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And another one! I had begun a WIP of this before finishing off Raptor. Maybe the squadron might grow in the future... but that's it for now!
You're out in the wilderness of a distant moon, when suddenly you encounter a gang of thieves robbing a group of fellow travelers! You turn to run when one of them points to you, but as soon as you get to the top of the hill you just came from, there he is. SHOTGUN DINOSAUR! Terrified, you turn back towards the thieves, but now they're coming after you. The terrible lizard looks at you, looks at them and loads his weapon. He saunters towards the criminals on lanky legs and you take this chance to escape from the chaos as the sounds of gunfire echo throughout the valley... While not actually a dinosaur, everyone calls him SHOTGUN DINOSAUR (You yell it while speaking) because there isn't really anyone left alive or willing to call him otherwise. An explorer and mercenary of questionable sanity, SHOTGUN DINOSAUR is most famous for two things: 1. Having a shotgun. 2. Being some sort of dinosaur-like creature. Wait, make that three things- 3. His eagerness to shoot first and ask questions never. Despite his behavior, SHOTGUN DINOSAUR is actually a pretty nice guy if you can stay on his nice side. He's willing to take any sort of job he deems moral, something officials are still trying to figure out the pattern behind. From what they know, he's all for freedom and kindness, and believes that the best way to make the world a kinder and more free place is to simply remove those in opposition. If his attitude was more... stable, he'd be a remarkable asset to the world. Unfortunately, SHOTGUN DINOSAUR doesn't care about the law. He does what he wants and what he feels is best for the world. Surprisingly, he understands that his impulsiveness is one of his biggest flaws... does nothing to change it. He's not loved, he's not hated, he's just kind of... accepted. The following quotes are from inhabitants of Qyltor-5B, the moon where SHOTGUN DINOSAUR lives and operates. "Yeah, I've seen him before. He actually just shopped here yesterday. I don't know what he needed a six-pack of soda, thirteen lamps and a can of paint for, but as long as he's not bothering me and my store stays safe, I'm fine with it." "Well, he's technically an outlaw but we let his... often gruesome actions slide because somehow the greater good always benefits. We certainly don't condone what he does, like blasting criminal robots apart in broad daylight, but he could be much worse. But rest assured- if he ever turns on the public, we've got contingency plans galore to bring that cyborg dinosaur to justice." "SHOTGUN DINOSAUR? He's super cool, like I even drew a picture of him and the teacher said I shouldn't admire criminals but this guy is like Robin Hood because he cares about people and just wants them to be nice. So, um, he can be a pretty mean guy and I don't like that, but SHOTGUN DINOSAUR is only like that to mean people does it to make sure nice people don't get hurt." "My feelings on SHOTGUN DINOSAUR are mixed. As the mayor of this town, it is my duty to uphold the law and protect the public peace. SHOTGUN DINOSAUR acts in direct opposition to these virtues- he carries loaded lethal weapons in the open, disregards the law and enforces his sense of justice with no mercy. However, I can't deny that his actions typically result in happy endings. Who could forget the time he single-handily fought off a small fleet of space pirates, or, em... "eliminated" the highwaymen plaguing those travelling to and from the local spaceport? I cannot say I approve or condemn SHOTGUN DINOSAUR, and that's all you're getting from me. As you can see, there is generally a feeling of approval and gratitude towards SHOTGUN DINOSAUR, but at the same time he his feared and treated as an outsider. There are similar feelings and incidents from the other towns as well- SHOTGUN DINOSAUR has no defined area he patrols, and has been spotted in nearly every town on the Yorhj continent at some time or another. For better or for worse, SHOTGUN DINOSAUR is here to stay, fighting for freedom with all his force, crusading for kindness with no remorse. (This guy isn't one of my best MOCS, and was more of an experiment in two things: making a shotgun and making something that can balance well in a variety of poses. His legs are very posable, although holding those poses is another story. His feet were one of the main focuses of the model, and they can also take many positions with stability, although they are not shown here. Here's a link to the Brickshelf Gallery when it becomes public. Hopefully the gun part doesn't break any BZP rules, I haven't been around in a while and from what I can see in the rules it should be allowed.)
Gallery These predatory Rahi dwell in deep caves, and keep hoards of the energy crystals so abundant there. This, alongside their excellent camouflage, makes mining such crystals a risky business - not only do you run the risk of incurring one's wrath if you steal from its collection, you also have to be exceeding careful the crystal you're mining isn't actually a sleeping Crystallovenator's tooth! Building to the 'fluorescent' theme, I decided the Crystal King's head was a good piece to start with, and for some reason a dinosaur-like body seemed suitable. So you get a rock-crystal-dinosaur-thing. Let me know what you think!
