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IC Viima

(Le-Koro, Kaama's bar):


Viima could see the guilty look on Kaama's mask, but decided to ignore it. After all, he already knew he might be involved in Varan's plots somehow.


"Let's go check out that table then", Viima said to Chivinix and Zeth. "You can try and trace his scent from the table, Chivinix."

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"Utu Kotore, I would appreciate it if you wouldn't attack your doctors. I'd rather not have to heal you twice in one day."


Cael belatedly raised a hand to her throat, where the scarlet marks left by Utu's fingers were already beginning to show. They had succeeded: Utu was saved, but it seemed the gift of life hadn't improved his temper. Had it not been for Praggos, he might have killed her. Now he slept, and the Toa of Water felt like doing the same. The healing had left her weary, and she guessed her fellow doctor was in the same state. The task they had undertaken was monumental; it had taken everything they had to see it through.


"Thank you," she said to Praggos, watching a Le-Matoran aide strapping the Toa of Ice's limbs to his bed to ward against future outbursts. "That was close, but... we did it."




"Thank you for being here to help me get him up and moving," I said in reply, frowning. "Though I'm wondering just what all has happened to him...the Mark seems to remember quite a few things though it's possible that Utu may not." I shook my head - something more that would have to be dealt with, it looked like - before turning from Utu and back to Cael.


"So. How about that lunch?"

profiles i guess

i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Kaama


Kaama watched as the two moved towards the booth where Varan had sat shortly before being led to the room of the barkeeper. He was filled of shame for not putting up a fight or at least misleading the duo, but he was nothing short of a coward, and knew it. Thus, he decided that it was his duty to find Varan and alert him of the pair searching for him. He quickly scuttled out of the bar, on a mission to find Varan and alert him.

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IC: Vrina


Vrina shook her head and instead fell back into her seat from poking Colx in the chest

"I'md..I'm not that drunk you spiny fool.. I can still talk.. But I am glad to hear melna is not your type... heck she was dancing at a bar for all to see.."


IC: Chivinix


Chivinix nodded and moved over towards the specified table. With a deep breath he Inhaled although one may notice that as he inhaled these small pores on his neck seemed to enlarge as he sucked in the air. It seemed that these were his nostrils since one could see he lacked a nose on his face. When he opened his eyes he looked down at Viima and spoke slowly

"I have the scent of some being.. I can not be for sure it is this toa you speak of. But it is a scent none the less."

Edited by Voxumo


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


Colx twitched involuntarily, unsavory images flashing in his head. He made a mental note to read Melna's next letter extra thoroughly.


"Alright, I'll take you word for it" he said, leaning back again.


"So, all this talk of stepping on claims and relationships... I'll just repeat you and ask: so what am I in all this?"

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IC: Vrina


Vrina smiled like an idiot as she looked at Colx her eyes twinkling a bit

"You Colx are a big spiny fool who has apparently made an impression on me."


The smirk she held could be compared to a drunken idiot's smirk


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


Colx said nothing for a moment or two, as his grin widened to expose his big, white teeth in a brilliant flash of triumphant bravado.




He shifted his seated position a little, leaning forward to meet Vrina's gaze with his own. His mind suddenly swimming with lustful thoughts... that slowly got replaced with something a little different.


He thought about what she'd told him, and his glance momentarily diverted out the window, to spy the silhouette of one of the cone-shaped huts nearby, his face growing more and more somber and serious by the minute. His gaze diverted back to her, but it was blank, drifting, his mind on something else entirely.


The huts lay empty, like they'd been doing for months now, their tenants far away on quests to live their lives to the fullest and discover themselves.


Once upon a time, Colx could expect a certain Ba-Matoran to stop by in the afternoon clutching tickets in his hand to the next game in which a certain Lesterin would be participating, the evenings filled with warm moments around the fireplace, sharing stories, experiences, and giving off themselves to each other, like the best of friends.


