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Everything posted by BULiK

  1. Nice name JKK!The reference to you-know-what makes me laugh.are we going to see a new topic soon?oh yeah, you just need some progress :
  2. you can biuld buildings out of canisters, remwmber how the mahri canistwers cout be made into Mocs because they had axel holes? that was awesome
  3. doesnt she die in the episode 3 (movie) deleted scenes?
  4. how did you get all these pieces in ldd? half the pieces you use arent in ldd when i look!
  5. it took you about 20 minutes to post this after the story went up on the front page.tehy look nice, and each set has "game points" for some supposed online game.but the packaging? seriously? zippered baggies?that is just disgraceful.thanks gatanui for reporting this story, it's a sign that the sets are coming soon
  6. well there are still 5 other temples out there *sticks out tongue*and I'm sure i'll wind up bumping into you guys sooner of later, if you do the po-wahi temple next (turn left to the first giant head in the desert you see xD)
  7. IC:"well, according to that merchant over there" nichou whispered back, nudging his elbow towards the matoran deep in conversation with the bartender, 30 feet away."a couple days back. around the time we entered kini-nui"
  8. MY matoran has years of experience, while black mage just found out his powers recently. 'nuff said
  9. according to the new pictures of HF sets & boxes just now released, each set has "game points"200 points for canister sets, according to the boxes(even though they are zipper bags) and 500 points for the titans.this implies a HF gameEDIT: some of the "larger" canister sets have 300 points
  10. just do "bionicle fan made 3d fps"it is temporary, you know.
  11. IC:Nichou made a large gulp of his "refreshing beverage" of bula juice (mixed with various different flavors), which, as every matoran with half the brain of a brakas knew, was know for its many uses in rejuvinating energy.He hadnt made any comments as of yet, but he didnt want to reveal much about himself. He was eating some cooked mahi with a rather large side of fried seaweed. He usually didn't like seafood, but with the right spices and being fried, seaweed tasted alot better, In his opinion.While Dece (Now his close friend) asked a question for Stannis, Nichou was listening to the others at the Inn.He overheard the bartender talking to a merchant about the merchant's recent travels. The merchant had been buying some produce in Le-koro. As the merchant's story continued, the Merchant was leaving on his ussal cart, when suddenly a le-matoran fell to his death. how pitiful... Nichou thought. there was a giant funeral procession, and at that part in his tale, the merchant said who the le-matoran was. Tamaru. Nichou racked his brain, where have I heard that before? Nichou splurted out his bula juice as be realized that tamaru, member of the chroniclers company, who helped defend kini nui as the toa went into the depths from which they never emerged...Nichou began to whisper, so he would draw as much attention as he did with his giant spit-take."tamaru is dead" he whispered with a serious tone.ooc: cue the scary music: "dun-dun-dun"time to speed this up I hope i didnt mess things up *crosses fingers*
  12. AHA! I was reading the ga-wahi topic, and i realized some puny toa of crystal was "carving" a fake charm....and then I thought, "bah, I dont care about those mercenary scum, I should focus on my character, nichou....... the carpenter...... who carves stuff out of wood.......*eureka moment* such as fake charms! *dances* "but alas, I am in po-wahi. but if any of you mercs.... want a proffesional carver..... you get the idea
  13. yeah, whats up with tuck? he hasn't been active in while....
  14. your going to add ragdolls?Awesome! thats what i was hoping for!i like games where i get to kick ragdoll dead enemies into lava, off cliffs, into minefields, etc.
  15. I yeah, yeah, i hate that glitch. I still havent beat onu koro at all >.<
  16. that does nor remind me of Hal 9000 at allthe hips were a bit skinny and the hands were kinda small and not holding anything....BUT, the way that you use the HF feet as a revese knee joint in the legs was truly genious, and even though I can barely see it, it looks like you put a lot of work into reinforcing the torso
  17. even piell is the short jedi dude with the scar on one eye, that dies at the end of the citidel rescue trilogy.ohhh... i just cant wait till the new episode!
  18. I've read all the books twice, and strangly enough, my moms friend wants me to watch it with her when it comes out, because her kids are too young and her husband doesn't want to.it is exciting, but considering how gory the books were, the movie might be kinda... graphic
  19. hmm... sure. and does the turaga include testing all the staffs?I'll start recoloring after I play some portal 2 and steel storm.
  20. wow... this was great.it had lots of emotion and meaning, and I now think of the bohrok differently.I'm assuming the leader was a bohrok kal, and that was a swarm of tahnok that got blasted into orbit, correct?the ending was really happy, the way that the speaker begins to care for the bohrok throughout the story is very comforting.
  21. I saw that...but that was a couple days ago, and i have been a little patient, and he said he would do it soon
  22. Are you (bonesiii) going to put up the other paracosmos epics so we dont have to go to the archive?
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