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Watashi Wa

Premier Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Watashi Wa

  1. Watashi Wa

    New Xbox Live

    It's even cooler with a Kinect B)
  2. Updated as of 12/6/11. Thanks Ziko for redoing much of the code for the new URL.
  3. Woah! I go away for a weekend and this happens. Welcome aboard, crew! And Wind, it's about time.
  4. It's pretty clear that a chat will not be implemented onto our precious forums. Therefor, I see little reason to keep this topic open. Topic closed.
  5. Yeah, some parts of this book have been pretty hard to read. I just got to Dras-Leona part and it actually got me quite intrigued. That part was written in a much more streamlined and coherent manner than the rest of the overly fluffy chapters Paolini normally scribes. Maybe the fact that the last time I read Brisingr was in highschool and I've been reading college textbooks for three and a half years now has something to do with my intolerance for some of Paolini's writing...And yes, the prelude was horrible! I understand the purpose of a prelude, but did he really need to start every other sentence with "And then..." I gave up halfway through the review just to get to something less annoying. I must say Angela is quickly becoming my favorite character as well, especially since we're seeing her and Solembum in action now. And like I said earlier, the siege of Dras-Leona was actually entertaining to read, if only because of Saphira and Thorn.
  6. I'm reading Inheritance right now. It bothers me how much Paolini stuffs this book with absolutely pointless and annoying descriptions of things that have nothing to do with what's happening in the book. Did you really need to use a paragraph to explain that Roran just scratched his thumb on something? And I agree that some of his language is just down right excessive and gaudy. Was he trying to mimic Dickens? I also feel as if Paolini writes books much in the way a movie happens. The parts where Eregon and Arya are sparring and Eregon greatly improves his swordsmanship almost instantaneously is a bit too Hollywood-blockbuster-y for me. I read the first book when I was in high school and I've read every book since then so I felt it was only fitting I finish the series. That, and I love dragons. I'm going to start Game of Thrones after I finish Inheritance.
  7. I got a PM from mfuss a -long- time ago, asking me to join the staff. It was weird, because I was talking to some rando on AIM that night, and in the PM, mfuss told me that it was him that I was talking to on AIM!
  8. FIVE IRON FRENZY IS PLANNING ON MAKING A NEW ALBUM FOR 2013!! THEY ARE TAKING DONATIONS TO FUND THE ALBUM!!! The new song is so good! If you don't know who Five Iron Frenzy is, go look them up right now! Ska-punk at its finest! YOU DO NOT KNOW HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME!!!!
  9. Watashi Wa


    Nice, guys! I've been fairly busy lately, so I haven't been able to play it much outside of last weekend. :/ Hopefully I'll get a break next week to play some more.
  10. Watashi Wa

    Halo Stats

    Granted, this is theoretically over 5 Halo titles (Reach, ODST, 3, 2, Wars) but that's a pretty impressive number to me! Halo is one of my favorite games and it helps having such great friends to play it with. Anyone else gotten this email from Xbox?
  11. Anyone else gotten this email from Xbox? They give you a little breakdown of some of your Halo stats:
  12. Hope you had a great day, Cajun! Party over, topic closed.
  13. Watashi Wa


    So far I've logged 34+ hours in Skyrim. I've collected 9 dragon souls so far. My characater, Jochanan, is a conjuring battlemage that primarily uses fire magic. He can transform into a werewolf on a single whim, devouring any who oppose his beastly demands. Oh, and I stumbled upon spoilers. D: The poster claims it was an accident and a "glitch" what he was doing, but apparently it was spoilers too!
  14. I hope you had a great day, Rob! Sadly, we have to shut this party down. Topic closed...
  15. Bro, I preordered Dead Throne 2 minutes after they announced the bundles. I got the signed copy and the accessory bundle with the awesome flag.

  16. Drive. Warrior. Super 8. 50/50. These are the best movies this year so far, end o' discussion.
  17. Dragons are my favorite fiction element of all time, so naturally I'm going to get this game.
  18. It looks like Takuma has provided a very thorough answer. Topic closed.
  19. It was cool. No biggie. Saw a dragon.
  20. I freakin' love it. Seriously, I think it's their best music to date.

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