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Bionifight 3:


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Kokahu woke up fully healed as massive amounts of power swirled into his hand and became... a toaster? then am mysterious voice who he recognized to be Hapori Goof told him. "This is the Tesla Toaster. In addition to firing rock-hard baguettes at rapid speed, the toaster can also electrocute enemies upon contact. Use it well." Smiling with fiendish delight he ran walked over to the edge of the pool so the lifeguard who was armed with a RPG the size of the pool wouldn't shoot him and dipped the Tesla Toaster into the water to electrocute any and everybody in the water and seeing Nujanii being mean to the other kids he blasted him with a baguette barrage. "

Rule #667: be nice

." He quoted as he added in a few daggers to the salvo of bread.

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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Name: VertakWeapon: A dagger, Usain Bolt (Won Round 6)Power 1: GravityPower 2: Stealth (Like the Kanohi volitak; Nuparu's mask)Power 3: Super strengthAppearance: Right Here (Gallery), Here Glad to see this back!Also, would I be able to co-host again? I don't need to, but I can if you need me to. Now time to go see just what the usain bolt did again.... -ibrow

Approved - also, I would actually love for you to co-host, as there will inevitably be times where I will be unable to end the round on time. If I don't close down rounds in a timely fashion, feel free to close them down, choose a winner and award a Special Weapon. I merely ask that you don't award stuff to yourself all the time (which you probably won't anyways). But yeah, if you want to, the job is yours.
I will re-claim the job, then.Also yeah I won't award them to myself. I don't think I ever did. :P -ibrow EDIT: Vertak: Vertak found himself standing on a rather large lily pad and looked around; he quickly spotted Kokahu attacking Nujanii. Smiling sinisterly, Vertak activated his stealth and gravity powers, slowly flying over to attack Kokahu. Edited by ibrow
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Captain Fatbeard was thawing out, but his beard remained frozen no matter what. What's more, when he turned the water in the salt water, it made it easier for that water to conduct a current, thus increasing Kokahu's Tesla Toaster's power even more. He readied himself to jump 300 feet into the air to avoid the electric shockwaves...only to stumble on his peg leg and fall face first into the electrified water. "Shiver me timbers..." He managed to say before his mouth filled with saltwater. -don't touch my pocket protector

Three great comedies at one low, low price....NOTHING!


Three late-middle age matoran think of something they want to do before they kick the bucket.


Choose Your Own Bionicle Adventure (archived)

Navigate your way through a myriad of meaningless choices as you try to not make a fool of yourself in perhaps the only comedy ever written almost entirely in spoiler tags.


Useless BZP Junk that you Must Have!!!

Get to your phone, whip out your credit card, and prepare to buy some useless BZPower related junk that has no benefit on society except that you want it!!!



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Vertak: Deciding that Kokahu was indeed far too confident for his own good, Vertak decided to help him out and knock him down a notch.And by knocking him down a notch Vertak meant he was going to punch Kokahu three dimensions over. And so he tried. Activating his super strength and lowering Kokahu's gravity significantly, Vertak cancelled his stealth, looked Kokahu right in the eyes, and punched him in the face. -ibrow

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"Your bloody toaster won't hurt me, laddeh!" ToD yelled in his old Scottish accent, freezing the water around him. Of course, a rather heavy pirate tripping and cracking through said ice made the entire act pointless, and the toa was jacked full of electricity. After a display much like Christmas lights, he flopped face first into the water right beside Fatbeard. His flags created a lifeboat beneath both, likely saving them from death, though it struggled to hold up the formidable weight.

Edited by Toa of Dischordant Dancing

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Nujanii Nujanii flew to meet Squishy, remembering to look around for other possible threats. He started with a pair of Ko-metru increase weight disks, level 8. He then withdrew heat from around Squishy, causing the water vapor in the air to freeze solid. He then looked around for more potential threats. It was fortunate that he did, and he dodged the toaster projectile barrage. He flew over the floor next to the pool so that he would fall onto the ground, not into the water. Nujanii saluted a lifeguard, and hoped that she wouldn't fire her massive anti-aircraft gun at him. OOC: I'm not being mean.

