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Tifosi 92

Outstanding BZPower Citizens
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Everything posted by Tifosi 92

  1. Solution. (Yes, those are zombies in the background. )
  2. We only went to 03 and 07. 03 was a much better race, in my opinion.

  3. Tifosi 92

    Xmas Decorations

    Huh. I can't live with that--the month goes by without feeling like Christmas. We usually end up decorating our tree shortly after the first of the month. That comes complete with Christmas music to the tune of Nat King Cole and Perry Como, as well as multiple replays of "It's a Wonderful Life".
  4. Wait... You weren't orange before, were you? =P

  5. Tifosi 92

    Rainbow Road

    ._. *Googles* WHY HAVE I NEVER SEEN THIS TRICK Now my control stick is broken and I can't even play MK64. ;_; Uhh... I used to do that all the time. You can also cut a turn before the launch star on the Wii version, and skip the loop on the DS if you get really lucky. Well, it wouldn't be Rainbow Road if it wasn't so difficult. I recommend much Time Trial-ing. *lol*
  6. Tifosi 92

    Short Leave

    Just wanted to let everyone know that tomorrow I'll be leaving on a short trip to visit a very dear friend, and I most likely will not have internet access until I'm back on Sunday. I won't be able to respond to PM's/comments until then, so hang in there.
  7. That's cool--there are a lot of good games on the Wii, like Mario Kart, Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and then you can also download older games. It's quite the console. =P

  8. Tifosi 92

    Rainbow Road

    I like how clean Wii version feels to play, but the track design/retro cup choices were rather lousy in my opinion. The DS had the best tracks, both new and retro, and they missed a lot of opportunities when selecting retro DS tracks for the Wii (Airship Fortress, Waluigi Pinball, Tick Tock Clock--instead they chose Peach Gardens and Yoshi Falls :angry:). What it comes down to is this: I think the Wii version has the best graphics and drives the best, the DS is the best one with CPU drivers in multiplayer, and Double Dash multiplayer without the CPU players is better than non-CPU multiplayer in the other games. In short, Mario Kart is one of the most awesome and reliable franchises out there. I'll add anyone who's willing to play--PM me if you want my friend code.
  9. Yeah, why? I'll race ya in MK Wii if you have it. =P

  10. Tifosi 92

    Rainbow Road

    You could still play it on the Wii as long as you had a Gamecube controller--you don't need a Gamecube. I'm sure you could find Double Dash online for cheap somewhere as well. I've heard talk of it being the worst Mario Kart, but I think it has the best split-screen multiplayer.
  11. Tifosi 92

    Rainbow Road

    All of them are cool. It's hard for me to pick favorites, but the Double Dash, Wii, and DS ones really stand out just overall in my opinion.
  12. Tifosi 92

    Rainbow Road

    Mario Circuit was my favorite. Out of all of them, I'd actually say the N64 one is my least favorite, because it was too long. Doesn't mean it's not awesome, though. The one in Double Dash is by far my favorite, if only for the music.
  13. Tifosi 92

    Rainbow Road

    Yeah, I have three stars on DS, and I'm like, ten cups away from getting it on Wii as well. Never liked snaking on the DS game, though, and I'm glad it's not possible on the Wii.
  14. I don't even know why I'm writing this. Rainbow Road, in pretty much any of its forms, is one of the most awesome race tracks ever, even if it's only from Mario Kart. The music, the setting, the danger, the speed, the spectacle; it's all there. There is absolutely nothing like cruising about the cosmos on a narrow, multi-colored ribbon that twists this way and that, even if only in a video game. Whoever came up with the idea certainly had an original one, that's for sure. Still waiting for Nintendo to feature them all in one GP on the same game... Racing on Rainbow Road for real would probably be pretty close to the top of my "things-I-could-do-if-I-could-do-anything" list. 'Twould be absolutely amazing, especially on a bike. [/totalgeek]
  15. Awesome job on that art. You've worked out who's who pretty well, I'd say--Kiina is totally in character. I still wish I could draw as well as you. And don't get down about this month already--Christmas and some other cool things are happening in the next few days, so hopefully December won't be too bad for you.
  16. The only thing worse than Twilight fangirls are Infinity Ward fanboys.
  17. Wow, congrats, dude. I definitely would've liked to participate if I had more time--I've been pretty busy as of late (*coughsneezelazycoughcough*).
  18. Tifosi 92


    So in other words, business as usual. Anyone have any idea why Maj is still down? Why'd they take it down in the first place?
  19. Tifosi 92


    So yeah, I've been away from BZP for what might possibly be the longest absence I've had since I've joined the site. I've been gone mainly for Thanksgiving and family stuff, but I'm sure everyone's a bit busy around this time of year, what with holidays coming up and stuff. I don't really think I've missed much. Have I?
  20. Greg has said in the talkback topic that Bionicle's storyline will most likely take a turn for the better (in my opinion, anyway ) now that it's not confined to the sets. I for one am highly excited about this, even if it means no more comics or books.
  21. No, I don't. I'm from the US, and although I'd like to learn Italian, I haven't had the time for it yet. =)

  22. Call of Duty 3 was one awesome game. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like they'll be making any games similar to it anytime soon, which is somewhat saddening.
  23. If anything, this should've been your message of the fortnight, 'cause you kinda need a new one.
  24. Tifosi 92

    Admin For A Day - 2

    Q: Due to an unexpected change in real life, Ta-metru_defender is unable to continue his job as forum mentor. Who replaces him? A: Hmm... That's a tough one. Forum mentor is a job I wouldn't mind having, actually, even if it meant I had to be more active. If she were on more, Lady K would probably do well as an FM. I can't think of anyone active enough outside of who I've already picked--sorry! Q: After years on the job, Blog Leader Makaru retires. Out of all the current Bloggies, who replaces him? A: Bfahome, probably. I'm not really up on who runs blog stuff, so I wouldn't know who might be best to pick. Bfa seems like a reliable choice, though. Q: Now, someone needs to replace that bloggie. Who do you hire? A: Hmm.... Spink? I have no idea. Q: Finally, you need to hire a Reference Keeper. Who do you choose? A: That's an easy one: Erebus.
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