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Everything posted by Bambi

  1. New avatar and banner to sort of match the season! :3 It feels so weird seeing the dark colors after having the same avatar for over a year. o.o

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bambi


      I braved the seas of DeviantArt and found the pumpkins here: https://www.deviantart.com/maarui/art/F2U-Squishy-pumpkin-641056626

      And yeah, I did that for a long time. :P

    3. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Great catch!

      So odd to the the forums void of ponies these days. I kind of miss it. XD

    4. Bambi


      Yeah, I remember when it was odd seeing someone here without a pony avatar. XP

  2. "Wonderwall" by Oasis. Guilty pleasure.
  3. The drawings are all so good! And I'm glad those people found their baby kitty~ Love all the autumn stuff as well. :>
  4. Was going to gift premier membership to a member, but I don't see it in the store? This page just says "There are no products that match your criteria." Maybe I don't see an option because I'm already premier?
  5. It's officially autumn!! :3

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      *Tosses pumpkin spice and leaves on everything*


  6. Oh my goodness I am so tired. It feels like my mind is moving in 60fps but my body is going in 15 x.x

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      I'm sorry, know those feels and hope you can get some relief!  A few weeks of the dreaded pattern of up 22hrs then sleeping 3-6 has official made me consider tranquilizer darts. :headbonk:  

    2. Bambi


      After a little nap, Bambi is all rested up. :D

      That's a scary thought. D:

  7. Bambi


    Mmmmmaybe. Bulbasaur isn't my favorite, but they do look pretty spooky. :>
  8. Happy birthday fellow September baby! Hope it's a good one. ^^
  9. Bambi


    Oof, yeah I've heard something about that before...
  10. I just discovered there's a Lego store a few hours from me. :O Might be worth checking out sometime.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Awesome! I remember the struggle of no local LEGO store, I’m sorry. :(

  11. It is really cool, but a expensive. Buuut Super Mario 64 is one of my favorite games of all time. ;_; It'd be so cool if they did minifig-scale sets from the game.
  12. Bambi


    Looks like it's finally time to break out the spooks. :3 I've set up some more, but it's not really picture worthy. But I do like my Pika pumpkin mug. c: I'm also looking forward to doing some more fruit carving this year.
  13. Oooh, I really like this one. Might actually buy it. While we're making Fender, how about a bass to go with it?
  14. The genesis of Bambi: Around 2007 when the Michael Bay Transformers movie came out, I got a Brawl figure and my brother got Megatron. We thought it was funny how when Megatron was transformed into vehicle mode, it looked like he had a beak. Fast forward to 2008, after years of lurking I wanted to create an account here, so I asked my brother for a username suggestion. He said Brawl and Megatrons Beak, and for some reason we thought it was hilarious and I stuck with it lol. Nobody wants to type all that when referring to me, so it got shortened to Bamb, and then Bambi. Not sure if I'd have gone with that nowadays, but it was funny thirteen years ago.
  15. Reminds me of a terminator. Little too much chrome for my liking.
  16. Definitely the Mata head. I remember when I found the tutorial here explaining how to take them apart I went and started popping everyone's eyes out.
  17. Thank you both for the kind birthday wishes! ;-; That drawing is amazing; it looks like something official. May the BZP posting and pumpkin farming continue on for many years! ^^
  18. Can it be? We're forty minutes away from September??

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      The glorious beginning of the “‘ber” months! 
      Is it socially acceptable to decorate for fall now? 

      PS: Your current post count is perfection at this very moment.

    2. Bambi


      I'm going to try and wait until after my birthday to decorate, but I'd say anytime after August is good. :>

      If we could remove seven thousand of my posts, then it would be mega perfection. :P

  19. Not a very big fan of them having actual dialog, even if it's ripped straight from the movies. I think the mumbles fit much better with all the silliness.
  20. Kind of like the new YouTube shorts idea; might start uploading some


  21. Love the socktopus. The dinosaur reminds me of this guy from Super Mario 64: Hope all turns out well.
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