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Posts posted by Snelly

  1. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi

    I could feel the grin growing on my face as Luten asked that question so innocently. Hmmmm, how do I go about this? 

    "When will you ever learn not to cause problems?" I heard a grumpy doctor say. 

    "Probably when I'm dead." I commented offhandedly before focusing on Luten. "You see, 'Daddy' is an endearing nickname for 'Dad' or 'Father'.  It's uh...." I could feel Kale's intense staring of my person. "...ummm well...I-I wouldn't worry too much about it at any rate..." 

  2. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi

    "Ow!" I rubbed my mask after the widget hit me between the eyes. Alright, I probably deserved that one. I guessed I should be serious for at least a little bit.

    "Yeah...back in Le-koro there was a lot of talk about Makuta being back...seemed like that's on everyone's mind these days." And Joske and Dorian being well, not alive anymore as well, but I didn't feel like mentioning that out loud. "Whatever is going on can't be good regardless."

  3. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi

    "OK daddy." It kind of just slipped out, I looked at Krayn and bit my lip. "Yeah I can't really argue with that..." 

    Then I listened to Praggos some more. "Come on doc, anyone can break an arm again, and probably quicker than you could." 

  4. IC: Hakari - Le-Wahi - The Fau Swamp -

    Kanohi would hear the sound of excited clapping, if he looked up there he would find a young Lesterin of plant-life sitting on a tree branch.

    "You did it! You saved the poor birdy, good job!" Why was this girl here and sitting on a random tree branch, only she could say.

    "I'm Hakari! What's your name?" 


  5. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi

    "A...a....aaa..." I had to admit, Krayn had caught me off guard, it took a minute for me to recompose myself. "...I think I made a mistake." The whole 'lady' thing was really backfiring on me.

    "I've been doing...fine. Just training with new weapons, settling affairs back home and brushing up skills...that sort of thing....oh it's you." 

    It was him, Praggos, the grumpy doctor. "Frightening? You haven't seen frightening bud, you do realize we're gonna be stuck on a ship together for Mata Nui knows how long! Should be fun." 


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  6. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi

    Seeing Luten turn pink was all I needed to feel the smirk form on my lips. So easy to tease~

    "Hehe, Mr. Kale." I wondered how long before everyone started calling Kale that. 

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  7. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia - Fowadi

    No matter how many times I saw Luten's little ten inch body, it never stopped being any less cute. Seriously it was just adorable, it made my headache just disappear! 

    "But Luten, if you didn't come out, how would we see your cute self?" 

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  8. IC: Arisaka - Ga-koro -

    Arisaka was awake, because the Commodore was awake. Actually she'd already been awake for hours, she often did her morning exercise at a time that most would still be fast asleep. But such was the life of a warrior, even in times of peace. 

    It seemed that peace wasn't something that was to last. Word travels fast, even faster when you had Ideatalk. It was a lot to take in, the empire had seemingly fallen to what the Mata Nuian's called Rahkshi, sons of this Makuta they often spoke off with hate and fear. And now the Rora herself along with numerous amounts of their people were arriving here!

    In fact they were already here, Arisaka could see the many ships arriving, more still coming. When Arisaka had first left for Mata Nui on the expedition, she had expected to eventually return home. Now it seemed that there might not be a home to go back to. 

    "..." Right now Arisaka didn't know what to think. She was at a loss. 

  9. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia -

    "Getting bored of learning how to swing a metal stick?" Kale came out to the deck to meet me, and I couldn't help but match his grin. "Well as fun as waving it around is, I can only train so much."

    "I'm kind of looking for a few people. Maybe you ruffians have seen them?" I spun around to see who I already knew was standing behind me. "Krayn..." I looked at him and I felt a pang in my head, unsure if it was a real headache coming on or just my memories of when I last saw the Toa of Sonics. Whatever expression was currently on my face would probably worry him, so I gave him a grin instead. 

    "Ruffian? How dare you sir, I am a l-lady." Calling myself a 'lady' felt awkward, even now, guess I still wasn't completely used to being a woman after all. I cleared my throat. "So um...how are things?" 