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Hi there, it's my new OC I've built recently. Took me 2 days to finish. Hope you like it. Highres on my Flickr
Edit: Never noticed that the images were just links...that was weird. Just like before, this is based off of a real dinosaur. Here's the wiki for more information: Tyrannosaurs were among the most successful groups of dinosaurs on the planet. Confirmed to have feathers, and having spread influence throughout much of the northern hemisphere, no group of dinosaurs their size could outcompete them, forcing the long-established Carnosaurs to either go extinct or follow their traditional prey south into continents like Africa and South America. Their kind had their early beginnings in the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous as small coelurosaurs in Asia, but began to grow in size quickly, and before long they became one of the most profound dinosaurs to date. Tarbosaurus bataar is T.Rex's Mongolian cousin. Both lived roughly around the same time, and appeared so similar many thought that they were the exact same animal. Despite this, Tarbosaurus is just different from Tyrannosaurus that they are considered different species, albeit Tarbosaurus only has one species under its genus; Bataar. In terms of size, Tarbosaurus comes just under Tyrannosaurus, between 10-12 meters in length (33-39 feet), but they were still formidable enough to become the dominant predators in their region in the Gobi Desert, likely hunting the local ornithischian cuisine; the Saurolophus; which traveled to and from the desert in migrating herds. Despite how big it was, most of the Gobi was safe from these monsters due to the fact that most creatures that lived there were too small to be worth chasing, such as the local Velociraptor and their favorite food the Protoceratops. Like all Tyrannosaurs, Tarbosaurus likely had a very powerful bite; everything lay within its massive skull, a trait that made the Tyrannosaurs unique and deadly killers. Unlike Carnosaurs, whose focus was to tear big holes in their prey and make them bleed to death, Tyrannosaurs could actually crush bone, leading for some paleontologists to assume that they could have been glorified turkey vultures instead of hunters. Regardless of how they ate, it is known fact that wherever a Tyrannosaur fossil showed up in the Cretaceous rock, very few predators it size would be in the area for long, as nothing could compete with that giant eating machine. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Whoever designed the Dragon Bolt head without bothering to think of ways for it to work without the weird Brain Attack bug is on my hit list. Took forever to figure out how to set the head up, but I'm pretty proud of the way it turned out. I initially was trying to think of a cool Dinosaur that would fight my Suchomimus MoC from earlier in 1x1 combat stop motion, and wound up settling for the Tyrannosaur that was within its relative size range. It's going to be fun to set up, though a pain since I'm going to be using a blue sheet of paper and a blue shirt on a cardboard box to act as my stage, and as you can see...Tarby over here is kind Need to rethink my setup methinks. Probably the best part about this build is that it poses really well...I'm not even kidding. Most of my old pieces are so worn out that things move really loosely, which is great for well-loved toys and action figures but rather terrible for a stop motion subject. Edit: Images linked; please don't embed images over 100 kB and 640x640 pixels in BBC. -Wind-
- Dinosaur
- Tyrannosaur
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EDIT: Toa Bumblebee mentioned that this needed more pictures. I apologize that there weren't, but my camera needed its battery charged and I had lost the charger some time ago. Finally managed to get it working again, so more pictures as needed. And yes, this is based on the actual dinosaur by the way. Here's the wiki for more info: Suchomimus is one of the popular groups of dinosaurs known as Spinosaurs, which include the infamous Spinosaurus aegyptiacus as one of its members. It is also one of the most complete specimens, with most of its skeletal structure pieced together via many specimens which includes its ribs, hips, most of the skull, and the massive thumb claws from which the family is so famous for using. Adult members are estimated to grow an average of 11 meters (36 feet) in length when fully grown, making them massive theropods and one of the largest in the group with only Spinosaurus being bigger. Suchomimus lived in Early Cretaceous Africa and may have been one of the largest predators in its ecosystem. Suchomimus, like other Spinosaurs, was believed to be a specialist and a fish hunter, much like crocodiles and bears. It would have used its long, crocodile-like snout to snatch prey from the water's edge; the teeth perfectly designed to grab slippery fish due to their straight and conical shape like modern crocodiles. However, these jaws weren't very good at tearing prey apart, and unlike crocodiles