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Everything posted by Bambi

  1. Bambi

    Fruits of My Labor

    No names yet. They're mini pumpkins, so too small to carve. But if more grow, who knows. I might be feeling wacky this Halloween...
  2. Ah, Junkbot, used to play those games all the time.
  3. Finally checked out Splitgate and have been loving it.
  4. Does anyone here use dark mode? I was going to try it for a bit, but it feels so weird; I've always used the default theme.
  5. Bambi

    Fruits of My Labor

    And by labor I mean tossing seeds on the ground and forgetting about them until they sprout Yay. A few little pumpkins decided they were tired of being seeds. A little early though, but oh well. There are still some more, but they're not ready to be picked yet. And I have no idea why they came out so orange in the picture. I think the Great Pumpkin possessed my phone and messed with the coloring of the image or something.
  6. I think Lego can get away with running two Ninja themes at the same time because they are system/brick sets, which obviously are Lego's bread and butter. But I don't know about two technic/constraction themes running simultaneously, since those have never really been quite as big. Might not work out financially in the long run.
  7. I agree one hundred percent. 2004 did have those Vahki flash animations that were the same style as MNOG, so a game like that might have worked. Maybe a game that starts during the Morbuzakh saga and carried on into the end of 2005. Frankly, I feel like ever year (at least up until 2006) could have used a MNOG-esque game; maybe not all the same graphically and gameplay-wise of course, but I think they would have been great additions to the experience. Oh well... Also RIP Metru Nui PS2 game. Too bad it was never finished.
  8. Wooow, this is pretty neat. It's cool you were also to keep the gear functions usable. ^^ Now what's your secret to those bendable arms? And welcome to BZP!
  9. Theses do look pretty cool, but I think I prefer the colors we ended up getting. I also went ahead and subscribed to your YouTube channel. I'm looking forward to seeing more of this. ^^
  10. Thanks man. That decision literally changed lives.
  11. Welcome back! I do think I remember seeing your name around. How's life? ^^
  12. I'm trying not to overhype myself, but man this looks like it'll be good.
  13. "Almost Again" by Strapping Young Lad.
  14. "Why is this company cancelling themes that aren't bringing in enough money?"
  15. Sounds like a fun time. ^^ So, what does getting jack stoned entail?
  16. Hi (:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bambi


      Been doing well, how about you?

      Hm, not that I can think of. Aside from it being closer to autumn. :D

    3. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Pretty good! 

      Nice! Is it your favorite season? 

    4. Bambi


      Probably. It feels good to finally be over with the summer heat and to get ready for all the holidays. ^^

  17. Bambi

    It Begins Garden Redemption

    Last year, I failed as a pumpkin grower. Now it's time to redeem myself. I planted them a little earlier this year, so hopefully something will be ready by Halloween. Some of the plants from last year did grow back though: We shall see.
  18. Crazy to think that OG Bionicle has been dead for half of this website's lifespan lol. But yeah congrats everyone, BZP got the old. Thanks B6 and everyone else for sticking with it for so long. Here's to twenty more...?
  19. Getting our first rain from Elsa. :O

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