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Franz Joseph Haydn

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Everything posted by Franz Joseph Haydn

  1. I will be on all the time. The whole show. All the time.
  2. Then you better secure your feeds, cause I can hack like a bad mother- shut your mouth!
  3. I hope to be one of the hosts!
  4. Just a sec. Imma happy for ya, GJ, Imma let you finish, but I AM GONNA BE THE NEXT BEST Co-HOST OF ALL TIME.
  5. I have Audacity, headphones and a microphone. Skype will have to be arranged.
  6. A red and blue box. VWORP VWORP VWORP.
  8. What. Those are...freaking awesome. But still. I think I have some Mauji Jims that cost A LOT.
  9. Come on guys, it's supposed to be funny.
  10. Aw, thanks! I;m touched, seriously. I have to earn a little more money and I can get it.
  11. It's a dream of mine to have a Macbook Pro, so you should get the Macbook pro.
  12. ...Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Roundpants! Blame it on the Pop 2009 = awesome Exactly! What's your favorite screen name of mine? Dokspit! What should you be doing right now that you aren't? Sleeping What is the IQ of Fantasia? OVER 9000!
  13. Well, I have a thing for Miley, so. :blush:
  14. I agree with "ain't no Sunshine" LOVE IT!
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