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Franz Joseph Haydn

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Everything posted by Franz Joseph Haydn

  1. Oh yeah.

    I missed doing that man.

  2. Smart Phones are extremely expensive to keep running, like, $80 plus dollars a month.
  3. Command a Starship. I know it will never happen, but yeah. It's a Dream. On a more realistic note, Get to brickfair.
  4. Hm, here are some ideas: The Mask of Life shining in the middle of the Toa Nuva, just floating. Them looking at it like they have never seen it before.
  5. I am a Great Wind. I will sweep over this like a....Great Wind!
  6. I, Sev, know for a fact that she will recover very quickly and fully.
  7. I'm throwing you a party. And I will do it. Just watch!
  8. Then four and a half hours of excellently awesome fun.
  9. I hope you do it, that would be awesome. And yes, I plan on seeing that movie. Looks frigging AWESOME.
  10. Hehe. Star Wars Ep II was the first one I ever saw.

  11. That last dude looks like David Tennant.
  12. I am on there too and I can back up that it is absolutely free.
  13. Congradulations LK! That so awesome to hear! I hope you feel better.
  14. Also only if they can be seen in English, cause you know, I don't really speak German.
  15. I can only guess that when I tried watching it a while ago that I didn't like it because it was coming to an end.
  16. The Critics hated Transformers: ROTF to. But I thought that movie was relatively good.
  17. Oh my. That is terrible. I'm so sorry to hear that. I always get terribly worried about that kinda thing when it rais really bad. And once in a while our basement floods. Nothing serious, but still. This is like a realization of a horrible fear and I would hope that it happens to no one, but it obviously has. I'm so sorry to hear that and you will be in my thoughts.
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