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Kokahu drove back to the pool from his forced vacation to the north pole in a brand-new ATV and then gave Vertak a card marked "To Vertak. From Santa Claus' and then hearing that ToD had insulted his Tesla Toaster he fired a heavy barrage of icicles and baguettes at the annoying toa.

Edited by MoC1

Blog "A Cask of Amontillado": Breaking News




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Captain Fatbeard looked around and wondered why he wasn't fried by the electricity. Then he looked down and saw he was supported by ToD. "Ahoy Mateys! We be have'n a pirate ship! Yarg!" But the feeble supports couldn't hold up Captain Fatbeard's massive bulk up for long, so he took this opportunity to jump 300 feet into the air. Midway through his jump, he shot a spray of salt water at Kokahu's eyes, along with a stream of various pirate cliches such as "Shiver me timbers!" and "Walk the plank!" While he was in the air, he aimed himself to land right on top of Kokahu... -don't touch my pocket protector

Three great comedies at one low, low price....NOTHING!


Three late-middle age matoran think of something they want to do before they kick the bucket.


Choose Your Own Bionicle Adventure (archived)

Navigate your way through a myriad of meaningless choices as you try to not make a fool of yourself in perhaps the only comedy ever written almost entirely in spoiler tags.


Useless BZP Junk that you Must Have!!!

Get to your phone, whip out your credit card, and prepare to buy some useless BZPower related junk that has no benefit on society except that you want it!!!



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ToD stood in his makeshift boat, and found his mouth filled with baguettes. Swallowing them with a smile, he then realized that razor-sharp icicles were also flying towards him. "Take that, bloody fool!" he yelled as he reversed their course and sent them back at their master, doubled in number.

Edited by Toa of Dischordant Dancing

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Vertak: Vertak saw Squishy underwater; turning away from Nujanii (and thus missing any result that occured with his attack there), he lowered Squishy's gravity and allowed him to float up to Vertak's level. Once he was, Vertak kicked at him with his super strength, hoping nothing was coming his way from behind. -ibrow

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ToD decided to go crazy and, accordingly, suddenly caused the water to become a twister via his power over air. This twister became a rainbow twister because of ice particles scattered throughout. This rainbow twister acted like a disco ball. The toa then started to randomly disco dance, using the power of rock to bring his enemies to their knees. Or, possibly, to their feet, dancing with him.

Edited by Toa of Dischordant Dancing

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ToD was reconstituted...into a giant squid. So he kept dancing, now busting physically impossible moves which left his now-long limbs flailing and slapping other people in the face. His reach was doubled by his spear-flag-things, which were raving.

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Nujanii Nujanii smiled, seeing both disks make contact. He stopped smiling at the sight of a Giant squid/ToD. He donned a much different expression when he was slapped by the giant squid. When he landed underwater near Vertak, he was positively annoyed. So, having finally gained five posts, Nujanii summoned 99 Taipus and had them attack ToD. Nujanii simultaneously summoned a bagpipe-playing invincible levitating water soluble internally contradictory entity to provide music for Octo-Toa of Dancing. Nujanii then realized he was still underwater. He shrugged and decided to get out next post.

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In response, ToD summoned five hundred sunbathing Ga-matoran, effectively distracting pretty much everyone. Another five hundred matoran that appeared out of nowhere donned just rainbow afros, flashy suits, and sunglasses. These matoran began to dance with ToD, and their massive wigs repelled anything they hit. The squid himself, of course, caused more and more rainbow twisters to sprout from the pool, causing epicness all around.

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Nujanii But the Taipus and bagpiper weren't distracted by the Ga-matoran. The Taipus started dancing and managed to somehow hit ToD a lot. Usually in the face. This was especially painful since the reconstitute at random disk was beginning to wear off. Nujanii then looked at his bagpipe playing entity and realized that it was against the rules, so he banished it and replaced it with a Miru wearing makuta playing the bagpipes quickly before anyone could notice and pull out the flying bucket. Next move, Nujanii jumped over to where ToD was, er, dancing, and sidekicked him in the face, shouting "What exactly are is a brony?" OOC: I actually don't know.

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Captain Fatbeard looked over at the dancing party while he was in midair and decided to let six cannonballs join in the fun. "Yarg!" he shouted, as he fired his cannon into the morass of dancing people. -don't touch my pocket protector

Three great comedies at one low, low price....NOTHING!


