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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. (The actual Inferna here. Akaku decided to use my account while I was away ... *rolls eyes in exasperated affection*)

    1. Akaku: Master of Flight

      Akaku: Master of Flight

      It was the cat stepping on the keyboard, i swear!

  2. Woohoo no school tomorrow =D

    1. Kagha


      ._. You lucky Americans. It's -15 degrees here and we still have to make the trek.

  3. College is almost done for me and its terrifying.

  4. Met Kagha in real life yesterday. Only four more Seneca to go till I've met them all!

    1. Toa of Dancing

      Toa of Dancing

      There are a few people from BZP that I want to meet irl. You, Brickeens, Sumiki... Gah, I wish I could travel and stuff.

  5. Question: What do you call a Kodak moment when you don't have a Kodak around?

    1. Grantaire


      I would call a Kodak moment 'A thing whose essence in unknown to me.' :P

  6. Any chance you'll ever get back to me on the KG thing? =P (also, how's college?)

    1. Aych Ehn

      Aych Ehn

      My goodness. |: I am rather late. I'M DEFINITELY KINDA NOT SORTA EXACTLY TOO MUCH ALL THAT ACTIVE ANYMORE (evidently). But I do come here randomly just out of curiosity. Hmm with everything, (because college is really busy but really really fun) I dunno if continuing anything can be a reality at this point in time. xP I am still alive though! Just barely.

      ...Meh maybe I'll come back. Sometime. Later. Yeah. wahaha

  7. Suddenly: snow. Snow EVERYWHERE. AGAIN. *maniacal laughter*

    1. Grantaire


      All I got was one measly half inch... :/

  8. All That Glitters or Dreams of Darkness? That's the question.

    1. Mef Man

      Mef Man

      Is this for the short story contest?

  9. help fallout 4 is eating my souuuul

    1. Dallior


      Welcome to the Souls-Eaten-By-Fallout Club. Have some Coke... just save the caps. I've heard they're useful.

  10. @your post in the COT RPG approval topic: yours is the fourth approval for Pantheon. =)

    1. Noxryn


      Thanks, I just hadn't slept a good 25 hours before posting that xP

  11. Chapter 1 of Reborn is up! Sorry for the wait!

    1. The Forgotten Chronicler

      The Forgotten Chronicler

      It's fine. It happens to all of use every now and then :)

  12. So apparently I've spent four years on this site. I really don't have much of a life, do I?

    1. ObfuscatedCubeEntity


      As far as I've noticed, you've done nothing but look at blogs, and you aren't on very much. You probably have more of a life than most of us.

  13. What a vaction I'm having. Lovely location, great weather, got engaged. ^^

  14. Accepted to Western Washington University! =D

    1. Toa of Dancing

      Toa of Dancing

      Awesome! Have fun with that.

  15. You need to clean out your inbox. =P (BTW, nice to know we'll being playing in an RPG together again.)

    1. Krayzikk


      You know, after looking at my profile feed, I should check here a little more often.


      And yeah, this should be fun.

  16. You're not the only one getting bricked. See my latest post in Kagha's Library for further details.

  17. . . . Anyway, Happy New Year, no matter how long it takes for you to see this. =D

  18. Hey Kagha, your Nidhiki picture is a Hot Topic! Look at the list on the homepage!

  19. For the record: yes, I'm alive, I'm working on stories -- I'm just inactive.

  20. . . . Dude, I just realized we share the same birthdate! :o

  21. New chapter in LoFaW! but you already know that . . . don't you?

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