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Everything posted by Bambi

  1. Yes, but how do you think they would have sold in the early 2000s, when Lego already had other Castle and ninja sets, and (in my opinion) better themes? Not to mention Exo-Force coming out in the mid 2000s.
  2. I cannot believe I finally found this. I remember this used to be the coolest thing when I was younger. Don't think I've seen it since I was six or seven lol.
  3. Maybe 2003, because that year was probably the most hype for me. So much was going on at the time, like getting a Bionicle movie, console game, the Rahkshi were super cool, and the whole seventh Toa thing too. There was just a lot happening and little Bambi was so into it.
  4. Pretty cool, makes me think of this set:
  5. If they had switched places, Lego probably would have gone bankrupt.
  6. Honestly I wasn't big on the art style of the comics, but that does sound like a cool tattoo! Make sure to post pics if you get it. ^^
  7. Cinnamon coffee cake gives me life. ;-; <3

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Bambi


      I'd have to think about that, but I'm leaning toward mint chip ice cream (specifically the green kind). ^^

      What about you?

    3. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      OMGosh I forgot that existed. Probably that in a waffle cone or lemon cheesecake. 

    4. Bambi


      I prefer to put it in a bowl and baptize it in magic shell. :D

      And eew, cheesecake is nasty. :P

  8. I know we're halfway through 2021, but I realized this is the fifteenth anniversary of Ignition, aka when Bionicle tried to be darker and edgier lol. We found out Mata Nui is dying, were introduced to the Piraka, the Toa Nuva were defeated, some of our favorite Matoran became Toa, and Lego introduced the infamous Inika build, among many other things. We also got our first Bionicle console game since the original Bionicle game in '03. What did you think of this year, story or set-wise?
  9. Then why post? Anyway, currently listening to "Brickwalker" by Soilwork.
  10. I prefer Matoran, but for some reason I almost prefer Tohunga for the MNOG era? I guess because I had always heard that is what it was supposed to be at the time.
  11. Impressive collection! Great job on this. Love the artwork on the old comics.
  12. The animation on the new Demon Slayer movie is nothing short of incredible.

  13. Bambi

    I Took Some Pictures of My Cats

    Thanks, they sure are.
  14. I had no idea Lego was celebrating 20 years of Lego Harry Potter. After all these somewhat recent controversies surrounding JK Rowling, you'd figure Lego would want to celebrate a theme that hasn't really had its reputation tarnished. :\
  15. Oooh, I like this. $200 is a bit much for me, but if I can ever find it at a reduced price I'll probably pick it up.
  16. Like I've said, you're uber-creative. What did you think of The Rise of Skywalker?
  17. Rewatching The Clone Wars for the third or fourth time and oh man. The season five finale still hits right in the feels. ;_;

  18. To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Hero Factory.
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