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Everything posted by -Absorba-

  1. Well, it's very time consuming, and unlike sprites, it's very limited for characters. Ever tried to do a stop-motion video with these guys? Yeah, I forgot that. Call that the regular flub; first of the season. BTW, normally, if I enlarge a rotated sprite, I usually just sort of blur it. Lazy, but it works. What, you've never noticed that was EEMALF!? Neat coincidence. Sure, you should just find it here.
  2. Okay, okay, that was just filler. Here's the real comic!Part 2!
  3. Enjoy this edit: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/jackstone885/icons/tale1sit.png
  4. Yes, I actually remember the Super Chiro Stomp from April! Seriously, someone needs to actually make a game out of that.
  5. But seriously, though, great PSA.
  6. How do you "see" laugh tracks? The only way that would work is if there were lines of text telling you when to laugh or not. ... But... now that I think of it... Yeah, electric weapons are awesome, aren't they?
  7. THE FIRST COMIC OF STORY II: Part 1 I'm sorry, but I'm very lazy right at the moment, which is why it's much shorter. Also, I'm not wanting to start the actual epic for a couple more comics. I feel like wanting to do some more sitcom-style for the moment.
  8. God, I hated the squid launcher. Just perfectly describes my thoughts on it. Are you going to be making further comics like this soon?
  9. Let's hope that my character's condition doesn't cause that. Anyways, pretty funny comic. Seriously though, your health, or your paycheck? *pretends hands are scales* Have fun with your cold!
  10. But still, half a year to update a forum? It's kind of... well, no disrespect to the admins, but.... it was torture.
  11. Anyways, here's a new story!Loading...
  12. Oh, this oughta be interesting.
  13. Yay, it's back, and it's so squishy!
  14. The Companion Cube isn't actually alive (Glados actually repeatedly says it's not) However, a former scientist in Aperture Sciences named Doug Rattman went insane and obsessed that the cube was alive. Creepy, eh?
  15. Yeah, Fullmetal Alchemist was some of the inspiration for it. With the regenerating villans, but the biggest tribute is probably the character, Kary, who is pretty much Envy, with her snobby personality and shapeshifting powers. FMA was pretty much my childhood. I learned Japanese just to read this series. *sigh* Too bad it's almost over. Oh, and I hated the first anime. The second one's actually pretty good, but I prefer the manga most.
  16. Those were the days, weren't they? The days where you knew your place as servant and mine as master....... Hold that thought: The ThreeYear HunaYep. Them Hunas are so overrated.... Master, huh?Okay, MASTER...Back to Wun Shaed for you... And Huna's, no offense to any one, ARE TERRIBLE.You turn invisible, but you still cast a shadow. Pointless. But in my world, there are no shadows! Consistency!? What's that!?
  17. Hold that thought: The ThreeYear Huna
  18. Can you make some sort of pre-made poses sheet? It would really be convenient, especially to people who make RZ comics. Seriously, it's annoying having to arrange all the parts for every pose.
  19. Flammee is pronouced like "Flame-eey". Yeah, I know, I was a noob when I made up that name. But since he's one of my first original characters, I decided to keep the name. But with a design change. Originally, he was just a plain red matoran with a Great Huna.
  20. Did you see me, or Leka, or anyone else in there?
  21. A story of a... erm... whale that.... um... eats the boy?
  22. Insanity at its finest. But anyways, cool, a Bionicle-Portal comic! Awesome. "Aperture Science... We do what we must, because we can."
  23. Oh, god help me. And Cavelrick. And Kazi. But mainly me.
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