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BZPRPG - Kentoku Archipelago

Nuju Metru

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More Willhammers? Zyla was worried; one connection between the victims would have been strange enough, but now, things were getting quite out of hand, quite out of hand indeed. She swallowed, wringing her hands together and hoping the others wouldn't notice her nervousness.


"What about Herupa Jiyu? Is he a Willhammer as well?"





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"That shouldn't be... The Herupa clan is banned by law from training any willhammers..."


The detective paused, and took the opportunity to look through his file. Jiyu's file was full of more official papers. Enrollment and graduation records from Menti training. A brief psychological paper, and most interesting a hastily-scrawn note about how little anyone sees Jiyu, public or otherwise...

Edited by Hatty Hattington
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"I'm afraid not" Kulrik said. "I've come to speak to her about a....pretty delicate issue, not something I think either of us would being relayed through messengers. Of course I'm sure you are very reliable and have the utmost loyalty towards your Toroshu, my beautiful Dashi. It's more complex than that, you see."


Kulrik flashed one his dashing smiles at the short Dashi, one that melted the hearts of countless Menti and Saihoko alike.


"Perhaps you could tell us where Toroshu Kilanya can be found so we can go meet her? Or if your'e expecting the Lady to return soon, maybe we could wait inside?"




The Dashi frowned, though she kept her words civil and polite. Kulrik was a little too sure of his ability to charm any female he met.


'My lady did not tell me her destination, only that she would likely be "out" for over an hour. I can only humbly advise you to leave a message here.'





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First Son Vilda's smile fell ever so slightly as he saw his charm fail. It was a rare occurrence- Kulrik could only suppose that the Dashi had been specifically to resist any such temptation, perhaps by Kilanya herself. Luckily, this was only a minor annoyance and not something that would decide the future of the Empire.


"Of course, I completely understand; Kilanya is lucky to have someone as dutiful as yourself serving her. Could you please your Lady that I, First Son Kulrik, am waiting to speak to her in the Imperial Library? It's about a certain Ageru vulnerability discovered not too long ago - she should know what I'm talking about, the matter is rather urgent and important. 


Kulrik bowed his head lightly in respect.


"Anyways, I must be going - have a great day my dear, and please be sure Toroshu Kilanya gets my message."


Kulrik turned around, walking with Seigyo to the Empire's repository of knowledge, the Imperial Library. 

Quiz by TheQuizzery.com



You are strong and kinda smart, but not too much

Which Barraki are you?

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Zyla's brow furrowed, her hands no longer clasped together now that one was being run along the top of her Kanohi - again. She hadn't been aware that the Herupa clan was banned from the use of Willhammers; she supposed that it made sense, given their close ties to the royal family. But, at the same time, it wasn't unheard of for a Menti to secretly train in another discipline; her own clan's Battlemaster, Sheika, had done so herself.


She shook her head, suddenly. Useless, useless, she thought in chastisement. No point dwelling on that.


"What about Herupa Jiyu's psychological report?" Zyla asked instead. "Does it say anything about nightmares?"





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The detective examined the file once more, "well... There's something interesting here. It's a psych report from when he began Menti training. Pretty basic stuff, you know right up until the part where he expresses joy at not having to look over his shoulder anymore."


She glanced at her companions, visibly worried, "or later, there's described as an incident with another male... From the report, it seems like he was trying to irritate the herupa, and at some point he yelled that the herupa don't want him... And I quote his reply here, 'tell me something new'. The rest is just typical male aggressive-whatever."


There were a whole other of juicy little tidbits in the file, notes from those who had written the report describing "unhinged mental patterns", "skeletons in closets", and "undisclosed wounds"... If Herupa Jiyu had nightmares, Harume got the feeling that his were much more real than the Menti and the Clerk's...

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[sado, Southwest of City Proper]

They left, this time as before, in the mid-morning.

But this time, there was no measured counting of every last good, no checks and double-checks, no causal chatter as they loaded up the wagons.  When Hachi gave the cry to start the move, it came out short and tense, and the groan of the moving wagons quickly drowned it out.  Hatchi considered easing Myzru out of the head to circle the caravan, but then decided against it.  With Barosh as a guard in the back there weren’t likely to be any problems, and they’d had to leave in a hurry before.

