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Posts posted by Snelly

  1. IC: Skyra NUVA  - Timeline C - Great Telescope -

    Nuju was looking at Skyra expectantly, did...did he really expect her to fight Stannis of all people? One of the few people she actually respected? Sure he wasn't exactly the same as the Stannis she knew but...

    "No, you know what? No! #### that! This might be really out of character for me, but I refuse to fight you Stannis! I can't endanger an entire other universe just to save my own. There's gotta be some kind of comprise here!"

    Skyra got a bit closer to Stannis and looked him right in the eyes. "Can your mask send us home? Or at least do something useful here?"

    OOC: @EmperorWhenua @Tarn @~Xemnas~ @Unreliable Narrator 

  2. IC: Skyra NUVA  - Timeline C - Po-Koro -

    "Thankfully the Nuju I came with is still alive and kicking...well actually he was kind of a ghost? He used to be see through. but then after I fixed this machine that created the portal we came through he became solid again...so actually I have no idea if he's alive or not." 

    OOC: @EmperorWhenua @Tarn @~Xemnas~ @Unreliable Narrator 

  3. IC: Skyra NUVA  - Timeline C - Po-Koro -

    Skyra grinned when Stannis said he believed her, that was one worry out of the way. The only problem was, this Stannis seemed just as stumped on how to help her as she was. 

    "Well um...shoot this is a pickle..." Well there was one thing they could do. "Oh! We could go talk to Nuju I suppose. Kind of annoying we have to go find him at the big telescope, wherever that is...he knows a lot more than he's usually willing to actually tell you most of the time." 

    OOC: @EmperorWhenua @Tarn @~Xemnas~ @Unreliable Narrator 

  4. IC: Skyra NUVA  - Timeline C - Po-Koro -

    "All me to explain..." Skyra thought about how much she'd have to actually explain. "...no, there's too much, let me sum up. I'm not from this reality, I'm a different Skyra Daring. I came here through a portal with a Matoran named Nuju, he's not here right now cause he wanted to look at telescopes. So my reality is falling apart and Nuju told me there's some sort of mask here that pulls fantastic #### from our reality and that's not helping while we're trying to fix it. Also the portal we came through to get here was destroyed so we don't have a way to get back home which is also kind of a big problem." Skyra breathed. 

    "Well I think that about sums it up yep."

    OOC: @EmperorWhenua @Tarn @~Xemnas~ @Unreliable Narrator 

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  5. IC: Skyra NUVA  - Timeline C - Po-Koro -

    "Yeah I have to meet with him, he's the only one who can help me." Skyra explained as they walked. "My reality is literally falling apart and there's a mask that I need to find that can help with that. If anyone knows about a mask like that it would be Stannis, no matter what reality he's in." 

    It wasn't long before they found Stannis' hut, thanks to his blind secretary, who apparently knew how to get home regardless if she could see or not. The hut didn't look like anything special, it was barely even Toa sized. The only only real décor outside the hut was a small garden of cacti, that was kind of weird. "Seriously? This is where he lives?" She knew Stannis wasn't exactly the type to live glamorously but...this was kinda...

    Speaking of the devil, out came the man himself, exiting his home and shutting the door behind him. 

    "Stannis! I finally found you, you wouldn't believe how I ended up here!" 

    OOC: @EmperorWhenua @Tarn @~Xemnas~ @Unreliable Narrator 

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  6. IC: Skyra NUVA and Skyra Daring - Timeline C - Po-Koro -

    Well, judging by the sheer amount of elemental power this evil me had so easily mustered. I could tell she wasn't bluffing about how powerful she was. "What sort of devil did you make a deal with to get that kind of power!?" I shouted from the sky as I tried to use my element to get myself back towards the ground. Her mask of gravity had make me like a leaf on the wind and it was rather difficult to get back down... 

    "Well, I put this great disk in a slot and then I got bathed in the light of Tren Krom. That's how." She stated, as if I was supposed to understand what that even meant! 

    That didn't sound all that evil actually. "Alright fine, I guess you aren't evil. Can you let me down now?" 

    "No." Skyra NUVA turned to her companions. "We've wasted enough time here, let's go see Stannis." Skyra NUVA started walking off.

    "Oh, okay." I decided I'd just wait till the gravity powers wore off before I attempted to get down...

    OOC: @EmperorWhenua @Tarn @~Xemnas~ @Unreliable Narrator 

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  7. IC: Skyra NUVA and Skyra Daring - Timeline C - Po-Koro - 

    We both touched fingers, nope no explosions here. "You know, if I couldn't see her right in front of me like this, I would call you all crazy." It was hard to deny what I was looking at. Looking past her weird armor, the resemblance was uncanny

    "Well, this has been quite something, but I don't have a lot of time and I need to go see Stannis now." This Skyra NUVA tried to walk past me, but I stopped her. 

    "Just a minute. Why do you need to see Stannis so bad huh? You're pretty suspicious if you ask me. Even if you are a different me somehow, how do I know you're real intentions aren't something malicious?" Did I have a reason to actually suspect this doppelganger? Not really, but something about her was pissing me off. 