  10. IC: Skyra Daring - Ostia -

    I let the ocean breeze cool my body as I sat on the edge of the dock, my feet dangling just above the water. I'd only arrived in Ostia the day before, finally finishing my business back in Le-koro. It was weird no longer being an active member of the Gukko Force anymore, but it had to be done. It was time for my life to go in a different direction. 

    Speaking of different directions, I glanced at the naginata I had lain down on the dock. This was my main weapon of choice now, I'd had more than a month of intense training to get accustomed to it. Once you mastered one type of blade, mastering another one didn't seem quite as hard. Not that I felt like an expert yet, I needed to get into some real combat with it to see how well I did. 

    Considering how things in the world were going I had no doubt I'd be seeing some action again soon. "####ing Dorian..." The ###hole got himself killed, and apparently so did Joske. Two idiots! How many people were going to leave me behind anyway? I was sure I had more dead friends than living ones by now... 

    I shook my head, I needed to forget those guys and move on. Makuta was on the rise again apparently and while I had no idea how to beat a dark lord, Maybe I could ask the Maru for tips. I realized that was probably not my problem to figure out anyway. If it was my problem to figure out we'd all be ####ed.

    I hopped back onto my feet, dusting my buns off before picking up my naginata and heading towards the Fowadi. As I boarded the ship I glanced towards Destiny, the massive bird seemed to be chilling in the nest she'd made for herself. Satisfied with that I opened my mouth. 

    "Yo, when we leaving?" I shouted to whoever happened to be on board. 

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  11. 22 minutes ago, Visaru said:

    Does anyone have need of some Skakdi muscle in Zakaz? I've got a mercenary who would love to tag along on some quest or battle, it would be fun to start playing with them already hired onto some job.  

    I'm also looking for a Warlord for my second Skakdi PC to follow (Maybe someone needs to get to that 2 PC follower requirement, eh?)


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  12. Name: Skyra Daring

    Sex: Female

    Species: Toa

    Element: Air

    Mask: Great Calix, Mask of Fate

    Powers: Standard powers that come with being a Toa, controlling element power, mask power, etc.

    Equipment: Skyra has collected a vast assortment of weapons in recent months. She has of course her signature twin protosteel katanas, along with her throwing knives, two-handed broadsword, a spear, a metal staff, and a naginata. Since it would be rather impractical to try and carry all these weapons at once, Skyra usually stores the majority of them either on the Fowadi or in a large satchel that is attached to Destiny’s harness. 

    She also has a flute that she can play in order to call Destiny to her, as long as the Kahu is within hearing range she will fly to her. 

    Native Tech: Skyra has acquired two Wrist-Mounted Volo Lutu Launchers ("Wrist-Volo") from Farzan, who runs the Tech Emporium. She also acquired two Diskette pistols from him as well. 

    Foreign Tech: A blunderbuss of Skakdi make, fires projectiles with enough force that can punch through a person's chest as easily as paper. The muzzle of the weapon is gold in color, while the handle is wooden. The weapon has to be reloaded after every shot with metallic pellets or something of similar shape. The weapon also relies on Skyra's elemental power to fire. (Approved by Tyler)

    Mounts/Pets: Destiny is Skyra’s Kahu, which the Toa has raised since she hatched many years ago. These days when the bird isn’t flying she is usually nested somewhere on the Fowadi, probably getting fat off of scraps of fish that everyone keeps tossing towards her. 

    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    Appearance: Skyra is primarily dark green in color, with black as her secondary and mask color. She’s lithe in appearance and average in height for a female Toa. Her armor is designed to be light weight and allow quick movements while still providing decent protection.

    Illustration by @Vezok's Friend

    Strengths: Her years of training in the Gukko Force have made her a capable fighter, being skilled with the ways of the sword, riding Gukko and Kahu, and more recently training in other types of weapons such as spears and the naginata. She’s been a Toa for long enough to have gained decent mastery over her elemental and mask powers, using them in combination with her other skills as she sees fit. Her natural Le-koran agility and nimbleness makes her fast on her feet and a difficult target to pin down. She’s okay at playing the flute. 

    Weaknesses: Skyra is lightweight and doesn’t wear heavy armor, and so getting a good hit on her will really mess her up. She’s also a lightweight when it comes to drinking. She’s rather easy to rile up if you know how to push her buttons, and has a bit of a temper. 

