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Everything posted by Voltex

  1. People were asking, so here we go: G&T Discord Back in... January, I think, we created a G&T Skype chat; this new Discord is intended to replace that, since Discord is better in just about every way so far. The Discord has a few channels; one for general discussion and another where we're hoping to arrange a couple game nights each week. Chances are these game nights are going to be Left 4 Dead 2 or Team Fortress 2 MvM most of the time, but I'm sure there are other games we'll play as well. So anyway, come on and join us!
  2. People were asking, so here we go: G&T Discord Back in... January, I think, we created a G&T Skype chat; this new Discord is intended to replace that, since Discord is better in just about every way so far. The Discord has a few channels; one for general discussion and another where we're hoping to arrange a couple game nights each week. Chances are these game nights are going to be Left 4 Dead 2 or Team Fortress 2 MvM most of the time, but I'm sure there are other games we'll play as well. So anyway, come on and join us!
  3. People were asking, so here we go: G&T Discord Back in... January, I think, we created a G&T Skype chat; this new Discord is intended to replace that, since Discord is better in just about every way so far. The Discord has a few channels; one for general discussion and another where we're hoping to arrange a couple game nights each week. Chances are these game nights are going to be Left 4 Dead 2 or Team Fortress 2 MvM most of the time, but I'm sure there are other games we'll play as well. So anyway, come on and join us!
  4. People were asking, so here we go: G&T Discord Back in... January, I think, we created a G&T Skype chat; this new Discord is intended to replace that, since Discord is better in just about every way so far. The Discord has a few channels; one for general discussion and another where we're hoping to arrange a couple game nights each week. Chances are these game nights are going to be Left 4 Dead 2 or Team Fortress 2 MvM most of the time, but I'm sure there are other games we'll play as well. So anyway, come on and join us!
  5. IC: Voltex I slow down as I see the Elite Skrall begin attacking the Vulcanus forces. No need to get involved in that just yet.
  6. IC: Voltex I watch as Nato confronts Tuma, and sigh, as the Fire Agori with the shard begin attempting to retreat. That won't do at all. I begin approaching the Vulcanus forces; though really, they'll be passing me if they intend on retreating anyway. E: OOC: TL if you can find a reasonable IC excuse to help me get the final shard, then let's talk.
  7. IC: Voltex I begin slowly making my way toward the southern gate, but make sure to stay far enough away that there is no risk of harm from the battle. Nato will retrieve the shard, and return it here; I will not risk losing them in the chaos of battle by joining him.
  8. IC: Voltex I think back to Surel, back in his cave, and how he had intended to destroy the shards. I had refused him then, for even then, the quest had itched at me, like an addiction. The Mask of Life had broken once, and it could be broken again. "I trust you, Nato," I say, filled with determination. "I will finish this quest, and your master will help us. I will finally meet the being responsible for my tribe's ruin... and perhaps we can come to an accord. Your master may have been the catalyst, but it was the tribes of Bara-Magna who turned us away and forced us into exile. They must pay the price for their crimes." And once I have what I want, I will destroy the mask, if I can. Another gamble, but I am still without anything to lose. "Dream, Nato," I say. "Dream of our success."
  9. IC: Voltex I sigh, shaking my head wearily, knowing Nato is almost certainly feeling the same way. "Perhaps your new master can make it up to us for destroying my tribe so long ago, and help us retrieve that final shard without either of us getting killed," I say. "I don't fancy our chances against Vulcanus forces if they refuse to hand us the final shard... and I don't wish to risk trusting them to hold onto them, either."
  10. in Really.Can't come up with anything more creative? give me something better that's only two words also don't complain, Nato is literally "Plot Device"
  11. I feel like that might push the game into RPG territory. Let's do it.
  12. you should come visit Tesara and help Nato and I to gather the last of the shards
  13. Let's get a quick game going. I don't expect this game to last very long. Lots of death will be happening. Also I've never taken the BxN Mafia games seriously, so expect shenanigans. click banner 2 join
  14. PREVIOUSLY ON BIONICLE X NINJAGO MAFIA: A NEW CONFLICT / NINJAGO STRIKES BACK / RETURN OF THE TOA (credit to art in banner goes to TBK, may his presence on BZPower rest in peace) Turmoil has engulfed BIONICLE MAFIA. The rising threat of the sinister BROTHERHOOD OF MAKUTA threatens to break through the defenses of the perilous Desolation. Hoping to resolve the matter with little bloodshed, the MATORAN have enlisted a small village to defend and form a blockade at the Wall. While those who control the STAFF OF UNLIMITED POWER endlessly debate this alarming chain of events, the evil villain known as HAPORI DUME has secretly dispatched his Cult Leader to the blockade, hoping to settle the conflict to further his own devious plans…. --- RULES 1-Vote changes are not permitted. 2-All BZP Rules Apply. 3-Once killed, players can no longer have an impact on the game. 4-Role revealing is not allowed. 5-This game will employ “innocence” lists rather than suspect lists. ROLES THE MATORAN Matoran x9 – Ordinary players who vote on who to execute each day. Detective x1 – This player investigates one other person each night to determine their role, and cannot be brainwashed by the Cult Leader. Medic x1 – This player can protect one person each night from both death and the Cult Leader. BROTHERHOOD OF MAKUTA Icarax x1 – Leader of the Makuta sent to the Wall; he decides who to send and who to kill each night. If he dies, Icarax can take two other players down with him. Gorast x1 – Most bloodthirsty of the Makuta; when sent, she will kill two players instead of one. Bitil x1 – Thanks to his ability to summon past versions of himself, Bitil is safe from the influence of the Cult Leader. Krika x1 – When sent to kill, there is a chance that Krika can still end up on the innocent list for that night. Vamprah x1 – Vamprah leaves no trace; when he is sent, no innocent list will be given. HAPORI DUME’S CULT Cult Leader x1 – A very mysterious figure; rumor has it that he is a ninja warrior from another world entirely. Each night, he selects two players to target; one of the players targeted is immediately converted to the Cult, and they become a Cultist allied with the Cult. If the Cult Leader dies, all other players allied with the Cult also perish; luckily, the Cult Leader will survive the first attempt made on their life. THE OTHER GUY Pyro x1 – This cherry flavored Ta-Matoran has gone completely insane, and each night, will decide the fates of two chosen victims by the flip of a coin. The unlucky one gets burned alive, or meets some other unfortunate end. PLAYER LIST 1-Toru the Great Spirit 2-Luroka the Karma Houdini 3-Valendale the Frozen King 4-Onaku the Nonexistent Ghost 5-Pahrak the Roxtus Bohrok 6-RG the Grape Fruit 7-Taka the Missing Artist 8-Xccj the Staff Person 9-ShadowVezon the Imprisoned King - Matoran, BBQed Night 1 10-Smokey the Smoke Monster 11-TL the Jungle Destroyer 12-Trijhak the Magna Master 13-Blade the Blessed Blade 14-Unit the Decimal Point 16-ToaD the Amphibious Toa 17-FF the Fluorescent Flower 18-Vox the Chro Clone 19-Nato the Plot Device
  15. YES finally Ehrye gets the POV he's always deserved. What a beautiful wolf ;__; Also you, me and Burn all on the same team? With Nato busy running the game all we need is Terrorsaur, and I think we'd be all set to conquer all of Mata-Nui. E: ha, didn't notice at first that Ionia is just "Weird Not-Voltex" xD
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