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Everything posted by Tilius

  1. Meh, I see the nanobot idea as just an easy way of explaining it. IMO they still count as living individuals and such, just their existance helps support the existance of the universe. Seems fine. - Tilius
  2. It was an above average film, but wasn't AMAZING. It's messages were too obvious, its storyline too unoriginal, and it was blatently just focussed on trying to get good visuals. Which it did, but still. I enjoyed it, but it's definitely over-rated. - Tilius
  3. The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy-----------rodenfoe. That's all I can remember. Googling it.... The Mighty Jagrafess of the Holy Hadrojassic Maxarodenfoe. I was quite close. - Tilius
  4. Tilius


    I wish I had an ego.... - Tilius
  5. Tilius

    Bought Vvvvvv

    I played the demo. Pretty fun. Still doesn't beat World of Goo, though. That game is perfect, honestly. - Tilius
  6. Too true. I've mastered it, of course. Quite easy when you get the rhythm of it. 'Cept from then on, every time you read it you feel compelled to say it out loud. Which I just did. I'm such a nerd.... - Tilius
  7. Tahu and Rahkshi are my top Stars, I reckon. Followed by Nektann, then Takanuva, then Gresh, then Skrall. The last two don't deserve to be in the line-up. I want EHLEK and NUHVOK or something. - Tilius
  8. Tilius

    01:38?! You Serious?!

    Sleep spares you pain. Awake, you suffer. - Tilius
  9. Yeah, the opening story of S1 tells you the basics, really, and I seem to remember the second story being a bit stupid and pointlessly vulgar. :/ But series 3 is lovely. OH AND I JUST REMEMBERED, Martha turns up in a couple of series 2 episodes I think, if you're interested. Can't remember if those episodes were good or not, just that she was in them.

  10. It's worth having a look at, the series 1 and 2 episodes are all stand-alone episodes as far as I can remember. But DEFINITELY check out series 3, the Children of Earth story. It's only 5-episodes, but it's all one continuing story, and it just as good as the best DW episodes. So check out series 3 if nothing else. :)

  11. It's not really an 'abuse' of their customer service, since they usually make you pay for the pieces. So you're buying from them, which is fine. Don't try to scare people. - Tilius
  12. Tilius


    Niiice, the 10th Doctor definitely needs some new hair though. Could try some Exo-Force hair, if you can get that in brown. That might look a bit much, though. - Tilius
  13. Tilius

    Argument Clinic

    I want to complain. - Tilius
  14. Tilius

    Star Coins

    And no hat. Some of the World 9 coins were downright annoying to get. Good game though. - Tilius
  15. I seeee. Yeah, if you can find the Flight Control TARDIS then definitely get it. It's amazingly close to the actual prop (though smaller, obviously). - Tilius
  16. Anything that isn't OT in Star Wars sucks. Atlantis sets are only small so they're okay. Misc parts can wait. Everything else is fair enough. Seriously. At least get the Doctors. And a Cyberman. And Dalek. And Davros. AT LEAST. Actually, the 10th Doctor figure is one of the worst figures they've made....so I'd wait for it to be improved. - Tilius
  17. But most Lego sets suck these days. - Tilius
  18. I'd recommend River Song's sonic - the noise is louder, the colour can be changed from blue to red, and it even has a flashing 'ghosting' bar that the Doctor saves River Song in. It's amazing. Also try get a Laser Screwdriver if you can. And you should start collecting the figures as well. Some of them suck, but others are pretty amazing. - Tilius
  19. That's actually not bad. Kind of like puppetry. Though watch your lighting, in a few shots you can see your shadow and it ruins the 'suspension of disbelief' and such. Oh, and try keep that camera steady and be careful not to move too quickly with it - the view of the battle was a bit unclear as to what was what, 'cause it all blurred into one when the camera moved. I'm also a bit worried about what the voices will be like....but I'll wait and see, anyway. Looks pretty good anyhow. - Tilius
  20. That is dedication from TTN. - Tilius
  21. Tilius

    For Tilius

    Ahah, good stuff. Makes me want to rewatch PiC. I still think 'Partners in Time' would've been a better title. - Tilius
  22. Tilius

    Old Episodes

    Fires of Pompeii is an awesome episode. Aside from the 'household Gods' bit tacked onto the end of it. But the whole 'Pompeii or the World?' thing was cool, as was Donna pulling the lever with the Doctor, AND the big Pyroviles. Love. There are so many good 10th Doctor quotes. I should make a list. - Tilius
  23. Tilius

    Bionicle 2009

    Also I agree with the above, despite owning neither. Cendox just seems ruddy awesome, Tuma seems dullllllll. - Tilius
  24. Tilius

    Bionicle 2009

    No Tarix love? Not that I own Tarix yet. He's on the way, though. Perhaps then I'll understand the hating. Also, Kiina is over-rated. And you've made me start wanting the Thornatus again. - Tilius
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