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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Voltex

  1. Pulse, Nato and Vox were definitely the big three. You, Jed and Burnmad were all up there though.
  2. I wouldn't call myself THE main character. These things are always an ensemble type of thing, its just that even in ensembles some charactees inevitably develop more or have more impact than others.
  3. I would have joined you on Bota, yeah. I think my character had heard about the giant construct though, so maybe I would've gone there instead just to throw a monkey wrench into things.
  4. I originally planned to kill Terrorsaur in Atero, but decided that my chances of success with the flail, his soldiers, and the Bone Hunters in play weren't great. I planned to brazenly strike Tuma with the flail, killing him in a single-oh wait Once I had all six shards, I was going to take them to Vulcanus and reforge them there, with the intent that doing so would kill everyone there (probably including me, but what a way to go). Reasoning would have been the same reasons my character gave after killing Tuma; they were the only village who hadn't suffered significant losses.
  5. Nice stats, although you forgot Dalu (may she rest in peace, oops). Not gonna lie, I'm surprised my name showed up the second most often. TL makes sense what with how central Tesara and his own actions ended up being. It's also curious to note how often Luroka was mentioned though, considering he died in... Episode 6, I think? Yet Luroka's name is fifth for total count. I imagine if he had survived longer he might be even higher than TL. I'd also be curious to see how many times each player had a POV section in an episode, and who you personally saw as the "main characters" as the season went on (during BZPGOT S1 for example you, Nato and Vox all basically drove the entire plot).
  6. I feel like if a Season 2 ever happens it should be hosted by Pulse. There's plenty of locations that the rest of us can explore.
  7. Nice epilogue. I wonder if Surel and Telluris would have caught up with Burn and I.
  8. Is this for Mahri-Nui? If so if you PM me I can give you some suggestions. But off the top of my head: Religious Beliefs (or lack of), family lines, money, caste system
  9. No stay away you foul fiend E: actually yes, maybe
  10. I mean there's nobody with 5 votes so... I doubt it We have 4321, but we need 54321
  11. I've heard about the rocket jokes but don't know what it's from. I think it was before I joined the BZP Community.The link to Tower of Trepidation is in the discussion topic. Read up until the first lynching; that's the rocket launch.
  12. Gotta say Imrukii, there aren't many times when somebody has come right outta left field like you just did Pretty impressive Also impressive: that it's burning trees that makes you horrified about the lack of science and not the million other things that make zero sense (I mean come on Nato literally traveled 300 years into the past using an entire building that time travels via technology from 1000 years ago to meet an immortal person, fight zombies and skeletons, and meet a friendly giant spider once)
  13. that moment when you've spent an entire season being betrayed again and again only to be confronted at the very end with somebody that YOU betrayed literally FML
  14. yeah scrubbish don't be a scrub trijhak ain't no voltex, he actually finishes things wait ;__;
  15. blade-4 rg-3 smoke-1 toru-2 onaku-15 luroka-15 trijhak-15 nato-15 (this is going to be a fun scene to write)
  16. u dont exist ur not allowed 2 vote git out
  17. BXNM4: Night One Voltex and the Medic sat in Voltex’s house, sipping at their tea. “You know, we really shouldn’t be sipping tea,” the Medic said, breaking the silence that had stretched ever since he first accepted Voltex’s offer of tea. “People might think I’m TimeLord.” Voltex frowned. “But… you are TimeLord.” “Oh my gawd, stop it Voltex,” the Medic moaned, wishing that they had hair they could rip out in frustration. “I’m not TimeLord! I mean c’mon man, we’ve been friends for years!” “I feel like ‘friends’ is a strong term.” “We’ve known each other for years!” “All I know is that you’re obsessed with-” The Medic slammed their fists down on the table, shattering their empty teacup in the process. Voltex fell silent, raising an unimpressed eyebrow. The Medic scowled. “You always do this, Voltex. You’re always rude and you always put things off-” “Like what?” “When’s the last time you actually finished a game that you started?” Voltex smirked. “I’m pretty sure I just played BZP’s Bara-Magna to the finish.” “Ugh, that’s not what I meant and you know it! I mean when’s the last time you hosted a game and finished it?” At that, Voltex was forced to frown, trying to think of the last game he had hosted to completion. “Well, there’s this one….” “You haven’t even posted the first scene yet.” “Right. Well, technically speaking, A Clockwork Dream finished.” “Yeah, because you gave up. Don’t even try for Bionifight One, you tossed that at Luroka. And if you say BZPGOT Season 2 I will hit you right where it hurts.” “Huh,” Voltex muttered, scratching his forehead. “Whaddaya know? I haven’t finished a single game in 2017. Ouch. That actually kinda hurts to say. Wow.” The Medic coughed. “Actually, you did finish a game back in January. But uh, yeah, other than that, you’re terrible.” Voltex stood, shoving his chair back. It screeched before toppling over and bursting into pieces, but Voltex ignored the racket as his chest swelled, and he filled with D E T E R M- “STOOOOOOOP!” The Medic had his fingers in his ears, and was shaking his head. “No more! Just go write the scene!” “Fine,” Voltex