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Everything posted by Voltex

  1. sorry to break it to you, but uh why do you think we're so eager to leave? ....... listen, remember that time when you betrayed me and ripped the last of my character's hopes and dreams out from under him because he does
  2. sorry to break it to you, but uh why do you think we're so eager to leave?
  3. I think everyone in tajun wants to make it to iconox at least. Personally I'm hoping there's time for me to meet once more with surel.
  4. almost certainly a side effect of copy/pasting player posts (I know because I had that exact problem with S1 and S2 and yet I still did present tense this game lol)
  5. You better get ready for S2 becauseSteel is Coming watSeriously watTimelord decided he's the main character of an anime. Robot arms, an edgy pirate gang with an edgy pirate gang name going around and fighting off evil, lurking in the shadows as they've been exiled from all normal levels of civilization. that sounds like... piraka yo yo piraka
  6. You better get ready for S2 becauseSteel is Coming wat
  7. It's something I had planned to do with S2 before, well, everything I plan to have something of the sort for S3.
  8. Onaku and I have actually been pondering the same question for GOT. Its tough. I'd lean towards inherit, personally. Though if it's genetic, it could be another explanation for why iron was outcast for so long after the plague.
  9. Well my wife was from the Iron tribe so that's something.Considering how hated my tribe is I'd be surprised if a tribe leader could get away with marrying one of us. That action alone would get you exiled.
  10. I don't have any siblings or actual family members
  11. probably not, sorry assuming i don't die in tajun my character currently plans to join surel in his mountain exile
  12. Unfortunately that may be the case... who Let's just say that Tesara is starting to heat up, but it's not a fire. (And also your kidneys died.) Beyond feeling pain from the initial strike I haven't been informed of any bad side effects actually. I had assumed that the pain was more from one of the shards contacting me very briefly, since there wasn't anything about me bleeding out (and I seem to be doing just fine now).
  13. they better be i saved them from tuma Let's call it even, eh? You were going to kill me, I saved you with a Baranus. I tried to kill you, but you saved everyone with the flail. I mean I only threatened to kill you. Big difference.
  14. guess who's back back again chro is back tell your friends i'm no MOC expert but that is a fine MOc my friend, even if it's apparently over a year old
  15. pms have all been sent out, 24 hours to select targets if i don't receive a target from a role, i'll rng it
  16. Pretty sure TL was commanding Tesara forces during the battle and they were listening So there's a solid chunk of Jungle who is still loyal to him
  17. Voltex isn't a hugging type of person, but the thornatus you lent him was also immediately destroyed, so I think you're even. (Except he also ended the Skrall threat so... payment in Tesara being a permanent safe shelter is acceptable)
  18. Voltex


    from VOLTEX and ONAKU SHADOW -327 AE: The Western Wall- -AHKMOU UMRIK- - He awoke to the sound of silence. It was a silence of an absolute nature, blanketing everything around him with an alien sense of quiet and calm that did not belong. The ground around him was covered with blood and muck, littered with the fallen corpses of Protectors. A hundred yards away, he could just barely make out the crumbling ruins of what had been the Western Wall, a formerly impenetrable defence that had stood between the Regions of Earth and Fire for hundreds of years, undefeated and unbroken, until now. Dawn was slowly breaking on the horizon, but even still, the sky was still dark, and the air still freezing cold from the crushing presence of Kulta, the Skull Grinder. Somewhere deep inside, he knew that the corpses littered around him had been moving, walking and stumbling mindlessly along, only hours before. But something – or someone – had stopped them. In his heart of hearts, he knew that Kulta had fallen, her Undead Army eradicated. The Faith of the Skulls had undoubtedly been crushed. Spitefully, he hoped that Lord Toru Sevoi and General Quin Galum were among the fallen. After all, it was they who had abandoned him. He felt his blood beginning to boil, as feelings of frustration, rage, and betrayal washed over him. He had been left behind, and forgotten. It was clear that nobody had felt the need to see if he was actually dead. He hadn’t been worth the time. Then again, they never were, he and other Protectors from the minor houses. House Petros, House Maran, House Raqmu, House Aodh… those houses, and others like them – the so-called Great Houses of Okoto – made history day after day, crushing all others under their heels. Of the smaller houses, he knew of only one that had ever managed to rise up above their station. But House Ash had paid dearly for that privilege in blood, nearly been exterminated, and he doubted anyone else would feel it worth that effort. A fist slammed into the dirt, splashing mud everywhere. He closed his eyes, taking several deep breaths. He needed to calm down. Beneath him, the earth shuddered. His eyes flew open again, fear and adrenaline racing through him. Something stirred nearby, and before