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Everything posted by Bambi

  1. "The Martyr" by Living Sacrifice. Been on a major Living Sacrifice kick this week. Feeling a little nostalgic...
  2. Looks pretty cool; if it becomes a set I might pick it up. Haven't played either game in almost ten years though. Maybe it's time to revisit them...
  3. Wait, that happened in 2017? Literally feels like it only happened a few months ago. O.o
  4. Looks wonderful. If they ever made a Bionicle Lego Movie, I imagine it would look something like this.
  5. These kind of guesses that turn out to be 100% accurate are so funny to me lol.
  6. You might be the most creative person I've ever seen. ._. Also that backpack is hilarious. I want one for a cat. XP
  7. Wow, this is stunning. I love how you were able to perfectly capture the look of the old Mata Nui comics. Fantastic job!
  8. I voted: Luke Han Obi-Wan Yoda R2-D2 C-3PO IG-11 K-2SO Darth Vader General Grievous Palpatine Darth Maul Greedo Chewbacca Boba The Mandalorian
  9. I wish you could see who likes/upvotes your posts... :c

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      I agree!  I wish they had a “thank” button. Sometimes I feel bad for just anonymously upvoting topic replies...I wonder if the staff can see who upvotes what. XD.

  10. Wow, that's nuts. Just shows how much planning and TLC was put into this, unlike certain other franchises...
  11. Risk of Rain 2. First time playing it, and I have to say it's been fun so far.
  12. Bambi

    I've Been Had

    *1:58 AM* *leaves room* *comes back a few minutes later* *3:02 AM*
  13. Okay wow, the quality of this is incredible. The environment looks great, and I like the lighting on the set. The Onua vs Lewa fight was always one of my favorite parts of old Bionicle, be it from the MNOG cutscene or Beware the Bohrok; it's cool to see it in stop motion now too.
  14. "A Great Mistake" by Black Crown Initiate.
  15. Colored Krabby Patty gummies are an abomination.

    1. Mushy the Mushroom

      Mushy the Mushroom

      Had to look this up to convince myself something so nefarious could exist. 

  16. "Iron Man" by Black Sabbath, the heaviest song known to man.
  17. "The Power of God" by Living Sacrifice.
  18. Ooooh, I really like Takua's Journey. Tahu Awakens looks great too.
  19. Interesting set; I like the minifigures. Luke is one of my favorites. ^^ But I never realized how much white there is on these shuttles.
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