    Ever since her head injury back in Ko-koro, she has had frequent headaches on the left side of her head which vary in severity. At best it’s slightly irritating, at worst it can severely hinder her and cause great pain. 

    Personality: Cheeky, with a dash of sarcasm. She generally tries to look at the bright side of things but her more recent experiences have toned that down a bit. She is a bit of a goof and likes to do weird s### , but when push comes to shove she tries to be reliable and help her friends. While still quite reckless in the face of her enemies, she seems a bit more cautious than she used to be.

    Biography: Skyra is not the man she used to be. While life on Mata Nui has never been easy, it’s not ridiculous to say that Skyra has been through more trauma than most. While she doesn’t usually show it and keeps a peppy attitude, everything she’s been through for the last few years has started to wear on her, whether she realizes it or not. 

    Of course what weighs most heavily on her mind are the events of the liberation of Ko-koro and the battle that ensued there. Due to her own rash actions and lack of judgement people got hurt, and that’s something she cannot allow to happen ever again. Once she recovered from her own injuries, she spent some time going back to the basics, training with weapons she was less familiar with as a way to hone herself further. She has taken an extended leave from the Gukko Force, feeling that perhaps it is time to move on and just be a Toa, nothing more than that. 

    Name: Hakari

    Species: Lesterin of Plantlife

    Appearance: Her armor is blue green with yellow as her secondary color, has dark blue eyes. Looks very much like a Toa in appearance besides her quite distinctive Lesterin traits.

    Mask: Kakama, Mask of Speed

    Gender: Female

    Powers/Abilities: Immune to poisons, able to photosynthesize to obtain energy

    Weapons: Twin scimitars, ceremonial dagger, chain belt.

    Technological items: None.

    Weakness: No elemental powers, is very naive. Will go out of her way to help people even if it's really not necessary or a good idea.

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Personality and traits: Quite the energetic individual, she often talks as quickly as her mask allows her to move. She’s a bit of a pacifistic, never looks for a fight, and only fights when she has to defend herself or others. She’s often described as bubbly and sweet hearted.

    History: Hakari has trouble remembering her life before she came to the island of Mata Nui, in fact she can’t remember much at all other than her name. Up until this point she hasn’t done anything noteworthy besides doing odd jobs here and there to support herself. Things have changed recently and Hakari is starting to regain memories of her past, remembering a place called Seprilli.

    Name: Arisaka

    Species: Dasaka

    Castle and Clan: Menti Caste, Umbraline Clan

    Gender: Female

    Mask: Kanohi Pakari, the Mask of Strength

    Appearance: Mask and external armor are darker shades of blue that gets lighter on the limbs, golden highlights on the edges of her armor. Has fierce yellow eyes that can look straight through you. She appears to be extremely fit and athletic, plenty of muscle there.

    Powers: Dual Soulsword discipline, Arisaka is one of the few Menti to have mastered not only being able to wield one psychophysical weapon, but two simultaneously. Both weapons take the form of a standard sword, though one is colored green while the other is the standard blue.

    Weapons and equipment: She wears gripped gloves and boots that allow her to scale walls and other objects more easily, she has an assortment of crystalline throwing daggers sheathed on each side of her belt, just in case.

    Personality: Arisaka isn’t what you’d call a scholar, or one with much of a philosophical outlook. She prefers to get things done with strength and valor, often solving issues with her fists and military tactics. She takes the three virtues very seriously, and finds anyone who dares to break these virtues the worst of scum.

    Strengths: Very few can match the handmaiden’s strength or endurance, Pakari or not. In combat she is in every sense a bruiser or berserker, she will overwhelm her foes with sheer strength and relentless attacks. Has a very tactical mindset.

    Weaknesses: Brute strength isn’t always the answer. Arisaka isn’t the brightest Dasaka on the block, and as a Soulsword she is particularly vulnerable to the powers of the mind, such as the Willhammers and the Sighteyes. In the heat of battle she may not realise when she reaches her limit, if such a thing were ever to happen to begin with.

    Bio: Even at a young age, Arisaka showed great promise as a warrior. Growing up she always proved to be a cut above the rest in every athletic activity, outdoing every opponent she faced in terms of strength and agility. Only the most clever of opponents could hope to match her, cause they certainly couldn’t match her strenght. She was raised by the clan to be a guardian of the royal family, who only choose the best to guard the Imperial Palace.