it couldn't twist itself into a death roll in order to tear flesh. Instead, it is believed they used their signature claws; of which the thumb is shaped like a massive, killing scythe that can tear through flesh; in order to cut apart their catch enough to eat it. Bears use similar behavior today when catching fish, using their claws to help tear their catch apart. Suchomimus retains much of its almost Baryonyx-like traits, which means that while some evidence of a sail is starting to show they don't yet have the classic spine that makes Spinosaurus such a huge predator. Still, its spine is covered in large dorsal growths that gave its back a very pronounced bump, indicating that whatever Spinosaurus needed its gigantic sail for started with dinosaurs like Suchomimus, though we still don't know what that reason could be. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I made this not too long ago, was hoping that I could do some stop motion with it sometime in the near future. When I saw the CHI Cragger set with that massive set of jaws I couldn't NOT get it for myself, and I've been messing with the parts since. That tail and that nice crocodile-like skull work perfectly for some kind of dinosaur, so I thought why not build something like a spinosaur? The trouble of building anything Spinosaur related out of bionicle pieces has little to do with their spines on their backs or their mouths, which are actually really easy. The problem always lies in that special little adaptation they've got on their thumbs; they have these massive claws that they use to tear through flesh, theorized to be the way that they actually tear apart food, since their mouths were built for grabbing fish and other slippery prey instead of tearing it piece by piece. Cool, right? Not when you're building a decent-sized MOC with limited parts...yeah. I ended up managing to kind of cheat and build a custom finger using pieces from another set, but it took a while to get it to work the way I wanted. Can't wait to start making stop motion stuff with him, he's going to be a lot of fun to work with. Of course, it wouldn't be a fun dinosaur movie without an opponent, would it? Hmm...I wonder who he'll be facing? We will have to see...
Idle Defensive Posture Tamed by Shaman Dondo's Fanged Tuonisar, an old inhabitant of Mata Nui, is a sub-species of tuonisar. It is the only purely land-dwelling tuonisar, yet along evolution's path it has retained its long neck and tail, formerly used to cling to trees. Males, like the one pictured, are endowed with a tangle of wires and cables around the torso that carry healing protodermis that it uses to heal itself, its young, and its mate. Young, and female fanged tuonisars are unable to heal quickly. Only the male has that ability, as it is expected to fight for food and protect its den. "Sar" is an ancient Matoran word for "Serpent", with "tuo" and "ni" meaning fanged and double respectively (ni's direct translation is "a multiple of two"). It was discovered by one of the first founding Turaga, Dondo. On rare occasions, they can be trained to follow and protect you, as demonstrated by the shaman in picture three. //headcanon dump So, what do you think?
My entry for the Battle For the Golden Mask, as well as the current BZPower Flickr contest. Main: Back:
^clickthrough to fullsize^ okay, so. browsing my LDD files, just messing around w/ stuff, updating some things i could do better. for instance, this vague-asaur here was (as some might recall) originally this design, and, while this is less of a new creation, and more of an edit of an old one. the originla hasn't been posted on the new forum anyway, so. whatcha' think?
This MOC was born from looking at a Thornax launcher and realizing that it looked a little like the beak of a ceratopsian dinosaur. So soon I had a great dinosaur head, but to just make a dinosaur body for it seemed a little bland. Instead I decided to try and turn it into a transforming character, and I think it worked pretty well. Ceratops transforms from humanoid to dinosaur without adding, removing or reattaching any parts, and both modes are pretty securely locked together. In dinosaur form Ceratops throws thorny fruit from its beak. In humanoid form, it has a swiveling back-mounted launcher (that I maybe should have shown from an angle that doesn't make it look so much like a dinosaur head). I have a stopmotion of it transforming: not great, but gets the point across:
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Roar. This is Kromaridon, a dinosaur-like Rahi that lives in the southern islands of the Matoran Universe. A predator, this is not a beast with which you would want to trifle! Scary stuff. I wasn't expecting to create a bipod creature when I started out, nor was I looking to build something this large. The dual pistons per leg are necessary for balance, due to the forward weight of the body. My sister named it, so if you think it's a funny name that isn't very lore friendly... yeah... *See if you can count how many feet are used!* Brickshelf - Flickr Happy building!
