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Everything posted by Bambi

  1. Kinda nutty. My parents got me Onua and Pohatu Mata for my birthday, and I was hooked. I remember I loved them even though I had no idea what they were. The canisters the Mata came in were really cool. From there I started getting Lego magazines/Bionicle comics, follow the story, and collect the sets. Bionicle was huge in my life. I closely followed it all the way to the end; It was the first thing I ever really got invested in. I remember being blown away by the concept of a seventh Toa lol. Playing MNOG and watching the flash animations are some of the best childhood memories I have, and I will always cherish them~ Obviously another big thing is it led me to BZP (for better or worse lol), where I made a lot of friends and created more memories. Early 2010s-era BZP was the best IMO. Big thanks to Greg, Christian, and everyone else who made it happen. I know it sounds silly, but my life would be very different if I didn't have Bonkles.
  2. Happy 20! Thank you for being such a huge part of my childhood. <3
  3. Wow it's July.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Kind of surreal.

      Hope you have a happy 4th! ^_^

  4. I've seen the watch before, but that was a looooong time ago in a Kohl's.
  5. Like I've said before, you're very creative. Your art looks really good. ^^ And I'm sorry about your health issues. Hopefully everything will be resolved soon. And happy ice cream season and six months until Christmas to you as well. c:
  6. "Good Mourning/Black Friday" by Megadeth.
  7. For some reason I remember seeing it was given to Dume as a pet, though I don't remember where. From the Rahi Beasts guide book:
  8. I guess just Bionicle. I don't think Lego would really fit, but then again they did make Minecraft work...
  9. Looks really cool! I wonder if anyone's tried making any Bioshock Infinite sets like this?
  10. If you step on Lego while wearing this it will make you more powerful! :O
  11. Metroid Dread looks great and all, but are we ever going to see Metroid Prime 4?

  12. Probably coincidence; I don't think anyone would willingly want to copy Galidor.
  13. Bambi

    Playing With an Idea

    Still? Wow, I had no idea.
  14. Bambi

    Playing With an Idea

    Lately I've been thinking about starting a Minecraft server for BZP. I know we've had a few in the past and they've always been fun, so I'm wondering if there's enough interest and active users to warrant a new one? I know most people don't use the blogs here, so I might make a topic and see what everyone thinks.
  15. Bambi

    Oh Look

    Maybe a little bit. It's crazy to think that in three and a half months we can start getting ready for Halloween. ._.
  16. Bambi

    Oh Look

    We're already halfway through the year. Time sure does fly.
  17. At what point would you say "late at night" becomes "early in the morning"?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bambi



      Yeah, I'd say around four. I'm usually up until after sunrise anyways, so I prefer getting up later. :P What about you?

    3. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Nice. I would ordinarily say early/around six am, but since I got sick my sleep schedule basically burnt down. :lol:

    4. Bambi


      D: I hope all is well.

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