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Tifosi 92

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Tifosi 92

  1. Yeah, I saw that come up. I might end up reading a story or two from it, but no idea if I'll ever have the time.
  2. That kind of stuff happens to me right before I fall asleep. I think that's just your brain going into a light state of dreaming 'cause you're barely asleep, but there's a 99% chance I'm wrong.
  3. I've heard some good stuff about this game, but haven't ever been able to try it out. Lots of destruction in any game is what mulitiplies the awesome factor for me, though. If you like heroes in hoodies, you ought to check out the Ranger's Apprentice series. Some awesome books right there.
  4. Tifosi 92


    Awesome. Nothing like seeing hard-working effort put into studying come out as good grades.
  5. 'Grats on the inclusion in the Elements anthology, and thanks for the mention. =) I can tell already that you're probably going to attain more fame as a writer on here than I can ever hope to get. =P

  6. So, like, after having a month or so of time, I finally edited and revised my entry for the Short Story Autumn Olympics of yesteryear. Basically took out most of the grammar errors, although I think that the vocabulary still could have used a few edits. If you were planning to read it before but didn't, now is the time. Really glad to finally be getting back on track with writing stuff, nonetheless. Reviews would be appreciated, as usual. The Mansion
  7. I understand that. It'd just be nice to eventually get a review in return for some of the stuff I've reviewed for you recently. You don't need to hurry into reading it, I just miss getting reviews from you on my writing stuff.
  8. Wow, first story I've posted in... a while? So yeah, been meaning to get something up, and finally got around to keeping my word. It's nothing like I had originally planned on writing, nor is it something I think I'm especially proud of, but I'm glad I was able to write something. The story is an alternate version of S&D taking place after the unwritten end of the story, but it has nothing to do with the actual plotline and contains no story spoilers at all. It'd be really nice to get some reviews on this, because I haven't posted anything in forever and I'd like to know how my writing is doing these days. (read it this time, LK?) Wish You Were Here
  9. Can totally understand about where you are on the schoolwork for sure. The trick to getting in the groove for it is to practically start your day with schoolwork (trust me--this works) and not stop until around dinner time. If you get bored of one subject, switch to another. If you get stuck on something big like a research paper/huge essay/big math exam, you're just gonna have to plow through it until you get to something easier, sadly. I hope things will lessen up in that respect soon--it's torturous to be writing essays 24/7. =/ I know school isn't your only problem right now, but it was the one I figured I could offer advice best in. Hang in there with the finances as well--you've got a big commission coming soon. Anyways, just keep working hard and stay focused; things can't stay the way they are forever. Hope to see you sometime soon on MSN or something--I've missed chatting with you!
  10. Hey, I see you're busy too--we need to catch up on MSN or something sometime soon. I might have a story up tonight, but who knows. Hope you're doing well.

  11. No, I would recommend it--it's the best F1 simulator in a while. It's just that is has some annoying aspects. It's the most fun when you've got a maniac driver for a brother who thinks it's funny to race it like Nascar. =P

  12. European spelling seems more refined to me. I'd use it more if Word didn't bust my chops about "colour" being a typo. =P And yeah, I've been holding up. Not entirely well, but I'm getting through things. Ended up not being able to sleep last night so I wrote 4 pages onto a story that you might see in the forums soon.

  13. Yes, we've got it. It's fine, but the AI cheats and you can't damage their cars while they'll rear-end you at every hairpin. The pit-stops can be glitchy as well, but other than that it's not bad. Mario Kart's got more replay value, honestly.

  14. That'd work--maybe this weekend. I might have time to talk on MSN or on the phone then. Oh, and European spelling is awesome. =P

  15. Schoolwork has gotten a little more intense than I thought it would be, and as such, I'm going to be taking a two-week leave or so from BZP and internet stuff in general. If I come on BZP, it'll probably be to respond to the odd comment or check messages. If you send me anything, don't count on me responding quickly, though. Until then, I'll have my nose to the grindstone trying to accomplish as much as possible. See you all in two weeks, hopefully a little sooner. EDIT: Things have been looking slightly better; as long as I'm keeping on schedule, there's a possibility I'll have a small amount of time to check into BZP every night. No guarantees that I'll respond to messages during that time, though.
  16. You win at life--Teardrop is one of the most amazing songs ever. ^^

  17. Hey, you do realize F1 09 is available for the Wii, right?

  18. You know, I think when I get back I'm going to do a "Sentiment in Lyrics" block like you have. Some songs that I've overlooked before are beginning to click for reasons I don't entirely understand--they just hit that sweet spot for some reason. Things already aren't seeming as bad as they sounded in the PM by the way--hope to talk to you again soon. =)


  20. Over the last three days, I think the temperature has only spent a handful of hours over freezing temperatures (literally). Every time I've looked at the thermometer, the temperature seems to always be at 20 degrees Fahrenheit, and that's even during the day. Still no snow, save for some small stuff that hung around for an evening. There's a chance of it snowing on Thursday, so fingers crossed for that. Put simply, getting firewood and working outside is not cool (no pun intended) unless you bundle up bigtime. I think this is the coldest I can remember it being in a while. Excuse me while I curl up next to the heater like a frightened cat and wait for snow.
  21. Awww. =( That stinks. I've been feeling like writing something really badly lately, so maybe I can get a story up just for you if it'll make you feel better. =P

  22. Judging by your last active time, it looks like you didn't get much sleep last night. =/

  23. Looking forward to the new year, though it will most likely be a busy one. I've been less active on BZP towards the end of the year, and I'm starting to think that this might not change for a while, unfortunately. School is just too much of a burden for this, and whenever I do have time to relax I'm often chatting with friends or playing games. Here's to a hopefully easier year for everyone in 2010--and a more active one on my part. Also, I've been trying to finally write out some projects I've had in the back of my head for a while, but none of them are coming out the way I want them to due to perhaps a lack of motivation. I know they can be good stories if I can get my mindset right, but for some reason I haven't been able to do that. Should I try to brainstorm some of my old ideas more thoroughly and see if I can get the fire back into them, or should I abandon them completely and wait for a new idea to come along?
  24. Tifosi 92

    Hey Daffy

    *lol* Wow, that brings back some really cool memories.
  25. Eh, what's up doc?

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