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Everything posted by BULiK

  1. too bad it's not the 2012 HF sets D:
  2. there are keys that you need to get. when uo get all the keys you finish
  3. happy b day!!!and isnt this suppposed to go in general discussion?
  4. there is a link to the mnolg unofficial soundtrack in a post in the BOGA topic
  5. *claps* good choice, and i think Empirestrikesback is the best of the original trilogy, and battlefront 2 is my favorite PS2 game, but seriousy? Revenge of the sith outranks Empire strikes back
  6. [*]This would involve a mountain of artwork; 3 powers per class, 3 * 12 = 36 different animation sets. And that's if the Skakdi + Rahkshi have completely identical-looking powers to the Toa + Vahki. look, it wont be that hard to model the attacks. its just mostly particle affects and you could have the same animation for each toa to start out. a weapon slash, a lunge (that shoots an element)and a throwing motion for an off-hand attack (the bonfire)
  7. *puts on bullet proof vest and gas mask* "YES SIR!"
  8. i think i fixed itEDIT: the folder should be public now.
  9. not without having a big lego lawsuit against them. the online serials are official property of lego, so lego would take it to court.
  10. good pointi prefer, like in RC, you start out with standard weapons, (no classes) and you find all the cool stuff around the map or looting from kills.although, with the whole elements thing, that wouldnt work out.but having a sorta physics thing would be cool, like as you said, sand and fire= glass. so toa could combine their powers to do stuff, examplea toa of water is walking around, and two enemy skakdi jump out and attack her. the skadki are using their elemental powers because they can use them when they are together. the toa of water does a wide burst attack (almost like a shotgun) that would effectively weaken the skakdi of fire's flamethrower attack. but then the ice skakdi uses his off-hand attack, freezing all the water, which drops to the ground, so that the fire skakdi can burn the toa to death, but then a toa of ice on a nearby rooftop fire a grenade like elemental attack, which, after hitting the ground, send small fragments into the air and freezing the feet of anybody in the nearby area. the fire skakdi uses his flamethrower to speed up the melting of the ice around his feet, while the ice skakdi (being ice, so he isnt affected by the freeze grenade) shoots his primary elemental attack at the toa of water which was starting to fire more water at the skadki. suddenly a rahkshi of poison jumps in and fires a streeam of poison at all of them. he poisoned the water that was being shot out, and so temporarily the water attack did more damage, which kiled the ice skadki. the rahkshi switches to it's secondary elemental attack(all its energy (ammo) drained), and starts shooting out small bolts of poison (like a infinite ammo weak pistol)wow, that was alot of writing. my point was: have elements affect other elements
  11. I never figured out how to hack D:one time some guy made a hacked server where everybody had only a pistol and 50 thermal dets. you couldnt pick up weapons either. it was soo fun.
  12. Seriously?although, from what it sounded like they were saying in the full article, it seems that they might be making another servive. and remember, Designbyme used to be called LEGO factory, so maybe this is just a name change and a "new interface" that would be
  13. I think I actually prefer each class getting only one (or maybe more) weapon, and then having to use only that weapon for the duration of the game. Team Fortress 2 went with this approach - you can't pick up weapons lying around the map - and this makes people think more about which class they want to use. Probably this. Plus, that way it's mostly fair, since everyone has access to them, and it gives you a temporary advantage (which could be limited by say, only a small amount of ammo for no way to refill it.) If elements are going to be classes, how exactly would it work? (masks could work like perks, with say, a volitak as a ghost perk, or kakama for an unlimited sprinting perk.)edit: @JKK: They were kinda element-based, but with each element being a certain type of weapon (stone=rocket launcher, earth=RPG, water=infantry, fire=heavy weapons, ice=sniper, air=rifleman.)Having each element have different abilities like in BH sounds good; the only thing I'm worried about is sticking too close to an element-based theme. For example, BH basically introduced rocket launchers and RPGs into the Bionicle universe, because TT wasn't afraid to deviate from the normal element-based weapon style that Bionicle often uses, and had a better, more creative array of weapons as a