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Tifosi 92

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Tifosi 92

  1. So can anyone give me an honest explanation as to why this one guy is in like, everybody's signatures now? It feels like BZP's equivalent to "Where's Waldo?" or something.
  2. For a moment there, I completely blanked on how old you were. =P

  3. Tifosi 92


    Good luck, mate, and a bit of advice: don't freak out. 5?
  4. Okay, I gotta ask--who is that weird guy that's turning up in everyone's signatures? =P

  5. Yeah, that'll have to work. I'll have to find a time when I'm not using my PC and no one else is on our internet to download it though. =P

  6. Wait, what? Whole new game just using the Doom engine? O_o You lost me. =P I can deal with the pit radio in Spanish, though. There's not a language setting anywhere?

  7. Well, I'd have to have the base game first, right? *lol* I guess the '06 one. No guarantees I'll be playing it anytime soon, though, because I'm busy with a lot of stuff as of late. =P

  8. Ooh, never mind, that's KB. 700,000 KB is like, 700 MB. That's a very big file. =P You can upload it, but it'd probably take me three hours to download. *lol*

  9. Hmmm... I think I had a program that'd do that once, but I don't know where it went. I might be able to find one on the web, though. You sure that it's only 700,000 bytes? That's not even 1MB.

  10. It all depends on the total size of the game. If it's like, more than 50MB, it might not be such a good idea. =P (Also, I'm gonna delete that last comment--not a good idea to bypass the filter. ;))

  11. The one with the pics of Abu Dhabi? Yeah, I got that one. I also got the one with the menu pics as well. I was busy chatting to LK right around when you got offline though, so sorry for not responding. =P

  12. Nah, it's not. I didn't even have time to do any edits to the story, and I had to leave a lot out to get it finished on time. So that's why there's so much missing. =P

  13. Nah, just like an epilogue that I didn't have time to write before the contest. Drellenwald was a bit of a miser--theft only mattered if it was from him. =P

  14. Well--there's a lot to be explained still. Drellenwald has more of a background that I wasn't able to expand on due to limitations. Rai isn't dead either--he was transported outside of the mansion unharmed because he didn't want to go in at first.

  15. Aww... In all honesty, I might not be on for another two hours, unfortunately, but I might get on for a little bit in a moment or two.

  16. I meant a screenshot of the game I've got. =P Show me the pics of "Yes Marina", if you're going to show me anything. *lol*

  17. Yeah, I saw that. Doesn't look anything at all like what we've got. =P I tried to find a screenie, but to no avail.

  18. Yeah, there was an F1 game on the N64 that we had that would allow you to do that. It only went to the extent of having your name on the telemetry, though. =P So it's mostly a graphics hack for the game, then?

  19. I'll ignore what the word filter did to both our comments. *lol* So you mean you couldn't pit Schumacher vs. Vettel then, huh? For shame. =P Can't race a forty car grid, either, too, I'm guessing?

  20. A little bit of math shows that you've gotten almost two profile views for every hour you've been a part of this site. That's a lot of views. =P

  21. "Yes Marina"? Very funny. =P You can't really Moderator Gamecube games to feature stuff like that, and I haven't really had good experiences with PC racing games. *lol* So you could like, race '09 cars against '06 cars with that, right?

  22. Same here, pretty much. The only T-rated stuff I was able to play until I was 14-15 was Star Wars stuff. The first non-Star Wars T-rated game I played was Super Smash Bros. on the Gamecube, ironically. It wasn't until late 15 - early 16 that I started to play CoD and similar stuff. Now, there's one game I think you might enjoy that's available on the PC for a pretty decent price. I don't know how you are with driving games, but you might like Burnout Paradise.
  23. Wait, is he on right now? O_o I wish I had an F1 game with more recent drivers. 2002 may have cut the mustard back in '03, but not anymore. =P

  24. Probably coming a bit late, but congrats on POBZPC. =)

  25. What've you been up to lately?

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