    She's been on Mata Nui for some time now with Commadore Ayiwah as part of the expedition. She did not expect the rest of Kentoku Archipelago's population to soon follow. 

    Name: Oceanna Gallywix

    Species: Toa of Earth

    Mask: Kanohi Kadin, the Mask of Flight

    Appearance: Oceanna isn’t particularly muscular for a Toa of Earth, she has a more average built, not really skinny or thick but somewhere in between. Rather average looking by all accounts, though she isn’t looking to win a beauty contest anyway, her arms and legs are adorned with tattoos and very few people have seen if she has any elsewhere. Her body color is mainly black, though her mask and highlights are purple, she has those typical dark green eyes you’d expect from an Onu-Toa.

    Gender: Female

    Powers: Elemental control over the earth, mask grants the ability to fly.

    Equipment: One massive, proto steel guitar. It’s heavy and metal, she can play music and bash people’s faces at the same time, neato. She's also recently acquired a Rahkshi of Laser Vision's staff, it had been split in two, but she recently had it reforged by a Smithy back into a single piece.

    Strengths and Weakness(es): She’s more of a lover than a fighter, her main strategy in a fight is to ensnare her opponents into the earth and bash their heads in with her guitar, if that doesn’t work she runs(or flies) like ######.

    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    Personality and traits: She’s very eccentric about her music, always humming or playing some sort of tune. A bit absent-minded, often lost in her own world, trying to find the perfect melody. She’ll go to extreme lengths to spread music across the island.

    History: After a fight with her family involving soap or some ###### like that Oceanna ran away from home and set out to make a living as an artist. So far being a solo guitarist hasn’t really paid the bills so she’s looking for potential members for a band. She can’t really sing so she’s hunting for someone with a really rocking singing voice.

    Name: Taleen

    Gender: Female

    Species: Toa

    Element: Sonics

    Mask: Great Huna, mask of concealment

    Powers: Elemental control of Sound, mask power allows complete invisibility.

    Equipment: Twin protosteel daggers. She carries small bags of powder that can be used as smoke screen, various vials of poison. Twenty throwing knifes.

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

    Appearance: Typical grey and black color scheme like most Toa of Sonics. Her armor is very sleek and light built, designed to make as little noise as possible. Though it lacks the heavier armor that many Toa use. Her feet are padded in order to further dampen her footsteps as well. She has the look of an assassin overall, a rather pretty one at that.

    Strengths: A deadly assassin, uses her element and mask power to sneak up on her target, striking before they know what hit them. She’s been trained and conditioned to be the perfect killing machine. Even without the use of her powers she’s a deadly fighter, she can kill you in more ways that most people have thoughts. She's at her best when in the shadows and catching a target unawares.

    Weaknesses: Opponents who have an Arthron or some other means to detect invisibility would give her a severe disadvantage. While she is excellent at taking on single targets, fighting against multiple ones would more difficult, especially out in the open.

    Personality: Cold, calculating, efficient, at least that's how she appears when she's working. However, those who attempt to talk with her and get to know her find that while she can be a bit sly and surprisingly carefree for a trained assassin. She enjoys toying with people simply for the amusement of it, though it is usually harmless...most of the time.

    Biography: Taleen’s past is rather vague, all that is known about her is that she was trained to be one of the most deadly assassins known on her home island from a very young age. She’s known little else but the life of a killer, simply following her orders and carrying out each mission with efficiency and precision. She rarely failed to kill a target. Despite being an assassin, she has only targeted criminals in recent history, and there are rumors her services may have even been hired by an Akiri at one point, who can say?

    She's now a member of the crew of the Infernavika as well, wait how did that happen?

    Name: Zanakra

    Species: Skakdi

    Element: Stone

    Description: She looks like your typical Skakdi of stone from Zakaz, brown and covered in scars and other injuries that she proudly shows off. Her armor has plenty of twists and spikes for good measure, with a wicked grin that could send a shiver down even the toughest warrior’s spine. 

    Gender: Female

    Vision Power: Impact Vision

    Foreign Tech: (Approved by Tyler)

    Impact hammer - Zanakra wields a massive two-handed hammer. It has jets on one end that let her swing with more speed and impact, and when the hammer is slammed into the ground it can create small shockwaves. 

