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Everything posted by BULiK

  1. i first thought this was a prank.i wish it was.i mean, they spent OVER 3 YEARS working on this, and then they close it after a year?man, i would have bought a few months if it was $5 a month, but $10 is way over my limit.it just sad the way they went down. i'd be fine boycotting them. I'd spread the word too!i hope this is a prank, and the'll say "november fools"
  2. I'm gonna be at my grandparents this weekend (starting now) so all in EW's t4eam can use nichou until i get back becasuse i wont be online much
  3. well thats why you buy the PS2 gam because all playstation games of older versions work on a ps3, duh.
  4. yeah, and i think the new pilot helmet is pretty cool, IMO
  5. ooc: ill be gone a couple hours, if you guys move, just use my char until i get back IC:there was a call as lepridan was finished climbing down. nichou then began rappeling down the line.
  6. sure, ill do it after my mom and i get back from seeing her friend's duaghter's son.
  7. yeah, like a certain type of vahki hit would be like a flashbang, and ( i havent tried one on other games) it would be like repub commando, where there is a flash and about 5 seconds of dazed stuff with the camera hard to move, and kickback really messes with your aim.
  8. I'm trying to manage my ingore prefs, but the buttons dont work
  9. VICTORY you said it xDthe cake is a lie meme is overused, even in portal 2 xD.and who madehttp-~~-//www.swfcabin.com/swf-files/1267927742.swfbecause i'd like to see a cave johnson lemon rant one. censored, of course.
  10. I'm tOo coOl the use punctaTion duhlol, jk. i usually dont do capitals in a sentence, but i dont do puncuation when it is the last sentence of the post
  11. Zahn was the worst in my opinion. Read some of Karen Traviss's work.ah, those RC novels were..... sorta ok.i havent read that many SW novels, but i cant wait to find out what happens to rex. he isnt featured in SW: episode 3 (the movie) , so he can die.season 4 has been pretty cool sofar. but that gungan general dying was just sad, that his sacrfice was in vain at the end of the episode.umbara looks promising, and it kinda reminded me of landing at point rain, which started the best SW CW episode trilogy evar (geonosis re-invasion)does anybody realize that the new general could be a traitor. at the end of the episode, he walked away, and then the clones , not him, came under attack, AFTER HE WALKED AWAYkinda suspisous to medoes anybody play star wars republic commando?
  12. My brother has it for steam. he has played (according to steam) over 90 hours on it xD
  13. huh, you guys are really starting to sound like you want battlefront 2 xD.its just, it this was a small map game, like tf2, then having over 4 different species would be, IMO, very claustrophobic, because if every player was a squad of bohrok, that bttelfront 2 for ya xD.and bohrok could be the "bots" in the game, because that would make more sense, with the ki for vahki for the order team, except without all those painful staff powers.
  14. i got my vahi for $10 along with some throwbot and tohunga parts. I was about 9 at the time so i forgot i didnt have the money and my brother had to pay for them xD
  15. IC:"i'm fine with that" nichou said, looking at his comrade's and waitign for their answer.
  16. i loved the rought draft fights. did you use ms paint for that?
  17. I didnt see one so I decided to make one :Pdiscuss the game, and arrange servers & times here!I did not think this is to be discussed in the official star wars topic because this is a specific game and not the entire star wars universe :Pi hope that (if i see enough people who own it) one of us could create a server and post it here. if anybody is opening a server, than try to shoot me a pm and i'll try to meet you in the match.my character name is Max.
  18. no, look in the new forum patch topic to see hwat happens
  19. i jusat tried to link in a post and it happened again!and practicly all my posts are copied and pasted because of that glitch
  20. @nightrider2000. i saw the war vs bronies video, and i liked it other than the language. and you have a robotech macross action figure? lucky.yeah i skipped a couple pages, but it probably was just more flame warsand this was so funny:http://www.swfcabin.com/swf-files/1267927742.swf
  21. i would prefer (IMO) that you post it here so others (like me) can use it
  22. i think greg should change his mind about kapura. im sure the GBs made failsafe codes that kapura used to bypass the mind wipe
  23. i dont think that was the fridge.....
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