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Everything posted by Nescent

  1. The character videos for Lewa and Tahu are most likely clips from the show, there are links on the front page right now.
  2. I think the voice actor is a lot better in this one. And seriously I love that animation style.
  3. The mythical island of Okoto was once a land of prosperity. The City of the Mask Makers blossomed from the ground and grew old before falling to the corruption of Makuta. There were brighter days, long ago but not forgotten, for the memories of generations passed are sustained in the music of the villagers. Recent times have been difficult. Okoto is plagued, and each day is a battle. The nature of the island is hostile, and horrible Skull Spiders ruthlessly invade the villages. It is a nearly constant struggle, but when the suns set and when evil rests, the villages of Okoto resonate. So long as the villagers remain united, the heart of the island will continue to beat through their songs. Thick trees and grueling swamps are home to ancient ruins and the dwellers of Jungle. This is the most trying part of Okoto's wilderness; thorny vines and vile waters cover nearly every inch of the mountainous Region of Jungle. From the steepest cliffs to the tallest trees, villagers make due with hanging huts and overgrown settlements. Most villagers would not fare well in this extremely hostile environment, but Jungle villagers are among the most resilient. However, while their exteriors may be tough and hardy, their hearts lie in the treetops. As the suns set beyond the tree-line, the jungle is bathed with luscious gold: the last rays of light paint the canopy with a magical warmth. Deep green leaves and sharp, black shadows dance wildly as a massive breeze sweeps through every last branch, carrying with it the sounds of the wild. In a flattened clearing, hundreds of villagers gather together, beat their drums, and become one with the wind and the swaying trees. Travel to the Region of Earth and you will find little more than glossy, barren rock. The terrain is scarred with jagged crags, dark pits, and deep cracks. But sink down into the earth, through the obsidian caves, past the shimmering crystals, into the belly of Okoto, and you will find caverns so great that they fit whole mountains. It is here, deep underground, that the Earth villagers reside: Stocky, stoic, creative workers who dig into the ground each passing day. Their home is rough and rigid, just as they are, and in the absence of the suns, their music roars frequently through the day. The song of the Earth villagers is loud, amplified by the enormous cavity they inhabit. In the center of a massive cavern, a dozen villagers sit before an array of magnificent drums and bizarre instruments created by the Region's outstanding engineers…the walls begin to tremble, and somewhere in the darkness, slimy green Skull Spiders retreat into the dark, terrified by the might of the upcoming music. Not all of the Region of Earth is tough and loud. Deep down the twisted, winding caves, into the secluded chambers miles below the surface, serene villagers linger, quiet and unheard. This place is too reclusive for Rahi and Skull Spiders; it is a place where villagers come to think, or be alone. It is also a place where villagers congregate to share their wisdom. In a cramped, round cavern, a small gathering of villagers lay close together and idly play, just passing the time. Somewhere nearby, a lonesome villager sits and meditates to their muffled song. Nesting on the mountains south in Okoto is the great volcano, roaring and spitting into the sky, smothering the Region of Fire with smoke and ash. The ground itself glows fiery-red and orange, burning and bleeding fire and lava. Most of the Region is a flat, smokey wasteland, home to foul beasts and dangerous fire-pits, and in a cavernous valley in the Region's center there is a village built of rock. Here, the villagers of Fire train and fight. They are warriors at heart, and in the dark of night, kept alight by the blazing flames, the villagers unite together to rally. Intimidating drums that rattle the mountains, sly lutes that creep through the canyons, and complicated contraptions whose soft sound carries over all the flat wastes: these are the instruments of the Fire villagers. Sheltered in the narrow canyons far away from the mighty volcano, making homes in the black caves, a small tribe of Fire villagers sinks into the shadows to stave off the night. They are not afraid, for they cling together, and by flickering light of a fire, they ignite the canyons with their song...It is a song of triumph. In the Region of Stone, there is no place to hide from the great, scorching sun. Between the heat, the sandstorms, the predators, and the sheer immensity of the desert, Stone villagers are trained to be supremely resilient. They are hunters and scavengers, but also craftsmen. A team of seasoned hunters sets off into the rocky canyon toward the north-east. There are no settlements here; only the wild. Trekking through the windy dunes, they make themselves heard with portable drums, small but powerful, and bowed instruments, which they strike with a mallet. Beyond the dune-tops, Skull Spiders and Rahi retreat from the barrage of sound, terrified. The northernmost segment of Okoto is a frozen stretch of mountains. The lower points along the coast are dull and glacial, home to formidable wild beasts and desolate ice…but deeper within the region, amidst the blizzards and the mountains, bustling snow buries countless footsteps over and over. This is where the villagers of Ice call home, and it is the coldest, windiest place on Okoto. Day by day, villagers chip away at the ice, carving their homes in the crystal-like mountainsides. The Rahi here are among the most well-adapted, and between the Skull Spiders, the beasts, and the horribly vicious winds, villagers of the Region of Ice are the most diligent workers on the island. In the midst of a raging blizzard, workers fight through the cold, and a band of villagers