result.Having each mask give a custom ability sounds interesting, but I wouldn't want to do it because 1) makes classes less important 2) throws the entire game out of balance - imagine a heavy running around with Kiril 3) is hard to implement; drawing a bunch of masks is no small task 4) doesn't really make sense for the Chaos team - how do Skakdi wear masks? [*]BH was willing to step away from element-based weapons for the most part, and it worked beautifully. Additionally, like I said before, using purely element/mask-based powers would probably mean the game would be less creative. Also, I believe zamor spheres, squid launchers, and Rhotuka launchers count as non-element-based weapons. [*]How can a new player be overwhelmed by probably less than 10 total classes?[*]Unlockables are a reason to keep playing, but there are plenty of other, more long-lasting, reasons. Take a look at both Quake III Arena (probably the greatest [and earliest] networked FPS of all time) and its descendant, Warsow. Neither game included unlockables, though you could pick up weapons strewn around the map. Why do people keep playing both games? Because they want to beat other people with pure skill. They want to be the best in tournaments. Beating other people purely on account of skill is a great feeling, and unlockables can really take it away. 1. Maybe I have to play Bionicle Heroes again, but I thought that the weapons were very element-based. However, I think that Bionicle is more about abilities than weapons, and I think that adding RPG-style abilities (but not the ability to level up, of course) in addition to a primary weapon would make this feel a lot more Bionicle-like.2. I think we settled on twelve: six Toa/Skakdi, six Vahki/Rahkshi. You're right, though, it's not a lot and if we organize it well (check out Team Fortress 2's class selection: their nine classes are split into three categories: offense, defense, and support) a new player will be able to jump right in.3. You're right - the disadvantages of unlockables far outweigh anything we'd gain. Maybe we could do achievements to get some easy replayability?[*]Bionicle is only about abilities in the specific case of Toa. There are plenty of weapons that aren't element based, like Kanoka disk launchers, zamor sphere launchers, and squid launchers, to name a few.[*]Achievements aren't all that exciting, IMHO; having the ability to play against other human beings (and the occasional bot) online is all you need. achievements create more replayability. i wouldnt say, after a few weeks of a game being release without achievents, "I feel like destroying peopl online :trollface:"if there are various achievments, like killstreaks, having a certain number of kills, kill ratio, number of deaths, etc. would make me want to keep on playing, so i could earn more towars the achievments.
  14. yeah, something i did really quick, sorry for bad photo qualitygalleryFixing turretscared guyoverviewotheralso, i thought i would advertise my other topic with mocs
  15. the last game i played was blocks that matter
  16. good point, but i have some contradctions and additions.1. i agree with that2. nothing wrong there3. hmm, good point4. he didnt use it, but he he didnt use it, but he just put it in the "spherical chamber"5. you forgot to mention that he revealed it to vezonalso, adding to your theory:according to bs01: that seems fitting for a GBand a GB would be mentally defensive that way he could control his creations, which a GB would want to do.comments, critisism?
  17. in the yard at my grandparents house, i found a black kakama even though i lost it years before at a different house.
  18. I'm also interested in the sky blue pakari......this wont turn out good
  19. ah, yes. alfred hitchcock's stuff is amazing. especially the 39 steps, which is my personal favorite
  20. I lol'd the whole time. I didnt like the excessive gore when people got killed. so did levi do all the special affects?
  21. BULiK


  22. from what various bronies are saying, I'm starting to think it's more of the theme that is "girly", not the stuff in it
  23. dont forget cordak blasters. they would be the "rocket launchers" of the game :biggrin:i like being able to pick up weapons around the map, because then, you arent confined too the one weapon of the class you picked
  24. there isnt a "manage blogs" tab. but int the blog q&a it has a link to where that would have been, thanks.
  25. Alright, I know that everybody has premier perks for atleast a month, and I've been tryng to make a blog, because of the new premier perks for all members.I tried commenting a question at the blog hq, but it has been over a week and no reply.so how do I create my blog?
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