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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by Nescent

  1. While poking around the Bionicle website for anything new, I realized that the sections for the different Regions have pictures of the "Tribe Villages." They're different from the regular art, in that they show the whole buildings instead of just small sections: Earth Jungle Stone Fire Ice Water They weren't there before, were they? I swear I've looked at those pages a dozen times and never seen these.
  2. Nice pun. Those pun are fire, yo. [waterpun]insert text here[/waterpun]
  3. Liquid Stranger's "The Invisible Conquest" album.
  4. Hmm, it seems that I can't vote a second time even though the poll was reset:
  5. Usually I'm pretty anal about not modifying sets, but I did rotate Lewa Uniter's lower-arm bones by 90 degrees. The way the instructions show it provides extremely limited articulation, and they look really thin from the front. I guess the bones could press against the Vorox armor, but not enough to break/bend them.
  6. That sounds very cool, I'd like to see more blending into non-transparent colors. Personally, a gold-blended-into-trans-purple Mask of Control could be cool. Like 2015 Onua's Corrupted Mask. I'd also like a recolor of Umarak's mask, but I'm not sure what color. Certainly not gold, since his mask looks like a scarred face. Maybe dark red (like the spikes all over him) blended into black.
  7. The Bionicle website has been updated with the 2016 products.
  8. No. I'm on a PC. Are you a big Star Wars fan?
  9. Yes. Have you bought any of the new Bionicle sets yet?
  10. There were several exclusive Bionicle masks to collect in 2015 from polybags and special events: -NYCC Transparent-Clear Mask of Fire -Hero Pack Transparent-Fluorescent Reddish Orange Mask of Fire -Villain Pack Gold Skull Grinder Mask -SDCC Transparent-Lime Green Skull Scorpio Mask -Inside Tour Transparent-Dark Blue Mask of Water If there are similar exclusives to be had in 2016, what sort of special masks do you hope we get?
  11. Just built Lewa, Gali, and Uxar. Gali is nice, she looks a lot better in person, IMO. The only thing I don't like is her torso - the extra module does not work on her (it does on the other Toa), and there's nothing surrounding the chestplate so it looks like the chest armor isn't sitting on anything. But she's a nice set, can't wait to get Akida. Lewa is perfect, though. And so is Uxar. I wasn't particularly excited for either of them, but they are awesome. I love Lewa's custom arms & legs, love the mask, the colors (the yellow is sweet), and they are incredible when United.
  12. Everything disappeared from the Products page. I hope that means they're updating the site.
  13. I ordered Lewa, Gali, and Uxar from TRU, and they were estimated to arrive by like the 14th...Turns out they're shipping from Miami and will get here tomorrow. Yay!
  14. Now that I have a couple of the sets in person, I actually changed my mind - I like the silver blend quite a bit on Kopaka. I think it will look good on all the Toa, except for Tahu and Onua. They would probably look better with pure red and black. But yeah Kopaka looks really good with the silver-blended mask, better than solid white would have.
  15. I voted Gali as my favorite. Gali as a standalone set is one of the most flawed, in my opinion, but combined with Akida, she's one of the best. Can't wait to see them United in person. Least favorite has always been Pohatu and Ketar. They are the only pair that doesn't "merge" into a single set - it really looks like Ketar is piggybacking on Pohatu, not Uniting with him. The over-the-shoulder slashing swords might be cool, but there's nowhere to stash Ketar's legs, and the scorpion tail can't bend up... You're the spiffiest guy on BZP, and you know it.
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