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Everything posted by Kame

  1. Kame

    A Preview Of Sorts.

    Oh! Does Dog the Bounty Hunter wield it?
  2. You're a horrible person, just for that.
  3. Kame

    Hey, Hating-people

    Wait wait wait....people hate you? But you're greatness in puffin form.
  4. Kame


    Dunno what it says but I know the 'secret' << *is all observant*
  5. Wow, quite the shock, indeed. He was a good actor. Still hard to believe. May he rest in peace.
  6. Kame


    But soups are delicious. And easy.
  7. Kame

    Memory Card Data Corrupted

    *insert obligatory comment here*
  8. Hate to be a bother, but I was still wondering if you wanted those pieces. I figured maybe you had overlooked my PM earlier. Just let me know Via PM. Thanks ^_^

  9. The radio show was great. You're voice wasn't that surprising, honestly. It did sound human, after all. =P And a question about ToyFair, if I may ask. When in February is it, again?
  10. Kame

    Your Winning Lotto Numbers

    Drat! I thought for sure I'd win this time.
  11. I believe he meant 12 total entries, otherwise it wouldn't be worth making polls. @ Lluvio:See here.
  12. Kame

    Black Mages Return

    Just got both of em in the mail today (rush delivery is awesome). And...well...I love em. Alot.
  13. Eh. Its alright. Don't mind me, just expressing opinions.
  14. Of the top of my head (concerning the III and IV characters) I'd say Evoker and Blue Mage.
  15. Not much to add here. 'Cept how much I love the nunchuks.
  16. The Kepesh is the giant sword. It was made by Heir of the Chronicler. Your's had weird proportions, mainly in the hands and arms. Threw the whole MOC off.
  17. Kame

    Summer Sets

    I'm not that worried about the summer sets right now, for two reasons. A. The leaked pictures that are floating around are probably preliminary, thus they aren't what I'll most likely be buying.. (Assuming they're even real ) B. I'm more anxious to read/hear these winter serials.
  18. Kame

    Black Mages Return

    I'm not gonna lie. This is the first I've heard of them. But I'm very interested in this new album, and must now track down the other two.
  19. Please find something else for the chest plates...
  20. Kame

    Final Polls

    Toa Ausar...the arm armor just rocks.
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