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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. Fall of Cybertron demo = epic win.

    1. Krayzikk


      Can't wait for the actual game.

    2. Inferna Firesword

      Inferna Firesword

      Less than a week. =D

  2. =(

    1. ~Shockwave~
    2. Inferna Firesword

      Inferna Firesword

      *points at most recent blog entry*


      That should explain things.

    3. ~Shockwave~


      oh... can't really say i know how that feels... sorry though.

  3. And once again, I'm staff in a fast-moving RPG. Kagha's words were never more true. =P

    1. Krayzikk


      What words were thesez?


      And I'm technically staff, but I don't do anything staff-like. XD

    2. Inferna Firesword

      Inferna Firesword

      "Anyway, curse you all and your stupid fast-moving RPG. >.<" ~ Kagha




      Me neither. Basilisk and Zyke pretty much run things; we're just the foot soldiers. xD

    3. Krayzikk


      It's funny. When I was an assistant GM in Techna, the two assistants ran the place almost more than the GMs themselves. We handled almost all of the administrative stuff. In Alignment, we're just the backup. XD

  4. Calling all Transformers fans and role-players! Transformers: Alignment needs players! (like really really badly ;_;)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      More people are into TF, so more people show up. Karz, I haven't heard anything about Kid Icarus other than a commercial.

    3. JiMing



    4. Axilus Prime
  5. My birthday's in four days, and Ak still has dibs on the topic. Anyone who steals or attempts to steal it will be executed with extreme predjudice.

    1. Grantaire


      Too lazy, much too lazy.

    2. Krayzikk


      Too scared, much too scared.

    3. Peach 00

      Peach 00

      I think Alex Humva should be fearing for his life then, as he went to make a birthday topic (though it got deleted) for you without realizing the consequences. =P

  6. Soo, anyone know where EW's been lately?



      exactly what i was wondering..

    2. Inferna Firesword

      Inferna Firesword

      It's not like I'm planning to pester him or anything when he -does- show up again ... =P

    3. Havelock Vetinari

      Havelock Vetinari

      He posted in the BZPRPG GD topic awhile back. He's still active. Sorta.

  7. I only have 14 days left until I turn 18. ._.

  8. Oh I won't sleep tonight~

  9. @your post in the COT RPG approval topic: yours is the fourth approval for Pantheon. =)

    1. Noxryn


      Thanks, I just hadn't slept a good 25 hours before posting that xP

  10. You need to clean out your inbox. =P (BTW, nice to know we'll being playing in an RPG together again.)

    1. Krayzikk


      You know, after looking at my profile feed, I should check here a little more often.


      And yeah, this should be fun.

  11. So apparently I've spent four years on this site. I really don't have much of a life, do I?

    1. ObfuscatedCubeEntity


      As far as I've noticed, you've done nothing but look at blogs, and you aren't on very much. You probably have more of a life than most of us.

  12. Commissions are officially closed until further notice. Sorry, guys. =(

  13. 2 days until Ak's birthday. Anyone that steals the birthday topic from me dies.

    1. Scanty Demon

      Scanty Demon

      Must resist urge to post birthday topic before you!

    2. Inferna Firesword

      Inferna Firesword

      Oh you will. Ak and I have hits planned on whoever dares to defy me. >=D

  14. Rediscovered Teen Titans. How did I forget about it for seven years?

  15. You need to get on AIM more often, or we'll just skip finishing Arc 3 and go straight to Arc 4 (and you won't want to miss that, trust me >=)).

  16. *surprise glomp* ^^

  17. Happy be-lated birthday! =D *internet hug*

    1. Gavla


      Many many thanks, Inferna.

    2. Inferna Firesword

      Inferna Firesword

      Not a problem. ^^

  18. Rest in peace, Heather Braaten.

  19. Question: What do you call a Kodak moment when you don't have a Kodak around?

    1. Grantaire


      I would call a Kodak moment 'A thing whose essence in unknown to me.' :P

  20. Any chance you'll ever get back to me on the KG thing? =P (also, how's college?)

    1. Aych Ehn

      Aych Ehn

      My goodness. |: I am rather late. I'M DEFINITELY KINDA NOT SORTA EXACTLY TOO MUCH ALL THAT ACTIVE ANYMORE (evidently). But I do come here randomly just out of curiosity. Hmm with everything, (because college is really busy but really really fun) I dunno if continuing anything can be a reality at this point in time. xP I am still alive though! Just barely.

      ...Meh maybe I'll come back. Sometime. Later. Yeah. wahaha

  21. Thanks for the review! =D

  22. *insert random shoutout to you here*

  23. Suddenly: snow. Snow EVERYWHERE. AGAIN. *maniacal laughter*

    1. Grantaire


      All I got was one measly half inch... :/

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