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Premier Outstanding BZP Citizens
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Everything posted by P~M

  1. The oddly-titled "A Earthbound Retrospective" by Black & White Knight.
  2. Happy Birthday!
  3. Happy birthday!

    1. Regitnui


      Much thankings.!

  4. Isn't pierre French for stone? Cute photo set! It's fun to set figures up in real life situations. The soundboard picture is my favorite. DJ Pierre takes the stage!
  5. Thanks, everyone, for your suggestions! I'm not entirely sure why I would ever even look at a Mega Bloks set except by complete accident when trying to find the LEGO aisle at a toy store, so that doesn't really apply, haha. Yeah, I agree that they weren't exactly the best constraction sets, but I think some of them have some pretty cool parts and designs, so that's why I was asking.
  6. Heh, whoops. Serves me right, not checking the dates.

  7. After purchasing Lewa yesterday and using a lot of his pieces for a different MOC, I decided to use what pieces I had left (along with various others in my collection) to make the little guy I felt had to be made: ~~~ [Full] Personally I think the Mask of Jungle works a lot better for Matau than it does for Lewa. But that's just my opinion. [side] That ball joint is supposed to have a "hand" piece attached, but for some reason it's not there. [back] Not a huge fan of the big, clunky feet, but they're the smallest things I have in Keetorange. [uh-oh] Look out, Matau! [“Greetings, Lewa. We have been waiting for you.”] A recreation of a classic moment. ~~~ Questions? Comments. Complaints! What do you think?
  8. The poor robot just wants to have some pie and he's being challenged by two boxing nagas.
  9. Yep. Love her. TPBM hates their significant other?
  10. Granted; wearing it makes all your friends shun you, calling you a "neckbeard" and a "creep." I wish Target stocked Onua.
  11. No, I haven't. TPBM has at least three Gen 2 Bionicle sets.
  12. Yeah, I agree. I never understood the hate for the 2009 sets. Some of them were really cool.
  13. Wow, this is a really nice build! I'm always a fan of custom torsos (as well as revamps, haha), and this one is quite the cake-taker. Those legs are fantastic, too--very sturdy-looking! I agree with Doublebee, though--'rang attachment spots would be perfect for the feet. Why did you choose the "technically not attached" method for the torso, by the way?
  14. Wow! I really like all of these. My favorite of the Matoran would have to be Hafu, although Matoro is just so adorable. I like the Toa's designs as well, especially Onua, Pohatu, and Tahu. Not a huge fan of Lewa, though--I'm not sure what it is, but he just doesn't really look like Lewa. Ackar's design is great! I like how you can really tell that he's quite a bit older than the others, and his shoulder spikes are really well-done. I'm not sure how I feel about the sideburn things on his helmet, though. Keep up the great work!
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