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Tifosi 92

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Tifosi 92

  1. Tifosi 92

    A Few Things

    I guess I'm a big hypocrite when it comes to that--I need to take the advice I gave Nuju and get it over with. I just need that kick start that would get me going, I suppose. I'm not really an outline person, actually. I go along more with GregF's style, to be honest--I want to be surprised with what I write. And besides, whenever I've worked with outlines, it usually just takes all my motivation away because I've already put some of my thought into form. I doesn't motivate me, it does the opposite; my mind says that I've already put this into words, and then I'm not excited to rewrite it at all. I do those types of exercises a lot (or at least I should be ), and they are helpful. I don't think shutting off my internet would help very much at all--I've got too many ties to other things with it that would make it a very distressing situation if I had to cut it off for a week. *lol* I'm going to try to get started on it tonight, though I have no idea how far I'll get. Besides being a little behind on some recent school stuff, I'm not doing too bad. As for the end of November? I can't wait for it. At this point, I'm almost more excited about it than Christmas.
  2. Not to waste your time or anything, but what would you do if someone asked you to e-mail something into the news? =P

  3. Wow, that's odd--it didn't give me any messages saying you had commented either. I only just now noticed. =P

  4. Tifosi 92

    Macadamia Nuts

    SPIRIT, you just made my week in the humor department. I love the reference towards SWII as well, although it took me a second to remember what it was from.
  5. Just a heap of random updates because I haven't said anything here in a while: -I highly suggest that you check these two blog entries out. They address a few things that I think BZPers have been ignoring as of late. I'd write something like those two highly intelligible members have, but I'd just be repeating them and therefore wasting my time. -It's that BBCC time again, in which most members seem to disregard a few guidelines. I'd specifically point you to this one. -So, nine days into NaNo, and I haven't written anything yet. Sort of depressing, as I have a bunch of ideas and this one story that I've been meaning to get down for ages, but haven't had the time to yet. Curse you, block of the writer. Not really asking for encouragement, just making this fact publicly available so that I'll be motivated to write after everyone sees I've done nothing. -I haven't been very active in the forums lately for a variety of reasons. I'd like to participate much more, but I'm just too busy with a bunch of different things that are of a higher priority and require my attention. -Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 realeases tomorrow, and I couldn't care less. -I can't wait for the results of the third part of the Short Stories Autumn Olympics, even though I'm very doubtful I did well. -Discussing Formula One is like discussing politics--if some people don't see it the way you do, they'll always be on the other side of the fence and there's nothing you can do about it. -Island of Doom has taken somewhat of a backseat to other projects as of late. The release date may end up being switched to sometime early next year rather than within the coming weeks. -On a somewhat lighter note, I've been abnoramlly hooked on Mario games lately. I'm finally coming close to finishing Super Mario Galaxy some two or three years past its release, and if I'm playing any game it all, it's usually either that or Mario Kart. Ah, Nintendo... you've done it again. And that's all. How's everybody been going?
  6. Yeah, I was wondering what happened to you. That's cool about the epic--I'll definitely have to check it out sometime. I've only posted three new stories since The Sniper, so nothing really all that new. =P

  7. Based on features alone, PS3 for sure--360's only marginally better for online play, but you have to pay for that, and it's less reliable. All things being considered, I'd take an N64 or Gamecube over both. =P

  8. Haven't heard from you on the writing scene in a while--how've things been going?

  9. Tifosi 92

    Bonfire Night

    Ooh, bonfires are awesome. Nothing like a starry sky overhead, a large bonfire, and a buncha marshmellows.
  10. ...but none will answer the door! (If you know what that's from, then you're immediately awesome. ) So yeah, managed to get my SSAO P3 entry in just literally seconds over the time limit. Not sure if I'm officially into the contest yet, but I'd rather have readers after the contest so I can make edits. Because of time, I was forced to publish the entry without doing any proofreading or editing whatsoever, so I can only cross my fingers and pray that everything is in order. Anyway, good luck to everyone else who entered, and may the best writer (probably not me ) win! The Mansion
  11. I posted it, but I dunno if I'm in. *crosses fingers*

  12. Just barely--can't be bothered, 'cause I might be late by like five/ten minutes plus edit and coding time. Hopefully it won't be such a big deal.

  13. How're things looking on your entry?

  14. "Where have you been? It's all right--we know where youve been..." Love that song.

  15. Tifosi 92

    English Results

    On the contrary, I'd say that English is safely my best subject, and if you ever want tips, revisions, or advice for anything you're ever writing, you're welcome to come to me.
  16. BCii is right--you can either let it get to you or just keep going strong. Even though you're sick, try really hard to hang on to that mindset you had a few days ago. You've been through tougher stuff before, I'm sure; if you've made it in the past, you'll make it now, no problem. Sure, you didn't go to that art gathering last night, but you did end up doing other fun stuff, right? Maybe you're not doing too great with quality on NaNo, but I haven't even started yet. You're quite a ways ahead of me (and probably a lot of us), in that respect. As a matter of fact, you are... 14.1% through it in just the first three days. That's absolutely remarkable progress, considering that you're around 5% ahead of the pace (it roughly equates to a day and a half of extra time ). And you found your phone, too, so you're getting in order there as well. The new blog graphics are really neat, too--I can't figure out if that's your picture in the Bio block, though. Just keep your head up, keep writing (maybe some stuff other than NaNo, if you have time?), and most of all, eat some chocolate, okay?
  17. Avast Antivirus works great; it's free and doesn't seem to affect the speed of my PC at all. Haven't had any problems since using it. It even talks to you when it gets updates.
  18. I hate to say it, but all you can really do is bite the bullet and just write the paper. Shut yourself in your room or something, turn off your PC (If you're typing it, shut down all other programs and hide your taskbar ), and just start typing. Even if it's just a sentence, get something on the screen towards the report. Then build from it; throw in the first techniques that come to your mind, and explain them. If you can, try to remember that this paper is about your acting techniques. I have a hard time when it comes to procrastination, but sometimes you've just got to stop everything and say, "That's it, I'm going to finish this thing." Tear it down, destroy it, get angry at it--whatever it takes, just write!
  19. For the longest time, I'd go through topics by force of habit scrutinizing every image in every single post, performing mathematical dimension and file size equations to make sure every last one of them was within the guidelines. Trust me, you've got it easy. I really should get back into the whole sig report thing...
  20. Tifosi 92

    Bzcommunity Is Back!

    I've seen stuff like that before. BZP needs a new skin sometime soon, just for the sake of change.
  21. Ah, okay, I gotcha. Haven't had any computer problems in a while. *crosses fingers, knocks would, and does any other computer-demon-repelling gesture* =P

  22. Happy birthday! =)

  23. My brother says your next name change should be "The Spinkinator" or something like that. =P How's the repairs on the ol' Xbox coming?

  24. Okay, I'm stumped, so I'll ask you: I'm torn between two possible entries for SSAO P3. Either one about a time paradox or a good 'ol fashioned haunted house story. The first one will be long and may not fit the theme, and the second one will but sounds a little cliche. Whaddaya think?

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