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Bitter Cold

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Everything posted by Bitter Cold

  1. Odds don't exist. Saving 5 people doesn't mean it's more likely that one of them will, say, save your life someday. You can't even count on whether the families would be grateful. I think you need to put yourself in the place of everyone individually. If I was in one of the families, I'd obviously want my relative to live, so five of me means all five of those people would be missed, rather than just one. On the other hand, running over five people would presumably derail the trolley, maybe killing/injuring people on board? Also, if you ask me, not doing anything does not mean you didn't have a part in their deaths. And if you think nature should take its course, you should consider that you're a part of nature. It's so complicated! What I'd probably do is stand there and wonder about it until the trolley went ahead and ran everybody over.
  2. Not sure, but it doesn't seem like there are many of these jokes… *puts on sunglasses* … left. well that makes me feel kinda... *puts on sunglasses* … down. I think you guys should really shut... *puts on sunglasses* up.
  3. Bitter Cold

    The Rival

    Buddy! with the exclamation point or Pal! Babe! Lover.
  4. I couldn't make him out so well but yeah B) creepy guy is creepy

  5. Bitter Cold

    New Blender Usages

    at first i was like "what" then i was like "eww" then i was like "hey i got the wrong video" so i got the right one but it was essentially the same then I was like "it wasn't that funny" then you changed the title of the entry and I was lured back I hope you're proud of yourself
  6. I'd go with Backfire. 'Cause he's got fire. On his back.
  7. Well do you go by BitterCold? I'm not going to go through the trouble of translating that so :uh: Yeah, but wait how would you guess that unless you knew that, and if you knew that then why would you ask?
  8. Bitter Cold

    More On The Project

    I don't have Skype. I do have a microphone, though, and a lack of Premier Membership. The reason I haven't posted here 'till now is I figured I missed a deadline already. XD
  9. Bitter Cold


    Don't you mean: "What is this I don't even"? ... changing memes slightly is baaaaaad, kids
  10. I don't know what's going on in your sig pic but I like it

  11. "What's in your suitcase?" "...my work."
  12. ha ha that makes no sense cool though don't like the suit design so much as the way the box jumps
  13. > I always imagined the Jabberwocky to be more bird-like > The jaws that bite, the claws that catch note that I probably misquoted that slightly
  14. XD How strange. So use it as a pickup line! =P
  15. oh the title/subtitle meh I don't get it also there had better be at least a small change in this blog every single minute or i will destroy you with my mind beams
  16. Oh hey I just noticed, I know this is off-topic, but! You're on BZPower? =O Sorry 'Boose I just have never seen you around here!
  17. your old name means 'rain' I never caught that
  18. Let me analogize this to Twilight. B) The Twilight Saga is Technic. Eclipse is BIONICLE. It was a part of Technic. Hero Factory is like The Host - Stephenie Meyer still wrote it, but it's a whole different thing. hehe.gif
  19. It's "what is this I don't even". what i don't even
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