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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. Good thing the gearheads in my bike class were able to fix it. ^^

  2. ;_; *is rather sad at the moment*

  3. Dang you Exo. Alex said I was the one to post his topic. =P

  4. never mind its ESO that's ransoming my soul. still bethesda nonetheless

  5. Caught the Giant Horse in BotW! Named her Astara :)

  6. Care to elaborate further, oh enlightened on?[/sarcasm]

  7. You have the Crystal Beasts?! Okay, I totally envy you now. I've been trying to make that deck, with limited success.

  8. My old resentment about the game and my group aside, I'd forgotten how much I like ESO. Except when I'm fighting an enemy that's clearly cheating and won't let me heal.

  9. My pleasure. >=D *prepares her weapons and defenses*

  10. I know, right? Those games are -awesome-. =D

  11. Yup. Black Cat's claws are . . . whatever that metal was. *does not remember how to spell it*

  12. *ditto what Midnight said*

  13. *gets glomped*

    Nice to see you too, Zev. =D

  14. *Fearless Leader draws sword* >=D

  15. *glances at quote block #1* No it's not. I think you're seeing things, Zar. =P

  16. Repicheep the 22nd? Nice name change.

  17. . . . You have to fall down SOMETIME!!!

    *switches to Kanohi Etome, Mask of Intanglbility*

  18. That's the spirit! ^^

  19. "A birthday is like a cat: you wake up one morning and it's right there in your face!" - Some birthday card I saw once

    =P Happy belated birthday, Akaku! *glomps*

  20. *attacks because of Rule 21*

  21. The point's made, though, right? =P

  22. Blame CapK. He got me obsessed. :P

  23. Why are you hunting me? The bounty on Zarayna's head is 3,000,000 widgets now -- three times as much as mine. =P

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