Just never like this.

She’d given the call to move out two hours earlier, after forty or so minutes of deliberation, when the first strands of rumors started to reach them.

She would take no risks.  Once Imperials started getting angry but couldn’t legally take their anger out on anyone, Taajar would become a target.  She hoped that the Astyzyar Jahagir saw this too; even a clan such as the Angavur would not escape.


At least on Odaiba, they could see the danger before it reached them.  Hatchi prayed silently to the empty sky that they would reach home before the situation got worse.

Edited by Yukiko

There's a dozen selves inside you, trying to be the one to run the dials

HAHVF.gif NVnzf.gif B8pNV.gif 8qwI0.gif rg6F2.gif ItljY.gif UOJS7.gif lQn0K.gif X1bBI.gif 035db.gif

[BZPRPG Profiles]

Hatchi - Talli - Ranok - Lucira - FerellisMorie - Fanai - Akiyo - Yukie - Shuuan - Ilykaed - Pradhai - Ipsudir

And some aren't even on your side.

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Ooc: bloodbath time! Interaction requested for immediate violence. Pick a side and let's roll.


Ic: Kamari of clan Hogo, the Coliseum District of Sado.


The crystal streets were smeared with blood. A few moans escaped from the mouths of those still struggling for a final breath, their bodies butchered or stuck with slender crystal arrows. The saihoko and their menti clansmembers were out for blood, some taking to the streets with shouts of revolution and their clan names, of a new future born from the ashes made by carnage and anarchy. After the last barrage most had retreated further down the residential street, using guerilla warfare to take down a menti here and a menti there still loyal to the Umbraline cause.


Kamari had three arrows left. The rest were lodged in corpses in the roadway with the exception of an archer who'd thought to get the best of the Hogo clanswoman by hiding on the upper story of a nearby dye maker's shop and so dangled limply from an open window. The rest of the attackers were hiding behind rubble and trash pulled into the streets, rough made barricades from furniture and whatever was in range of pillaging from shops and homes along the street, and they were planning a retaliation, Kamari had no doubt. The ambush had struck her patrol only a half hour ago, but now the signs of war scarred the entire block. She gathered her thoughts with a single calming breath and looked at the few survivors beside her, some wounded like herself and others grinding their teeth with anticipation of a final confrontation. With a sinking feeling she realized without outside aid they'd be surrounded.


Activating her kanohi huna, the guardswoman peeked around the corner of her hiding place, a bloodstained alleyway, and looked for her next target.

Edited by Kughii
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IC Kaede, Ni

"Wait, I heard something." Taking off in the direction of the sound, she soon came across a wounded Saihoko headed in the opposite direction rolling a wooden barrel with fish falling out of it. The saihoko's rambling of "idiots with rocks" and "rioting" told her all she needed to know, and she broke into a sprint, activating her Huna.


Meanwhile, Ni continued on her way, groaning from several bruises and cuts on her bodies. She seemed more distressed about losing a good catch, however.

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Slowly, Ni rolled her barrel past Higashi and Akone, coming from the direction that Kaede had dashed off in. "Oowah... Can't sell fish when people are stealing the fish to whack each other with..." Hobbling along, she turned to look at the two Hogo Menti. "Big fight back there. Faux-anarchist-whatchamacallits..." She continued hobbling along, rolling her barrel.

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IC: Kamari of clan Hogo, coliseum district


The ambush, although brutal, was nothing compared to the conditions of the Fursic Rebellion and Kamari found the thin cut on her leg to be only a vexing annoyance. Unfortunately it was an annoyance that didn't want to stop bleeding. Even now it seeped a slow trickle of her ichor down the outside of her knee, and with a plop the drops splattered on the crystal street in a slow, lethargic rhythm. The blood gave away her position and she ducked back into the alley as the twang of a bowstring echoed from further down the street. A moment later the arrow buried itself in a fish monger's stall cart left abandoned at the beginning of the fight.