    Skyra NUVA gave me a smile that sent shivers down my spine. "Let's be honest here, you might be me, but you're no where near as powerful. I don't have time for this nonsense, get out of the way." 

    Ahah, I had her now! "I get it now, you're an evil version of me! You've come from some twisted version of reality in order to cause chaos and destruction, I won't stand for AH!" 

    I suddenly found myself starting to float off the ground as Skyra NUVA used her mask, followed by an intense blast of air that sent me flying further in the sky. "God I'm annoying." Skyra NUVA remarked. 

    OOC: @EmperorWhenua @Tarn @~Xemnas~ @Unreliable Narrator 

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  8. IC: Skyra NUVA - Timeline C - Po-Koro - 

    "Well you know how it is Datrox, sometimes when you really need to be somewhere, you're just there."  From there the ragtag group of Matoran, Toa, and Toa NUVA made their way into Po-koro. Skyra looked around at all the sand and buildings and...sand. 

    "...man this place is kind of a dump." Skyra remarked, when suddenly she bumped into someone. "Ow!"

    I rubbed my head, who the heck just ran into...I blinked as I looked at the strange Toa. Her armor was...weird but looked advanced...and she seemed familiar somehow?

    "Holy ####, it's me!" The strange Toa exclaimed, pointing right at me excitedly. 

    "What the #### are you talking about. Who are you people?" 

    OOC: @EmperorWhenua @Tarn @~Xemnas~ @Unreliable Narrator 

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  9. IC: Vashni - Ehlek's Fortress -

    "Last I checked Ehlek, you were also an air breather." She tapped her mask of mutation with her finger as she gave him a mocking smile. 

    Of course mentally Vashni was a lot more concerned about the lasers. .:Either of you have any ideas how to get out of this mess?:. She asked Nale and Aurax from the mental plane.

    @Tarn @~Xemnas~


    IC: Skyra NUVA - Timeline C - Po-Wahi - 

    "Hmmm, alright then." Skyra was quiet for a bit as they continued walking towards Po-koro. 

    "...how far is Po-koro? Are we there yet?" 

    OOC: @EmperorWhenua @Tarn @~Xemnas~ @Unreliable Narrator 

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  10. IC: Varian - Ehlek’s Flying Fortress, Asylum Preprocessing -

    Varian found himself kneeling, at least as well as an exo-toa could as he saw Knichou's self-sacrifice to save the Matoran. 

    "You're truly noble, friend." Varian said, somehow his voice sounded less robotic than usual, and more like a proud warrior. "I offer my body and power to you." And with those words, the exo-toa's head folded up and backwards, his chest cavity opening up, revealing a cockpit. "Let's finish this fight." 

    @BULiK @Unreliable Narrator

    IC: Vashni - Ehlek's Fortress -

    Vashni looked concerned, she knew that Aurax was the expert when it came to technology here but... "Are you sure that was wise?" 

    @Tarn @~Xemnas~


    IC: Skyra NUVA - Timeline C - Po-Wahi - 

    "Well basically how I understand it is...how did Nuju explain it again? Oh right, I'm from an alternate universe that's both similar and different from this one. Like the Stannis I know is different than the one we're heading too. There's probably another me around here somewhere too for all I know." 

    OOC: @EmperorWhenua @Tarn @~Xemnas~ @Unreliable Narrator 

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  11. IC: Skyra NUVA - Po-Wahi - 

    "Crazy?" Skyra laughed. "You haven't even heard the crazy part yet. I took a portal with a Ko-Matoran named Nuju to get here. My adaptive armor was made by my boss, a guy named Knichou." 

    Skyra pointed at a broken down wagon in the distance, partially covered in sand.

    "Not like I expect you just to believe me at my word though. I have fantastical powers that can help prove my story. Watch this!" 

    Skyra fired her great disk beam from her hand, striking the wagon. The wagon very quickly become as good as new.


    OOC: @EmperorWhenua @Tarn @~Xemnas~ @Unreliable Narrator 

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  12. IC: Skyra NUVA - Forsi - 

    “Well it's like I said earlier..." Skyra began as she took out her Cordak Blaster and examined it, making sure it was in working order. Her adaptive armor adjusted to the sand and heat as they walked, a visor forming on her mask and her armor covered less of her body in order to cool her down. She knew by what the majority of what she'd seen on this island that the average tech level was much lower than what she was used to, she wondered if her more advanced gear and weaponry made her stand out. 

    "...I'm not from around here, and I don't mean that I came from another island. It's more like I came from uh...different reality."

    Even Skyra knew they probably thought she was crazy. Though she supposed she had ways to prove it. She briefly glanced towards Howai, who was currently stored in a compartment in her armor. She was really glad she also snagged an enlarging disk from Mazor before she went through the portal. Worst case scenario she could prove her story by making Howai big again...


    OOC: @EmperorWhenua @Tarn @~Xemnas~ @Unreliable Narrator 

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