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Everything posted by -Absorba-

  1. I'm very sorry, Black Six. Gatanui already told me via PM and I was about to remove it myself, but the forums weren't very cooperative with me. Thanks for removing it for me. Besides, I think we all got the point, and the bill was rejected anyways... so.... point made.Anyways, Part 4 is coming in just a bit.
  2. aw, if that's how your Thanksgivings are, then I pity you.Thankfully, mine takes place in October.
  3. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGSPOILERS!!!!!!!!!Political content removed. -B6PLOTFORTHERESTOFTHESERIES!!!!!!!11!!!!1!!1!11!1[/url]Yes, I know the bill was rejected, but I had to post this sometime.
  4. You know the drill by now.Comics Without X Part 4
  5. Well im glad I'm in 7th :Pdialogue doesnt seem like it would be difficult, it's just thinking of and typing words :Palthough the noob guy with the pakari would be hard to type.........BTW, how did you make the explosion affects, it looks like the cheap mas paint stuff, but i was just wondering. as well as for the backroundsActually, for dialogue, I have to make sure the dialogue fits the atmosphere, and atmosphere is kind of a big deal in epics. Don't want to make them sound repetitive, dull, laughable, or, the worst-case scenario, annoying as all @#$&. Also, jokes take some time to write for me to be actually hilarious.As for the explosions, I use explosions. Here's a process:KabloooieIn case you're wondering, this thing took me twenty minutes to get to the final part. Imagine doing an entire 40-something-frame-long comic with these.
  6. Yeah, but with constant resizing, background making, effect making, and most of all, dialogue, it takes out a lot. Also, 9th grade is actually pretty dang hectic.
  7. Just a filler.Comics Without X Part 3
  8. My god, that's a long comic.Anyways, this reminds me of my first comic series, Absorbed Studios. Anyways, let me give you the advice I was given back then:First off, while I admire simplicity, the backgrounds are kind of bland. I know those colors for the background on sight. The default colors for a regular MS Paint. It's not bad, of course, but a little variety pattern or just a simple custom color could help brighten it up.Second, try to be able to add more expression to the characters. For example, Jon in the first few panels doesn't seem very hot... just a small pose and a default sweat drop. Also, Duckfan doesn't look too passed out in the third panel. Try adding more sweat and make him look a little shriveled up.Next, if you're going to make such large panels for your comics, take advantage of this by adding more close-ups via enlarging the characters. Having them all the same size all the time is kind of boring after a while.With that aside, while you have a lot to work on, you actually are doing quite well. I actually laughed a couple times and it looks like you have potential. Try experiment with GIMP to add some effects, and it could help emphasize the humor.I'll be keeping an eye out for these comics, and give you some tips from time to time... until then, farethee well.
  9. Those Darkness monsters sure look like the Shades from my comics.Only more awesome-looking. With actual thought in their designs.Anyways, while I'm not a huge fan of story-driven short epics, but these are really good! Graphics are nice, it's pretty funny.... and that last comic was awesome. I demand more action sequences! >o<
  10. Yeah.... it took me freaking forever to make that explosion effect at the end.Anyways, I'm honestly surprised I didn't get that many posts now. By now, I'd have, like... five.
  11. Sorry about it, but the forums were down. Here's the third:Part 3I got some more PGSs to come in Part 4.
  12. Wow, I just realized something in common with all the posters up until now..
  13. Wait, what the heck happened to the GS comics with me, Kazi and Eleven?
  14. If you want to PGS, I have no other applications. Just submit your Personality and RZMIK sprites.Anyways, I'm just about done Part 3, so just entertain yourself with another "Comics Without X" of one of my close associates, Vataki. 'njoy.http://www.majhost.c...5/TAS2/vahi.png
  15. Yeah, the non-text one is great.So Gav, what's the update on the QandA comic?
  16. Oh.... I forgot about you during the time I made this.But hey, I can do you next! Click
  17. Okay, I'm starting a new experimental subseries, simply known as:COMICS WITHOUT X!This is where I take another person's comic, containing two or more characters, with a random and silly setup, and remove one of the characters to make it......More silly.With that said, let's do one with one of Gavla's comics!Comics Without X 1This is not a mockery in any way, it's just a tribute to another comic series that's in actual newspapers. Guess which one it is.
  18. *laughs* Who GRABS a "bug"?
  19. Good choice, Gav, good choice. I don't know about you, but I think it turned out fine.
  20. Is that an off lightsaber he's holding?
  21. Oh wow, that's a lot of posts. Anyways, I've officially confirmed my position at: Oh, by God, is that terrifying.
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