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Everything posted by Tilius

  1. Butbutbut we need a complete collection of Bionicle set reviews. That said, the idea of reviewing non-Bionicle sets in the future is a good one. It'd be nice if this wasn't just limited to Hero Factory though - reviews of proper System sets would be awesome. The way I see it, if HF discussion takes place in LGD, that means more visitors to LGD after Bionicle ends, which leads people to start discussing other Lego themes as well, leading to System sets gaining popularity among BZP members, leading to BZP covering and reviewing all Lego themes. That'd be cool. But perhaps won't happen. - Tilius
  2. Tilius


    Then again, this is the internet. Where everybody fails. HUGS FOR ALL. - Tilius
  3. Thanks for looking at my story. How does the point system work? Is 5 like TOP MARKS? - Tilius
  4. Good plan. A break is a very healthy thing. More people should take them. - Tilius
  5. I'd say you can skip most of SJA. The only episodes worth watching are those which have direct links to Doctor Who. If you like the Slitheen, watch episodes 1 and 2 of Series 1, as well as episodes 9 and 10 of the same series. And possibly episodes 11 and 12 of Series 3, since I think they're featured. If you like the Sontarans, watch episodes 1 and 2 of Series 2. Not a bad story, either. If you like the Judoon, watch episodes 1 and 2 of Series 3. Absolutely essential viewing, though, would be episodes 5 and 6 of Series 3. They're the episodes which David Tennant is in, and again, it's not a bad story. It also acts as a bit of a taster of what's to come in The Waters of Mars/The End of Time. I think those are the only ones the have proper links to Doctor Who. K9 is also in a few episodes, though I'm not sure which. Possibly the final episodes of Series 1, and through most of Series 3. It's not a great series, though. If Torchwood is made for adults, and Doctor Who is made for family viewing, then SJA is definitely made for kids. It shows on the children's BBC channel here, whilst Doctor Who and Torchwood don't. So it's all a bit simply and kiddy, and only worth watching to see Who characters appearing. - Tilius
  6. Since I already replied to another entry before seeing this one, sign me up. - Tilius
  7. Tilius


    Isn't alternate Teridax basically just normal Teridax but white and gold? And given the specifications given on BS01, there's not really huge room for creativity. Plus alternate Teridax is the last character I'd want a form for. Tuyet, Helryx - there are lots of other characters who need a visual representation more, IMO. Not to worry. - Tilius
  8. Yeah, next series is looking good.

    I considered changing my blog name, but it's been the same for so long and it's just sort of stuck. So I shan't change it for now.

  9. I was already writing a story with transformation playing a key part, so I might as well share. Recovery Time. It's lengthy, but I'm quite proud of it. - Tilius
  10. Yeah, I loved it, personally. Jackson Lake was a great character, I'd have liked to have kept him as the companion through the specials to be honest.

  11. Tilius


    Rofl. Yeah I got Kiina, not too big a fan, really. Stronius and Gelu are definitely better. Infact, so are Ackar and Mata Nui. Maybe even Vastus. Still, an original torso is a good thing, I suppose. - Tilius
  12. Oh, naturally I approve of that! Looks lovely. Cake and TARDIS. Can't go wrong. That's my 19th sorted. - Tilius Wait 19th what? But glad you like it. -CF My 19th birthday. I'm having a cake like that. - Tilius Alright! -CF
  13. Tilius

    9.75 Feet

    Use blu-tack. Or sellotape. There's lotsa options. - Tilius
  14. I'd prefer different colours for different vehicles. Red is just a bit meh. Bit of blue would've been nice. - Tilius
  15. Tilius

    9.75 Feet

    Put it on the roof. Or landscape-style across your wall. OR HANG IT OUT YOUR WINDOW. - Tilius
  16. Looks quite epic. I'll be playing in a bit. - Tilius
  17. Ah, I see. Yeah I wouldn't recommend paying money for it, to be honest. It's still alright though. If you get a chance to see the Children of Earth five parter I'd definitely recommend it. I don't think you need too much of an understanding of the previous story to enjoy it, so it's well worth a look. And you out-perform me on Classic Who. I admit, I've barely seen any. A magazine here in the UK is giving a free Classic story DVD with each issue, so I'll probably get a few of them of give them a watch. - Tilius
  18. It's not a bad entry, but to be honest I'd have preferred it if you'd just watched Doctor Who all night. I always support that sort of thing. Out of nerdy interest - which episodes were you watching? I'm beginning to notice that everything I ever say to you is Doctor Who related. I do apologize.... You watched any Torchwood? - Tilius
  19. Tilius

    Site Update

    It's a great update, Bink. The robot scale is fine by me - BM is a big planet in my book. I'd have quite liked a 3D animation of the final battle, but obviously cost does get in the way of that. I'd have sacrificed the entire TLR movie for it, actually. But not to worry. - Tilius
  20. Fix it. Or photo the art. - Tilius
  21. Tilius

    Goin' To The City

    But leave, before it makes you hard. - Tilius
  22. Tilius

    Mata Nui Saga

    WOAH, no joke. I likey. - Tilius
  23. Soundtrack is awesome, yeah! Though The Woman isn't the Doctor's mother. It probably is, yeah, but RTD has said that 'it's whoever you want it to be'. And whilst he himself thinks of the woman as the Doctor's mother, there's no reason why Moffat can't turn around next series and say 'Uhm no, it's the Doctor's daughter' or something. - Tilius
  24. Oh, also for the next staff mass name-change it should totally be Doctor Who based. What with a new Doctor and everything. It'd be cool. And it'd make my year. - Tilius
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