plays over the noise. The spirit of their music is one of work. The sound of drummers carries through the ground, flutists flow with the wind, and the Protector himself chimes a massive array of bells, echoing through the cold valleys. Down the slopes, in the low, quiet outskirts of the Region of Ice, elder villagers make their homes in crannies along the chilled coast. Much of the ocean is frozen over, and convenient ice crags obscure the small village from intruders and protect it from the wind. It is a safe and hidden place, and on a low-key, grey afternoon, elders and their children gather together on the cliffside with frosty instruments. Very little on Okoto compares to the beauty that is flowing water. It comprises everything from the gentle, trickling streams, to the fierce, roaring waterfalls, to the massive, silent depths of the ocean. The Region of Water is the freest and the quaintest place on the island, and its villagers are every bit as nimble as the water itself. A collage of buildings lay planted on the ocean floor; under the sea, there is only the sound of water: a deep, ever-present rumble stretching into the endless depths. Inside the village, by dim light of glowing crystals, the villagers of Water congregate. Up on the surface is a whole different world. Bright green vegetation is intertwined with the rushing water and still ponds. The air is humid and fresh, and filled with colorful sounds - the sizzling splash of foamy waves, the subtle hiss of distant waterfalls, and the quiet buzz of unseen insects, perhaps visitors from the Region of Jungle. This is the safest place on Okoto, and somewhere on the coastline, a band of villagers lay peacefully, sprawled across the wet, grassy rocks. Their instruments are small and lightweight, and their song almost blends with the sounds of nature. Their music makes them forget the island's peril, if only for a minute or two. Click here to listen on YouTube Click here to download (55.5 MB)
  4. Yeah, this was released in Russia exclusively. Someone did post a review for it: http://www.bzpower.com/board/topic/19558-review-5002942-bionicle-villain-pack/
  5. Not going to lie, the voice acting was a little...surprising. But the animation is sweet, look at the little Shadow Trap at 0:10, hiding behind a rock like Vakama in LoMN. I think Journey to One will be a nice show. Now that we've seen the animation in action, here's a reminder about the promotional poster - you can get a glimpse at how the other Toa will appear in the show. Also, I love that there are familiar features in the video. We can see the temple thing from the Region of Fire art, and the Fire village...it's kind of sucking me into Okoto.
  6. I feel the same way - didn't expect anything from the show, but it's really looking quite nice. I really like the animation style.
  7. Hurrah! I'm still reading through it, but does anyone know what those prices will convert to in USD? They seem way cheaper than I expected.
  8. https://www.facebook.com/LEGOBionicle/videos/1669591383281938/
  9. Creatures of Okoto (...Preview.) I'm moving pretty soon, and starting to work, and having to leave some stuff behind, and probably taking a little hiatus from Bionicle, at least to some degree. I'll still log on here and do This Month in Bionicle, but MOCs will probably be difficult, so Creatures of Okoto is being postponed. But, since I have a handful of combiners already, I'm going to share what I've got, rather than just sitting on them. So, these are all made with the 2016 sets, and all of them have instructions (which have been put together similar to LEGO's official instructions, in the form of PDF booklets). Here are some pointers I've been following to enhance the quality of these, compared to my previous combiners: -Use more parts. The alternates (made with just one set) use 80-90 percent of the pieces, at least. Combiners with two or more sets use at least 75 percent, in general. -Higher standards. For each MOC I include, there are one or two that didn't make the cut. -More photos. The topic will have one photo per MOC, but the video will show them off from different angles. So without further ado, here are my Creatures of Okoto! (Bear in mind that, as a WiP, some of these have makeshift backgrounds, or no backgrounds at all.) Region of Jungle Crystal Swamp Mite - Small insect found the the swamps. Built with Uxar, Creature of Jungle. Swamp Gorgat - Large, camouflaged Creature which disguises itself as swamp-plants by stooping into the murky waters. Built with Umarak and Uxar. Jungle Strider - Nimble and prone to fighting, but not very good at it. Built with Lewa, Uniter of Jungle. Jungle Mammoth - Large and hostile, with powerful tusks. Built with Umarak, the Hunter. Region of Ice Snow Runner - Small, swift Creature, able to evade any foe. Built with Melum, Creature of Ice. Snow Bunny - Large and generally friendly, but capable of defending itself. Built with Kopaka, Uniter of Ice. Ice Crusher - Massive, intelligent, territorial, and very mean. Built with Kopaka and Gali. Region of Water Coral Stalker - Generally passive, large Creatures which prowl among colorful coral reefs. Built with Gali and Lewa. Reef Spider - Common, simple Creatures which have little means of self-defense, but attract little attention. Built with Gali, Uniter of Water. Gaboo - Somewhat large, stupid Creatures which harass the villagers, both above the water and under the sea. Also, stay tuned for Music of Okoto: Songs of the Villagers. I'll be posting the topic tomorrow morning!
  10. Images linked to full-resolution "Knight" "Butterfly" "Christmas Tree" "Motif" These are various "drawings" I made by placing loose Bionicle parts on a towel. Some of them use select pieces - the first one uses only limb parts, and the knight uses only weapon parts. Thanks for stopping by!
  11. This is the greatest thing ever, I showed it to my non-LEGO-fan brother and he also loved it. The upside-down eyes on the Kraahkan...just perfect.
  12. That was awesome, thank you for going through the effort to share it!
  13. Nescent