Three late-middle age matoran think of something they want to do before they kick the bucket.


Choose Your Own Bionicle Adventure (archived)

Navigate your way through a myriad of meaningless choices as you try to not make a fool of yourself in perhaps the only comedy ever written almost entirely in spoiler tags.


Useless BZP Junk that you Must Have!!!

Get to your phone, whip out your credit card, and prepare to buy some useless BZPower related junk that has no benefit on society except that you want it!!!



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ToD lost control of everything, including his armies, which disappeared, and fell into the water with a face full of snow. Angered, he flew out of the water only to be slammed into by one of his own rainbow twisters, all of which were spiraling out of control. This threw him right into Nujanii. As they collided, a cannonball slammed right into his face.

Edited by Toa of Dischordant Dancing

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Nujanii Nujanii watched the cannon balls and saw many of his Taipus fall dead. He banished the dead ones. Nujanii then rocketed into the air, carefully avoiding the rainbow tornado things, and started picking off ToD's armies with well placed fireballs. After five minutes, about 53 matoran remained dancing, which a quick order to the Taipus quickly obliterated. Nujanii then told the bagpiping Makuta to play some battle music. Nujanii landed on the lily party pad, pulled out a dagger and a disk, and all the remaining Taipus did the same. It looked cool. MNOLG cool.

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Vertak: Vertak swam up to the surface, having miraculously not been attacked by anybody. He decided to try and rectify this by attacking somebody; right after he'd thrown his dagger at ToD however, a cannonball smacked into his head and after muttering "Coconuts!", Vertak sank back down underwater. -ibrow

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ToD felt the dagger stab his back right before he went under the water... just his luck. He ripped it out and leaped out of the water, flying up to meet Fatbeard. No, he really didn't think out the plan.

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Nujanii No, ToD had not thought out his plan quite well enough. Nujanii's Increase weight disk quickly showed ToD's great mistake. Nujanii then whirled to face any potential threats. Nujanii looked at his MNOLG style posing army and sighed. Epicness often escaped him. Nujanii hoped that ToD would crash down so that Nujanii could lead his army of Taipus against ToD and that if ToD tried to fly off, the Taipus would knock him out of the air as easily as an antiaircraft gun.

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ToD, as he remembered, hadn't been hit by any increase weight disks. However, they were unneeded, as he was hit by the falling Fatbeard. Of course, the dagger would have likely impaled the pirate's rather large buttocks.

Edited by Toa of Dischordant Dancing

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OOC: ToD, I meant that I threw a disk and hit you because you were distracted. Nothing more. I may have hit you with one before, but that was not what I referred to. Sorry for the misunderstanding. Nujanii Nujanii and the Taipus evacuated the lily pad in favor of the shore, just to be safe. Fatbear had a reputation for bulk, and he probably would topple the lily pad.

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Fun's over, everybody! Congratulations on a great round; you all fought honorably. It was extremely hard to choose a champion, but after careful deliberation I decided upon Toa of Discordant Dancing. He won not by wit or prowess, but by sheer, insane, "what-the-heck-just-happened" creativity. For his victory, ToD may retrieve either of his former Special Weapons. Good work, dude. Now, for the next round... Round 3: Bionifight (Team)You are all jettisoned into the atmosphere, into a mysterious city in the sky. Besides having copious amounts of chocolate fondue, the city also contains many secret portals that allow for quick and (mostly) painless travel throughout the city. Additionally, you have all been separated into the following teams; Blue TeamToa of Discordant DancingRenewalToa OnaraxSquishyfrogSkarloth Red TeamMoC1ibrowkanohi_masterToa of NerdsThe Fearless Leader Good luck to you all! May the best team win!

Edited by TheMightyFighty


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ToD smirked as the Reignbringer reappeared in his hands. Putting his flags on his back, he charged through a river of chocolate yelling, "For Narnia! Or the Ring! Or bloody Scotland! I don't really care, laddehs!" He slashed through a chocolate statue and, catching chunks of it in his mouth, felt energized. An army of two thousand fire elementals appeared and started attacking everything, chocolate or fighter.