said, crossing his arms and pouting. “Who are you protecting, then?” “Myself.” Voltex shook his head. “No way, buddy. You’ve been so rude to me. Like, so rude. Not even apologizing for it, either. Just straight up verbal abuse.” The Medic scoffed. “I would hardly call what I said verbal abuse.” “Pick someone else.” “FINE, I pick Blade.” “Oh.” Voltex slumped. “Bummer. The Makuta were totally sending Vamprah to kill her tonight too. What a rip off. That means only SV is dying.” “Who the funk is SV?” [ELSEWHERE] Valendale stepped up to the podium, and took a moment to gaze over the crowd gathered below him. He saw Matoran, and Makuta, and someone who was probably the leader of a Ninja(go) Death Cult who was also eyeing Vox rather suspiciously, and Voltex, and his personal new hero, the one who was why Valendale had gathered everyone here today. “My friends and companions, I have gathered you here today for an important announcement,” he began, wiping a tear away from his eye and swallowing thickly. “As you all know, I have long been a somewhat chilly individual. I have always been all about the ice and the snow and the cold, and such fun things as those.” “Why are we even here?” Toru asked. “I don’t know you. I don’t even care.” “Hush Toru, no need to be rude,” Luroka said. “This is clearly a coming out speech. We should treat Valendale with respect.” “Okay, sure, but why does he need to gather the whole town in one place to do it? Now we’re just sitting ducks for the Makuta. And the Pyro. And that guy who is probably the leader of a Ninja(go) Death Cult who keeps eyeing Vox rather suspiciously. Oh, and Voltex too.” Luroka gasped, affronted. “How dare you! Voltex would never!” Toru raised an unimpressed eyebrow. “Don’t you two betray each other like, all the time?” Luroka sniffed. “Please. Ours is a civilized rivalry. Voltex would never stoop so low as to attack me in the middle of a crowd. He would at least have the good grace to poison me in private, or stab me in the back with a large knife during the heat of battle, or capture me for some inane, made-up political reason and feed me to his wolf.” Toru eyed him suspiciously. “Riiiight. What’s your role, again?” “Um, villager, obviously,” Luroka said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “Didn’t you hear the Detective confirming it right before Valendale started speaking?” “AHEM, I believe we are all gathered here to listen to me, thank you very much!” Valendale snapped, before taking a deep breath to recover himself. “As I was saying. I have gathered you all here today, because there is something that I feel I must admit to you all. You deserve to know the truth about me.” “HA, called it!” Luroka yelled. Toru smacked him. “The truth is,” Valendale said, taking another deep breath to calm himself, “I’m… actuallyahugefanoffireandheatandsmokeandburningandpleasedontbemadatme!” A hush fell over the crowd. It was so silent that even the crickets refused to chirp, so quiet was the silence. Until at last Trijhak broke it. “Uh, what?” “I said,” Valendale snarled, glaring right at Trijhak, “that I am actually a huge fan of fire and heat and smoke and burning and please don’t be mad at me because of my true beliefs!” Trijhak shook his head, frowning. “Sorry, I really don’t get it?” Nato and Vox, both standing to Trijhak’s left, shook their heads disappointedly. “You see Trijhak, this is why the guy from the Ninja(go) Death Cult didn’t want to convert you,” Vox said, before a look of horror spread across his face. “Oh god, I’ve been converted into the Ninja(go) Death Cult!” “THE PYRO IS THE ONE TRUE GOD!” Valendale announced, screaming to make himself heard over Vox’s wail of utter despair. “EVERYTHING MUST BURN! HE IS OUR SAVIOUR AND SALVATION! THE PYRO MUST WIN! HE IS GLORY! HE IS WOW! HE IS CHERRY FLAVOURED! PLEASE PYRO, SHOW US YOUR STRENGTH! KILL SV!” “Ha!” Voltex yelled, pointing at Valendale, his eyes gleaming in triumph. “I knew I wasn’t the only person who called ShadowVezon SV!” Before the Medic or ShadowVezon could make their thoughts on this issue known, the Pyro had whipped out their flamethrower and unleashed a wave of searing fury onto ShadowVezon, immediately turning him into a pile of ashes. Valendale clapped his hands together, tears of joy dripping down his face. “It’s beautiful!” “Too bad Burn isn’t here, we totally could’ve bandwagoned him into an early grave,” ToaD commented. End Night One. The Detective found that the following four individuals are definitely not the Pyro, so if you vote for them, you’re officially an idiot and it’ll count towards 15 votes for yourself: -Valendale -Luroka -Toru -Onaku YOU HAVE 24 HOURS TO VOTE!
  18. Not just the forums, but people's sanity as well. "wait, is this the game where Luroka betrayed me, or is it the game where I betrayed Luroka?"
  19. Whenever you want it to. The only rule against starting now/having two games going at once would really be forum customs/an "I was here first" policy. But you can disregard that if you're really ready to go. I certainly won't judge you. Hyethut and I still have some stuff to work out but it's basically done.I'll wait after S3 of BZPGOT unless Voltex doesn't mind me jumping in front of him. S3 is happening as soon as MN is done; Onaku and I are already going to be delaying it so that MN can finish uncontested. I doubt the forum can support two of these games at once.
  20. yes i do and he got pushed to that point because people like you took everything from him piece by piece, over and over again, for over one hundred thousand years that's quite a long time to have people betray you and turn their backs on you and crush you under their heels
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