Using the sound of the shot's origin as guidance, Kamari pivoted back into the open, narrowed her eyes at her target, and released her bowstring. The arrow sailed with a shriek from the shaft. It hit the enemy archer in the shoulder and with a cry the menti dropped back below her hiding place.


"Zataka curse my aim," Kamari said to herself as she swung back into the alleyway.


Kamari had two arrows.


OOC: Hey staff, would you be up for playing the ambush partyy npcs until more players jump in?

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IC: Akone


The three rounded the corner and faced a battleground. Pillaged furnoure and bricks blocked rioters and attackers at the other end of the street. Corpses were strewn across the road.


Arrows whizzed past the trio. Akone ducked behind an overturned table. She looked to the right and saw Kamari, bleeding from the leg.


"Kamari! What happened?" She asked her cousin.


IC: Reiko

Reiko frowned as Harume read from the file.


"That's all interesting, but how does this tie in to the attack here, or on First Son Jiyu?"

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OOC major revision


IC Kaede

Peeking out from a corner with Huna activated, Kaede surveyed the scene. Due to her mask, she had been able to dodge most attention and get to the scene with minimal difficulty. Negotiating her way around overturned furniture and makeshift barricades, she eventually came to where Kamari was. "It's Kaede," she said, briefly reappearing. "How can we stop them?"

Edited by Last Son Amakusa
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OOC: As you wish, Kughii ;)


IC (Ambush Party)


The Dastana-sympathisers' ambush had the advantage of numbers. Most of them were huddled behind the makeshift barricades, but those with a good eye had broken into buildings with high windows to snipe down at the Imperial forces.


One particularly quiet Ringti had managed to sneak around and into a two-storey earthenware shop, from the upper windows of which she just could see the remaining Imperials in their alley around the corner.


She carried no bow, but the danger of Ringti always lay in their resourcefulness. From a bag at her waist, she withdrew a glass bottle. It contained an orange-brown liquid, and was stoppered with a cork from which poked a short oil-soaked fuse. Peering over the window-sill at the clustered women in the alley, she struck a match and lit the cord, then stood up from her hiding-place and hurled the bottle through the window with all her might.


It sailed through the air towards the alley.


IC (Ageru housekeeper)


The Dashi nodded.


'Good day to you, sir.'


She closed the door.


IC (Kilanya)


The door of the building was opened by a Dashi in robes that were recognisable as those of a healer. Her eyes widened a little as she recognised Kilanya.


'Toroshu,' she addressed her respectfully, bowing. 'My name is Gysha. What brings you to our humble place of healing?'


Kilanya smiled graciously, hands clasped loosely behind her back as she looked down at the shorter woman.


'My pleasure to meet you, Gysha,' she said. 'I am here to visit Nihi's sister.'


Gysha's eyes widened again, this time in more profound surprise.


'Nachi?' she said. 'Well, of course, whatever you wish, Toroshu...it would not be my place to ask your reasons, of course, but I'm afraid you're likely to be disappointed...'


The Dashi led her upstairs, then along a corridor with several doors. Gysha stopped at one door and turned the handle, opening it to allow Kilanya through.


She stepped into a small room with clean white walls, barely furnished. A potted plant sat on a corner-table, near a simple wooden stool. The morning sunlight shone gently into the room through a large window, specks of dust glowing in its rays. The largest object in the room was a bed, in which a Dasaka lay on clean, unruffled white sheets.


She lay limply, shoulders and head propped up only by the support of cushions. Her eyes stared dully—emptily—forwards at where the opposite wall met the ceiling.


'Here she is,' said Gysha. 'This is Nachi.'


OOC: Kilanya's personal timeline hasn't quite caught up with the Chapter III stuff yet. Bear with me while I get this stuff out of the way, and then I'll get her up-to-date with the political situation.





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OOC: BZPTime, how flexible you are.


IC: Hogo Akone


Akone spotted the bottle as it flew towards them. She caught a glance of the fire and liquid inside.


The improvised weapon sailed towards the group.


"Run!" Akone activetes her Hau and ran forward. The weapon exploded onto her shield.


"We should get into cover."

Edited by Norik Of Celtania
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