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Squishy decided not to write in Pokemon style anymore because it was boring!> Squishy took a quick glance around himself before darting into the nearest skyscraper. "Stupid wall," he said as he rubbed the debris off of his face/body and levitated in through the door instead "Who put a wall there? That was a bad decision." When he got inside, he decreased his bowling ball's gravity tenfold and hung on to it, bursting through each floor until he reached the top of the skyscraper and returned the gravity back to normal. He grew a forest around the building which promptly wrapped around the skyscraper until it reached the top where Squishy ended the growth. He then laughed stupidly as he crashed his bowling ball into an antenna, sending a loud sonic crash throughout all the buildings.

Edited by Squishyfrog


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Seeing Squishyfrog, Killer Octopus shook his head and sighed. The power of RAP was not strong in this one. "Yo!/," he called, waving. "Oh!/A guy's gotta do what a guys gotta do.../I'm Killer Octopus dawg/just don't expect to be talking about me on yo blawg/," he added, unsheathing all but one of his daggers and throwing them into the air, "...Homedawg/cuz before the power of rap you'll fall.../," continued the strange toa, holding now dirks in both his elbows and in his armpits, as well as one in between his pelvis and stomach on the left side and one between one upraised leg's knee and thigh," ...unless you got the gall?," finished the Lightning Toa, just in time for the final blade to be caught in between his teeth. Then, looking like the most ludicrous rapper to ever draw blades, he leapt into the air and started dancing across the skyscraper towards Squishy. It was a good thing, too, because the fire elementals were blasting away at him by this point.

Edited by The Fearless Leader



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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Squishy noticed Killer Octopus... dancing?... up the skyscraper towards him. Squishy scoffed as he lugged his bowling ball over the edge and increased it's gravity so that it would hit extra hard. Squishy also sprouted large Venus flytraps along the path to make it more difficult for his rapping friend.


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I'm calling this: based off of Killer Bee? ToD ran straight up the side of the skyscraper. Well, flew is more like it. But it looked like running, seeing as he was making a running motion and his feet were touching the wall as he went up. Anyways, when he reached the top he yelled, "Die, dirty scumbags!" he swung the Reignbringer at Killer Bee Octopus's back. And then was hit in the face by Squishy's bowling ball, which missed the rapper. The toa of air fell with a rather derpy expression on his face. Hopefully he had been able to finish his slash, though.

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Killer Octopus heard footsteps behind him and shoved off at Kakama-level speed in a dodge- -Right into a venus flytrap, which he proceeded to slice and dice with several spins. "Hey, that's totally uncool!/Who you trying to fool?" Making his way around the attacks of the fire elementals and venus flytraps now with his shameless breakdancing skills combined with Calix-level agility, the rapper continued to scale the plant. "Fall off your pedestal, bro!/I'm cooler fo' sho!" Heh, correct. I really love his character, and want to see how it does here (IMHO, an atmosphere in which he'll thrive). -The Fearless Leader

Edited by The Fearless Leader



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One of my favorite Naruto characters. ToD, who had recovered, flew up and began to dance with Killer Octopus. Every blow that would have been dealt by the rapper's knives was met by the Reignbringer or a flag. The toa of dance aimed a melting slash at his opponent's torso. "Shall we dance, lad?"

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Octopus shook his head in a firm 'no' as he danced backwards. "Dude, it's not like I wantcha to feel bad," said the rapper, lifting his shoulders and arms in a shrug to kill any flytraps behind him," /but you're not half as cool as me, if only a tad," continued the strange rapper, continuing his dance backwards to avoid being hit due to the longer reach of his foe's weapons.



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Squishy rolled his eyes and brought his bowling ball back to him. He proceeded to jump off the building to help slow down the crazy dancer(not you ToD). He levitated with the two dancers, each dancing to their own rhythm. As he prepared to chuck his ball, he got hit with a backhanded slice from the Reignbringer and was sent flying backwards into another skyscraper. Squishy growled as he picked himself up from the shattered remains of the chairs and desks he just crashed through, then out of anger(and not-thinking-ness) he increased the top platform of the weeded-up skyscraper twentyfold, causing it to start crashing down, crushing the hundreds of floors beneath it underneath it's weight.

Edited by Squishyfrog


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