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Everything posted by Astrotorical

  1. Caught up in a dream - edsim and mahlta?
  2. Black Fingernales, Red Wine - Evermore?
  3. I too, like the bionicly goodness given to the heroes. I agree, Stormers Shin armour is kinda the size of his feet, so they seem really bulky. The mix of Red and Green on breeze reminds me of the Vahki, Bohrok and Visorak, Good times.What you should do is make them bigger. Saying these could be 6.0 doesnt feel right as they look too skinny. Thicker armour id sayOtherwise its its a good desgn
  4. ((at the risk of having a rediculously long post filled with quotes, you get the idea))From the Bionicle fan point of view, i can see why they would rather you leave :PON THE OTHER HANDfrom what i can gather from your point of view, you shouldnt get flamed for not liking Bionicle any moreBut obviously people are going to wonder why your here, on a Bioncle-originating Lego fan site.
  5. It seems more like your standard toa with a few more goodies thrown in. But then again, simplicity is always nice. You should take one of the shield lowered, i cant really see most of the body.
  6. Bionicle was nothing BUT storyline and sets...remember?Exactly.Then what are you doing here?There's no rule stating that one must leave the site if they lose interest in Bionicle. There's a lot more to discuss here than just one Lego theme, or even Lego in general.You mean like the entire CoT section?
  7. As you said, its an estimate. Maybe its not a simple job. Sure he is the writer, but he would likely still have other LEGO stuff to do.
  8. Airplanes - B.O.B. and (that lead singer from (that band that played Twilight songs)"Airplanes in the night sky like shooting stars"
  9. as long as we, the fans, stay here, bionicle shall stay with us. Greg has a kid, and a paying job. He will get around to it when he gets around to it.You guys are all saying It doesnt take seven months to write a chapter, or have a seven month writers blockAre you stating a fact? Last time i checked there is no way you could know that. Maybe it has taken seven months to write a chapter, maybe it will take 7 more. Honestly, if it was a toss up between a Paying Job plus my Daughter walking for the first time (if she hasnt already, she will) or a few chapters every so often which isnt advertised, doesnt make any money, and in no way can be used to support my familyGuess where id beObviously we would LIKE some contact from him, but be realistic. Who can honestly say, with 100% fact and truthfulness that 7 months is too long for someone in Gregs position?
  10. I can see what you were trying to do. Antroz's one reminds me of said makuta, as in If Antroz was a supervillian, that would be the logoGorast is a little less so, but i can still see itIf this was, say, some fighting game that could be their symbols
  11. There was only 1 think i didnt like about bionicle at all. For the the entire run of bionicle, start to end, I still couldnt grasp my head around the point of having Stone and Earth as seperate elements. Now I understand it from a village point of view, 1 lives in the desert, the other in a cave. But they are esentially the same thing.Everything else was awesome, even the ones that noone else liked
  12. Your better off keeping the cards as collectibles. Who knows, you could sell them one day for a fair bit (but you know, keep one for centimental reasons or something )But nah, buying the game wouldnt be worth it. Who would you play against? (although if i bought it, id verse you haha)
  13. Note: Ive only read the first post, so thats what im basing my response offI do like the theory, it is consistant with the story and what not. Now, personally i dont like the idea of Great Beings as being once humans (or human creations) as im sort of partial to a crossover (you know, imagining that the Matoran could one day come to earth or something )Plus the Great Beings seeding the planets with EP. I always assumed EP was a Natural Resource. Such as what they did with Battle Los Angelas (Liquid Water being a rare sight, EP would be a rare occurance). as oposed to a molten Iron core, Spherus magna could have a Protodermis core, and when the agori tried to harness it, it kinda went all *intense pressure from the core expanding outward in all these directions caused the shattering* and what not.the stuff about the planets is good, makes sense. Im not sure about the whole "studying planets to see what Spherus Magna would be like"whose to say he wasnt studying them for science in general. Look at Starfleet, they run around scaning things. its probably your standard Explore new worlds (not exclusively those with EP)Your theory seems a little strange for my liking. If you look at it in general terms it makes sense, but if you be too specific it just seems weird. In all honesty.I dont know though, maybe your right. its a theory after all.
  14. I came here later on, but i started on Bionicle in 2001. First ever one was Tahu Mata. I got hooked.11 years later, i still have a box of bionicle bits to make stuff withI even speak matoran (to an extent. its not the most indepth language) and read it quite well. I actually find it hard to code in Java Script with out the Matoran Font.
  15. Recogniser - Daft Punk(recognisers land in hangers)
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