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Blog Comments posted by Voltex

  1. Kerid and Ehjoras are talking about the Construct in front of them being the sixth, but then you go on to list six constructs before it, making the one in front of them the seventh.


    You might also want to mention that the Eyes have already been removed from Kia Island, though I guess that could be something to explain in-topic to new players.

  2. I haven't played Black or White yet because I simply haven't been interested. From my perspective, the plot honestly didn't look that much different from what I'd played 4 times already. With full fledged sequels however, it looks like we might be getting more original.


    As for the Emerald remake, there are several factors that make me believe we'll get an Emerald remake. However, those are for a seperate blog entry.

  3. @Vorex: What I've played of Skyward Sword, I hated. Just so you know. And I enjoyed what I played of Mario Kart, 3D Land, and Star Fox more than Ocarina of Time.


    @burnmad: I don't know and I don't know.


    @Ddude: Still, credit is due where credit is due. Rayman Origins is amazing and Skyward Sword is dreadful.

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