^Click to see the Flickr gallery^ Back when the furry BBC contest was going on, the entry I was working on was an anthropomorthized Baryonyx because dinosaurs are better than mammals but I never finished it because I couldnt build fitting legs. Fast forward to now, when I'm bored and want to build something impressive and I remember how close I was to finishing something neat. I decided to revisit the idea, except this time, dropping the humanoid part and making the most impressive Bionicle-based dinosaur I can. Originally, this was also intended to be a Baryonyx. However, when it came to the body, I found an interesting way to arrange a spine out of my red blade-like pieces so it became a Spinosaurus. Proportions aren't 100% accurate, especially the head, which is enormous, but I'm still pretty proud of it. (also if I manage to get the money for shipping I might see about getting this guy on the convention circuit it pales in comparison to most of the usual brickfair stuff i guess but itd be nice to get him out there)
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Another Quatros native, Infernosaurus are intelligent pack hunters. They live near thermal springs and other extremely warm places. While hunting, a member of the pack will cause prey to run, and is herded directly to where the Infernosaurus pack is.http://fc07.devianta...kha-d5fvvj4.pnghttp://fc02.devianta...kha-d5fvvox.pngEdit: Image linked! Please keep posted images in BBC to 640x640 pixels and 100 kB.-Wind-
- Hero Factory
- Dinosaur
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Earlier today, while watching the second and third Bionicle films, I've noticed that some of the ambient sound effects in the background were borrowed from the Carnivores games. It seems that whoever was in charge of sound effects in these movies was really fond of the games, because quite a few of these sounds were used.In the scene depicted above, in the beginning of Web of Shadows, as the Toa Metru looked in terror at their ruined, Rahi-infested city, a lot of animal noises were heard, among which were the Moschops croak and distant T-Rex call from the first Carnivores game, and the distant Parasaurolophus trumpet from Carnivores 2. I could not help but associate these sounds with these animals, so I went ahead and added them to the picture.I guess Whenua wasn't joking when he said they had "everything" in the Archives...
Life: Birth of a Hybrid The egg was ready to hatch. The baby raptor pecked at the inside of the shell, squeaking quietly. A shadow passed in front of his egg—he was only being born, and he already knew that it was his mother. A crack appeared in the shell, sunlight blinding him for a moment. His mother cooed gently, urging the hatchling to break free. He pushed once, twice, a third time, and his head broke through the eggshell. The baby paused to catch his breath. The world around him was fuzzy, and he squeaked in surprise as he felt his mother’s tongue licking albumen off of his tiny, frail body. He surrendered to the larger raptor, feeling loved. There was a shriek of alarm from nearby. A male raptor, presumably his mother’s mate, looked like he was going to rip the baby to shreds… and then his mother. His mother was not so easily swayed, though. She bared her teeth and claws, making her intentions clear: she would fight and die for this one hatchling. What the newborn didn’t know was that he was the only living member of his brood; his brothers and sisters had either died in the egg, or died shortly after being born. To his mother, he was one in a million—to the rest of the world, he was a freak of nature. His mother’s mate begrudgingly slinked away, leaving mother and son alone. She cleaned him up, and examined him from the tip of his snout, to the end of his tail. For the most part, he was a yellow that was almost gold, with black stripes. A single blue stripe ran horizontally along each side of his body, close to his spine. His eyes were a clear, intense blue, with catlike pupils. His underbelly was black—an oddity for both subspecies of Velociraptor on the island. He had a pair of well defined crests above his eyes, the same color as the stripes on his body. To top it off, it looked like he would develop a blue quill crest. This hatchling—this accident—was special, and precious to his mother. She examined his dead brothers and sisters, the unfertilized eggs, and she came up with a name for her beautiful baby boy: Ignika—Life. She cooed to her baby. She knew he would be looked down on, ridiculed, and possibly killed, just because he wasn’t supposed to exist. But whatever didn’t kill him would make him much stronger, and he would be an able warrior and hunter. He would outshine his peers. He combined the best of both raptor subspecies; he would survive to a ripe old age. But for now, mother and son slept, Ignika curled up in between his mother’s chest and arms. In order to grab Ignika, an attempted killer would have to wake her up… and she would rip their throat out. For her beautiful baby boy.
so i made this dude in spore and decided to made it out of lego
Raptorix: Stop being the trilobite. If you recall correctly, you never succeeded in becoming the trilobite known as WALLISEROPS, primarily due to the fact that they have been extinct for a hundred million years. Nor could you become any of his other UNDERWATER FRIENDS, due to the fact that you don't know that anything lives underwater. Frankly, you're just happy to be back to your old self. No extra arms, no OTHER DINOSAURS, just plain old RAPTORIX. In fact, you are so happy that you decide to spin around in a circle on a MAGIC REFLECTIVE DISCUS and bleat like a goat. Yes, the world is your SHELLED MEAT PRODUCT, ready for the taking. What will you do?
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