his horrified eyes, one of the corpses slowly stirred, moaning deliriously. He watched, paralyzed, as it turned away from the Western Wall, stumbling further into the Earth Region. He remained absolutely still, praying it would not notice him. But then he heard more inhuman moans, and all around him, more corpses shifted and sttirred, and panic began to fill him. Rollor save me. Unable to help himself, he pushed himself to his feet with trembling hands. Some of the corpses turned, staggering towards him, and he stumbled away. He opened his mouth to cry out, but the sound caught in his throat, and he spun in place, sprinting away from the Wall, away from the Undead. He raced through the barren wasteland of the Earth Region for hours, and then for days. Every so often he would stop and make camp, rest for as long as he could force himself to remain still, but always, inevitably, he would be forced back on the move by the arrival of the Undead. Not just Protectors, either, but other creatures, other monsters, corrupted by Kulta and the dark energy that had powered her. The Earth Region, home to the Skull Warriors and their master for so long, had become a breeding ground for those creatures that belonged in Okoto’s worst nightmares. Hunted and surrounded, he eventually fled the only place he could – underground. Deep within the heart of an old, empty earth city, left abandoned and burned after the rebellion decades before and never again re-populated, he found an entrance into the ancient mining caves. He fled into them, hunted by Skull Warriors and Undead and other nightmarish creatures, and still, he could not rest. So he fled deeper and deeper, into the massive caverns below the Earth Region’s surface. Deeper still, into the chasms, and the unimaginably ancient catacombs, older than even the Mask Makers. Surrounded by the cold, suffocating presence of dark energy, choking on it and his own fear. Still, he fled deeper, and deeper still, deeper than any Protector had ever dared to walk before. Deeper than even the Mask Makers had ever ventured, to a place where even the Titans had avoided since a time before recorded time, where he found an ancient, heavy stone gateway. Left alone and untouched for a thousand years recorded and a thousand years untold, with symbols of a language so old that even Kulta and Umarak would no longer remember it. It is open. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he knows that it should be closed. A barrier of shimmering energy covers the opening, but it is weak, and fracturing, and he is able to push past it, when he knows that it should render him into a hundred, a thousand, a million different pieces. The barrier feels warm, and light, and cleansing, but then he is across it, and the dark presence is back, even stronger, more powerful, and more threatening than before. The cave on the other side of the gateway and the barrier is lit with torches that burn with an otherworldly white fire, but they do little to light it up. He takes one step in, and then two, and then three, and then he feels it. Something, or someone, in there with him. A presence behind him. He turns, trembling and shivering, his legs threatening to give way beneath him, and finds himself staring at a towering figure, clad in pitch black armor and wearing an alien black mask. He can make out a single red eye behind the mask, silently inquiring and loathing at the same time, and he suddenly knows. That whoever this is, they are older than Kulta, stronger than Kulta, more dangerous than Kulta. That Kulta was, in fact, only a pale imitation of this being, this dark shadow given physical form, and that he has found Okoto’s greatest threat, imprisoned for an eternity. And the prison is failing. He feels a flicker across his thoughts, feather-light, and knows that his mind has been read like an open book. His entire life is now in this monstrous figure’s hands, and they know him better than he knows himself. “Ahkmou Umrik,” the being says, in a voice that is melodious and strong and ancient beyond belief. “Are you afraid?” He does not speak, but he does not need to. He is quivering, shaking like a leaf in a hurricane, and his voice will not work. It cannot. Not now. He is paralyzed, and knows that to this being, he is less than an insect. “Your island’s Age of War is finished, and the pale shadow of the Great Ata dead,” the being says. “The Titans are scattered, and soon, I shall be freed. You will help me, Ahkmou Umrik. You will prepare Okoto for its true destiny, for its lord and destroyer. You will prepare it for the Great War that is still to come, before Okoto’s time runs out.” EVERYTHING BEFORE WAS JUST PRELUDE. The Great Game returns October 6th.
  19. If signups aren't filled by tonight, we'll cut some villagers and the game will begin.
  20. Mata-Nui is up first. Onaku and I are still putting the finishing touches on S3's setting, structure, and plots. Mata-Nui running first will give us plenty of time to do so, which is good, because I intend to give every player in S3 their own unique storylines that they can play through.
  21. I had actually planned to direct Toru and I to Tajun, so that we could pick up Ehrye, as well as Ionia if she still lived... or if she didn't, to at least search her lab for anything that might be useful. If Toru agrees, perhaps we could be in the lab?
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