    I'm bored, AMA

    Do you prefer night or day? Hot or cold weather? What's your favorite movie?
  14. Yeah, I haven't downloaded the combiner instructions for Skorpio + Skull Grinder combiner yet, so I was hoping to snatch those. Someone found the combiner instructions: Basher+Slicer+Warrior instructions Scorpio/Grinder instructions
  15. Nescent


    I'm really looking forward to sharing it! Expect it on Tuesday, everything's finished except for two songs that just need a bit of touching-up. It came down to nine tracks, total of about 23 minutes.
  16. It is coming out February, but no, there hasn't been anything more than a small press release. It's a Netflix-exclusive, I'm not sure if Netflix ordinarily does trailers for their shows.
  17. Nescent


    It's a really cool project, I'll be keeping up with it. Congrats on the feature!
  18. Nescent


    But seriously. I just wanted to give a little update on Music of Okoto - I put it off for, like, two months, but I'm still going to finish it. Been working on it a lot the past few days. Music of Okoto is a series of in-universe songs from the G2 Bionicle universe, as in, the music that the villagers play. There will be one song for each Region, and maybe a few extras. Here's a detailed report of how much I have made: RoJ: 1 song finished. RoE: 1 song conceptualized, haven't really started this one. RoF: 1 song about half-way finished. RoS: 1 song about half-way finished. RoI: 1 song being finished. RoW: 2 songs being finished. Each song is 2-3 minutes long, with a brief accompanying story to give some context, and help set up the mood. I have to finish it within the next week or two, so expect it to be posted pretty soon! While I'm here, I guess I'll also talk about Creatures of Okoto. You may have noticed that the progress meter in my signature hasn't really budged for a while; unfortunately, I haven't been able to pick up all the 2016 sets yet, so I haven't been able to work on it. Plus, with the cold winter weather (yes it's been freezing here in Florida and I love it), it's been hard to stay motivated to work on it. I still need all the Akamai sets (Fire/Earth/Stone), and I'm gonna be super busy for a while, so I really don't know when I will be able to finish Creatures. Here's what I do have, though: RoI: 3 combiners RoJ: 4 combiners RoW: 3 combiners All with photos and instructions made. I am aiming for 5 combiners in each Region, so I do have some progress made, at least. Anyway, now you're all caught up with my Bionicle projects; Music of Okoto will be out soon™, and Creatures of Okoto is TBD.
  19. I scored some surprise tickets to watch The Force Awakens tonight, so I can't make it this week.
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