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Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Kame

  1. This is now my favorite comic strip ever.
  2. Kame


    @ 30G iPod: 80's better @ Bose Dock:I hate you @ Shawshank: Good movie. Really good.
  3. I should go to Dallas...
  4. Kame

    Semi-final Polls

    Poll 1:Toa_Ausar Poll 2: Shadow Rahkshi Poll 3: CzaR
  5. Kame

    Preliminary Polls

    My vote for Poll 1: kyuubi My vote for Poll 2: Toa_Ausar My vote for Poll 3: Shadow Rahkshi
  6. Nice, nice. But the Matoran went from 'carving' to 'working'.
  7. Kame

    Winged Toa

    Imagines a flap of these wings creating a firestorm or some such (depending on the element)*
  8. Kame

    So, So Close

    QFT Also, iPods are <3. P.s.- Reanimate your feet.
  9. Thats good to hear. Hope things work out for you
  10. Kame

    Nintendo Swag

    Great game. I played the heck out of it.
  11. YES! I've been saying this for years. But nobody wants to admit that he's dangerous. Why? Because they're afraid of what he'd do to them...Snowmen threatening our society....ridiculous.
  12. Kame


    I see. I quite like it Very very nice comic, as well. I'm quite fond of the mask doodles as well. Will you never cease to amaze me?
  13. Kame


    Those Avo-Matoran are better. And whats an Araho?
  14. I dunno if you've figured this out yet, but you've got a problem with procrastinating on your WIPs.
  15. Okay.

    *leaves comment*

  16. Kame


    *dislikes approval stamps that are too big* *edits to thank you for fixing it*
  17. Kame

    Antroz And Radiak

    So Tridak is in fact the official name for the pods? Good to know. Very interesting stuff about both of 'em. Good to see a Makuta with a sense honor. And the Shadow Matoran also have special abilities when with a Makuta? Interesting. Is this applicable to -all- Shadow Matoran? Or only the ones that were once Av-Matoran?
  18. Kame


    Very creative uses, if I do say so myself. These new Makuta keep getting better.
  19. Those pictures...they're from/for the new DS version, correct? (I can't wait to replay it) EDIT: Not 'from'...but they've been released in the wake of the new one, is more what I meant. Very nice, captured the essence of Rydia and Edge.
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