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Status Updates posted by Makuta_of_Oz

  1. "2 Members: Makuta_of_Oz, is awesome."

    I wish this keyboard had a Print Screen button! lol

  2. *reads story*

    lol, you rebel!

    Awesome story, though I'm not so sure about Bionicle and that other franchise becoming friends (just because I'm so stubborn :P)

  3. Actually, the petition was sent the other day! :)

  4. Ancients are gentle giants... just keep your hands off Cenarius and don't be a demon! (I'm looking at you, orcs!)

  5. Awesome! :D

    *anticipates a PM rush*

  6. Bring back Bionicle! ... well, you asked what was on my mind!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dual Cee

      Dual Cee

      No one knows, but optimism rules!

    3. K0DIAK


      Well... it's back :P

    4. Makuta_of_Oz


      I'm gonna need a newer status... :P

  7. But didn't my team lose the premiership to Collingwood?

    lol jk

    Thanks :P

  8. Congrats again on your BS01 contest victory, new guy!

    Could you please finish off those instructions for your Tobduk model so I can make one of my own?

  9. Congrats on 1,000 posts! :D

  10. Congrats on 1,000 posts! :D

  11. Congrats on your 1,000th post! :D

  12. Congrats on your 10000th post, mate!

  13. Congrats on your 9,000th post! :D

    I guess that explains another reason why you wanted me to post in the Year One topic! ;p

  14. Could you please explain to us on your thread the true reason for posting it? Heated discussion has started in it, and people are making different theories as to why you posted the thread in the first place.

  15. Dang, I got beaten to making Lumi! :P

  16. Exactly.

    But at least I'm honest.

  17. Happy 13th birthday! :D:D:D

    Good luck in your adolescence too!

  18. Happy 21's Than! :D You're just a year and a day older than me!

  19. Happy birthday Gato! :D

    Wow, to think the two of us were born one day apart! My 20th is tomorrow! :o

  20. Hey, I just noticed that you joined on my 18th birthday! :o

  21. I actually hate HF so much that I see it as coarse language! :P Also, I'm actually dreading all these toy sales that have started because of it.

    Obviously the fact that it replaced Bionicle is the only reason why I hate it.

  22. I can't say. Still no-one has mentioned your blog, so whether or not that's how they found out, I don't know.

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