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Everything posted by -Absorba-

  1. It would make a nice cup, if not for the stinkin' eye holes on it!I particularily like the title of this one. It's actually a very witty retort to itself.
  2. Er.... um. Look over there, a picture of a cat in a bottle!Fine, let me just say it was because of real time constraints. Sorry.
  3. Still wondering, if that arm didn't know that it was a robot, what did it think it was before?
  4. Wait, if he didn't know he was part of a robot, what did he think he was before!?
  5. -Absorba-


    Your location is underground?Never would've thought that.How's the character sheet going?
  6. Random internet surfing. Funny story, my sister thought that this would've been a good idea. I'm actually thinking that may be a good story point, but.... a relationship with a robot and a metal box would be kind of awkward, wouldn't it? >_> Um... I can't find it in your comics.BTW, I made mention of that! Look at the extra at the first post on this page!
  7. Hey, it's Valentine's Day.CompanionshipTrust me, I've felt this the hard way.
  8. Holy @#$!, that thing is cool!Now if only I had one of those Gaia Memories, my life would be complete As well as my empire.Um, disregard that last line, but if Dopants are really going to be the replacements for matoran, Bionicle's world is doomed.
  9. Wow. That's actually emotionally gripping.AGAIN, IT'S JUST AN ARM WITH PAINT!Making something like that that lovable takes a lot of talent.
  10. Was that done in Blender? Sure looks like it.I'm a little concerned about the colors. Most are kind of mismatched, and the heads are a little thin.Ah well. Trust me, I've used Blender, and it's hard, so I won't blame you. If it's not, I still won't, because it's pretty much the same with all 3d-sprites.
  11. We feel drama for a robot's arm. Covered in paint.Bravo, Gavla, you've made inanimate objects surprisingly interesting!
  12. -Absorba-


    You sure? I just went through all the comics, and I don't see any grammatical or spelling errors (except the one he pointed out in the first frame of the second)
  13. -Absorba-


    Just... awesome. This is by far some of the best art in a comic here on this site. And considering the amount of great artistry here on this forum, that's saying a lot.Already, I can tell these characters are gonna be great, if not formulaic, and the art style is just plain adorable.Also, the C-comics (how should I refer to them) are not only adorable, but pretty clever (the ones regarding Lewa and Pohatu are pretty interesting.)If you'll excuse me, I have a PGS form to send in.
  14. Yeah, that last frame, honestly, I just love.Sure, it'd probably tick off bronies, but I just had to make that image, as it was too funny in my mind.
  15. 1. How hard you worked on this, honestly, is a bit irrelevant to the quality of the final product.2. If you have trouble spelling, can't you just copy it to Microsoft Word and spellcheck it?3. If this is meant to make "teachers cringe," then let me ask, WHY ARE YOU SUGGESTING WE DO THE POSITIVE ONES? That'll still make them "cringe," and let's face it, I don't think it's possible to make that reaction in a positive way.4. The play system.... really.... I don't get. The last row, I have no idea what that was about. Could you possibly explain better?5. A minor nitpick, but your text size is pretty inconsistent. Sorry.6. If you were using GIMP, it really doesn't show. What exactly did you use it for? Judging by all the content in the comic, I think it'd have to be select areas in the text. If that was the case, why didn't you just do all of it in GIMP, as opposed to the different sizes of GIMP and Paint?7. Please, please don't use a bleep sound like in the first panel. I commonly censor it in my comics as part of a joke, but here, it comes off more as you deliberately trying to sound mature, making you look more like a child, and generally rude.8. Please don't use intros like that. Seriously, Dark709, lavaside rahi, Gavla, do any near-professional-level comic topics have ANYTHING LIKE THAT? No. I know it seems nice at first, but it comes off more noobish, as it seems you're putting more dedication into a few lines of someone else's work on the topic than the actual comic itself.9. By far, the most important thing I need to identify:What does this have to do with Bionicle for that matter?Just because you put a bohrok with a poorly slapped-on Hau Nuva on it DOESN'T MAKE IT COUNT AS A BIONICLE COMIC. Bionicle or Bionicle characters have to be the focus! You can't just put a "production notice" with a Bionicle charcter on it to make it a Bionicle comic.
  16. Okay, here's something I've made just for fun to be a double-purpose:What all the personality cards R-100 has, and the opinions on MLP:FIM.The 8 ReactionsSpecial thanks to JiMing for indirectly providing the picture of.... god... do I really have to say the name?
  17. Good news, bad news, and more good news!Good news is:PART 6 IS NOW OUT!*applause follows*Now for the bad news:I'm going to be on a temporary hiatus on That Adventure Series for at least this month.Why? Well, that leads to the MORE GOOD NEWS!That's because I'm currently working on the Comic Contest!Oh yeah, haven't heard?Yes, I'm going to take part in this. Make sure you vote for me! (egotist)Also, I'm working on a secret one-shot. Don't tell, guys who are involved in it!Don't worry, I'm not going to not make extras. Expect one soon. :biggrin:EDIT: Nevermind, here's the extra!
  18. Die or sleep, either way, he's standing up.Turning your brain off while standing up and still doing so is awesome.
  19. This is what you call, my friends:THE PRO EDU-TECHNATION!This is basically when you get a triple-whammy of personal life, technical issues, and overall busyness keeps you from doing comics.Trust me, all comic makers eventually reach this point. Just last week I got a virus that almost wiped out my harddrive. D:
  20. Never heard of iaza, but it's good.On topic:Ooh! Do ToasterBots come in other color variations?
  21. Hehe. TF2 satire is always funny.Although, I think it'd be more funny if it actually cut to LNU fighting like in the actual video.
  22. I'm sorry, but when I first saw this, I had to make a comic on it.Sorry for procrastinating, but this is just too funny. And yes, this is a real quote said by an admin, people.Wow. Just. Wow.
  23. My computer got a virus. It almost wiped out my comic information. Holy cruddones.

  24. Last night, I watched The Matrix Reloaded. During the movie, this quote was used, so I just had to parody it.Purpose
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