I'll keep working.
  12. "Matoran should be seen, and not heard. And even seen is debatable."-Avak "Fall, Vastus! Today belongs to Malum!""I know all about your might, Malum. Too bad there's no sane mind to direct it." -Malum and Vastus
  13. What's the wierdest PM you've ever recieved? Mine would have to be when a certain member asked me to vote for him in the latest BBC contest.
  14. I apologize for the graphics and the challenge in the first comic. I know I should know better. those panels were made by Nuparurocks, not me. I have no Idea how he made them. Einstein defined insanity as trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results. under that definition, I'm cookoo for Cocoa Puffs, which I already knew. Thomas Edison went through thousands of prototypes before he perfected the lightbulb. I'm not giving up. I'll improve. I'm not sure how yet, but I'm setting my mind to it no matter what. that background was a fill from GIMP, which many comic makers here idolize. So you guys may say I'm crazy (which you're correct about), you may say I should do something else( which you have), but if you want something to read, then buckle up. You may think I'll go down easy, but that ain't happenin'. and yes the box was made with MS Paint, but so is MSPaint Adventures. You seem to be under the impression I will give up this time. I won't. Cue the theme from Rocky.
  15. Welcome, friends and others, to I Ship It! Named after and inspired by the I Ship It banner fad, This is about a shipping company on Spherus Magna. read the 11st comic for more. later today, at a less ungodly hour, I will work on the second comic, which will be much longer.Comics#1:IntroEnjoy and take the challenge(s) at the end of each comic!
  16. Philosiphers can get away with making random stuff up. They're like serious comedians.
  17. What's your fave pro football team? (GO COWBOYS!)
  18. In Minnesota,mosquitoes are considered a public nuisance.In Minnesota,it's illegal to sleep naked.In Minneapolis, red cars may not drive down Lake Street.In Cottage Grove, Minnesota, people with even numbered adresses aren't allowed to water their plants on odd-numbered days, except the 31st day where it applies.
  19. Today is the 21st birthday of the creator of BZP's first sprite kit, Marty Razor Kira!
  20. see here: He was Black Six's predecessor. *raises glass of Grape juice* True story. A toast to our senior retired admin!*raises glass of Grape juice again* True story.
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