    Shrapnel gun - a rather unorthodox weapon that grinds up stone and metal and fires the pieces as projectiles, shooting them in a spread much like a shotgun. Most solid objects can be used as ammo as long as it’s grindable. 

    Weakness(es): Zanakra lacks a gentle approach, which can make even her allies a bit afraid and leery of her. She will never back down from a challenge even if it’s to her own determent. 

    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 

    Personality and traits: Zanakra is cold and brutal towards her allies and enemies alike, so much as look at her funny and you’ll find her stepping on your head. She has a sense of humor, but it’s about as wicked and cruel as it gets. She wants to become a notable warlord and will step over as many bodies as it takes to do so. 

    History: Zanakra’s mother always told her, ‘Kill or be killed’. Zanakra took this to heart, even as she used her impact vision to send her mother hurling off a cliff to her death. Zanakra's brutal reputation gained her a small following over time and she decided that becoming a warlord was a worthy goal and has since erected a fort worthy of herself.



    Fort Profile: 

    Fort Name: Razorfish;Vaa

    Controlling Character: Zanakra

    Location: The fort is located in the delta of Spineless Bay. 

    Description: A fort made of mainly stone with steel spikes decorating the outer walls. It is compact and square in shape, designed to be durable and functional rather than pretty. It is roughly four stories tall. The mess hall has a razorfish mounted on the wall, and the bones of razor whales decorate both the interior and exterior of the structure.

    Forces: T’harrak (Whisper), (Sparticus147 Nakihl Ahuum), Jojax (Smudge8)

    Loot:  a Lightstone Rifle, Eccentric Rock, a Firework Revolver, and a Cordak Blaster.

    Name: Kaminari 

    Sex: Female

    Species: Draconic Mystix of Lightning

    Power/Abilities: Lightning, enhanced strength and senses.

    Appearance: Like all Draconic Mystix, Kaminari looks like a big lizard with massive wings. Her scales and armor are a deep blue, while her wings and claws transition into white. 

    Personality: Her tongue is even sharper than her teeth. 

    History: Kaminari has lived most of her life in Ko-Wahi, in the nesting grounds for the Draconic Mystix there. She is a young dragon, and has yet to explore and see much of the world beyond her home. But she is very eager to do so.

    Weaknesses: Kaminari is a young, stupid lizard and lacks experience in the real world. 


    Name: Drakkar Brack

    Sex: Male

    Species: Toa

    Element: Stone

    Mask: An infected Pakari, the great mask of strength 

    Powers: Elemental Control over Stone, incredible physical strength. 

    Equipment: A massive tower shield made of stone, along with a massive stone sword. They’re heavier than most Toa could even physically lift, much less wield, due to them being made of stone. He can manipulate them with his elemental powers, changing their shape or repairing them as needed. 

    Alignment: The Dark Lord, Makuta. 

    Appearance: Drakkar is both tall and thickly built, his muscles and armor look impressive and imposing, he looks like he was sculpted out of the very stone he controls. His eyes appear to be a sickly yellow behind the rusted Pakari that he wears. 

    Strengths: Even without his mask, Drakkar is impressively strong. He is a master of his element and can control it with absolute ease. Skilled at fighting with a sword and shield combo. 

    Weaknesses: Despite all his strength, Drakkar cannot move quickly carrying weapons made of stone. Speedy opponents may give him some trouble. 

    Personality: Drakkar fanatically talks about his Lord Makuta and not much else. He speaks as though he is a prophet, with enthusiasm to spare. Despite worshiping Makuta, he surprisingly has a code of honor that he follows. 

    Biography: Once a protector of Po-koro long ago, he disappeared without a trace, and now very few remain that still remember him. Why he has returned no one can say but himself, why don’t you ask him?

  13. IC: Skyra NUVA - Kini-Nui -

    Skyra stood in Kini-Nui once again, breathing in the apocalyptic air. "Well, I'm back!" There was a mountain of loot behind her, but no Nuju. "Hmmm, looks like Nuju didn't come back with me...oh well!" 

    Skyra took out Howai from her pocket and placed him a safe distance from everything and everyone, then she took out the disk of enlargement she had and started throwing it at Howai. 

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