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Inferna Firesword

Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Status Updates posted by Inferna Firesword

  1. I'm a good person? :D Thank you!

    And yes, I was using a translator.

  2. What do you mean about #13? *is a bit confused*

  3. I have TWO Salamence. Beat that!

  4. Dude, we're warning you. If you don't get back and into the game NOW, we're outta the RPG.

  5. For the record, I'm 14, like my profile says. 6 is just the minimum age limit.

  6. Considering that it's a location that plays a part in my epic, yes, I'm sure it's The Cavern of Souls. :D

  7. Be glad that Japoro hasn't seen that; he's probably as sick of being teased about it as I am.

  8. Anyone seen Vak? I'm not sure if Retribution will be able to last much longer without him. =/

  9. YAY PLUSLE AND MINUM!!! *hugs both . . . along with my Infernape*

  10. Weird is good. Normal is boring IMO. Which do you think I'd choose?

  11. True that. I've been self-medicating with horseradish and salt water, though, and that helps =P

  12. No. Everyone has preferances. But what did they say about it?

  13. The ones that allow her to disappear when people's backs are turned. =P

  14. *Bows* Thank you, thank you very much. [/Evis voice]


  15. You, EW, are funny. I say this fully, with none of the irony or sarcasm that I'm famous for around my house. Gah, why am I talking all formal? ._. >

  16. Huh. Not sure what to say to that.

    In other news, how's the Visotoran MOC going?

  17. Pretty much that your character, Kagha's bat, and that other dude all arrived at their destination. =D

  18. *whistles* *sends my pet dragon after you*

  19. Methinks you need to get on AIM again. =P

  20. Started with a Word document or two, and kept adding on from there. =P

  21. That's an understatement. I'm working on a way to remove the explosives, since not being able to shake hands is irritating. =P

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