Now, the Gym often lay cold and dark, quiet as a dried up Onu-Koronan Mining Shaft. No more did Melna have a field day with his training facilities, no more did Helios test his creations there, no more did he sit nearby and grin from ear to ear seeing these youngsters frolick, knowing in his heart that they were the closest he ever came to a family.


They had not forgotten him, kept in touch with him and everything, but more and more each day their presence was fading into a memory, a treasured memory, but a memory nonetheless.


He looked at Vrina, smiling about as genuinely as he could.


"Maybe I'm a big, spiny fool, but for better or worse, I'd be more than willing to try being your big, spiny fool"

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IC: Vrina


Vrina smiled as she wrapped her arms around Colx and practically held onto him

"Now how about you help me to that bed you mentioned oh spiny one.. I feel like my head is about to crack open."


Oh i hope i remember what i said here.. I really do..

It would be obvious Vrina was no barely holding onto consciousness as she held onto Colx for dear life. Her eyelids wavered slightly as she laid her head on his left shoulder


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


As Vrina continued to fade from the world of the waking, Colx picked her up in his arms, cradling her ever so delicate form almost like a child. Colx wasn't exactly good at being delicate, but he managed to navigate Vrina to one of the small guest bedrooms, refusing to complain about the crystal shoulderplate digging into hs already wounded chin.


He laid her down on the bed, observing her for a moment in the cold moonlight. She looked peaceful, clearly with the satisfaction of going to sleep happily. She wasn't alone in that tonight, neither of them were alone now.


"G'night, Vrina" he said as he draped a blanket over her, "I imagine we'll have lots to talk about tomorrow as well.


Colx left the room, moving over to his own bedroom, smiling as he slid under the sheets.

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IC: Vrina


Vrina awoke to sunlight hitting her directly in the eyes in a place she did not remember getting into. However as she moved from below the sheets and walked out she immediately recognized the location as Colx's place and she shook her head while looking around.

"Oh Colx.. I hope i did not cause you too much issue.."

She idly mentioned while moving towards one of his tables awaiting to see him


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IC Viima and Zeth

(Le-Koro, Kaama's bar):


Viima seemed excited. "Well, if Varan sat at that table, it could well be his..."


"The bartender just left", Zeth said abruptly. "He just took off. There's something weird about that."


"Oh no...", Viima said.

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IC: 'Gray' (Fau Swamp)


"It is not their fault," she argued with her artificial voice, "I... have done something bad, so I turned to exile for my failure"


IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


When Vrina turned a corner and found herself in what passed for Colx's living room, she would see the Skakdi sitting by the window, watching the late sunrise with a smile on his face and a steaming cup in his hand.


He turned to look at her, grinning.


"Not at all, pumpkin" he said with mischief draped across his face, before stifling a chuckle.


"I'm not going to call you that, don't worry" he said as he stood up and approached her.


"But a good morning it is still"


"Breakfast?" he asked.

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IC: Vrina


Vrina ran a hand over her mask as she heard Colx

"No.. But some coffee would be nice if you have it.. And perhaps while enjoying said cup of coffee you can tell me what exactly I said and did in my drunken stupor."


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


"A'ight" Colx replied jovially as he turned to brew a cup for the Kru-Toa.


"Basically, what happened was you showed up at my door after having run into Melna, and you wanted to know if there was anything between us"


"There isn't by the way, in case ya forgot" Colx continued whilst filling up a cup of coffee.


"When I asked you what I was to you in that respect, you called me a 'big, spiny fool' who's made an impression on you"


He handed Vrina the coffee, gesturing for her to sit by the table, he himself got down opposite of her.


"And I suggested I could be your big, spiny fool, which I guess you agreed to, not sure. And then you really needed your sleep and I put you to bed"


"Does that answer your questions?"

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IC: Aidrak & Saedrak

Aidrak opened his eyes. Quite a night, yesterday, but he now had one heck of a hangover. The green and white clad skakdi rose up in his bed, looking at the other side of the bed to see Saedrak. Best not wake the poor sod, he hates it when he's woken up early. Speaking of which, how early was it?


Aidrak got out of bed and walked to the window, opening it up. The sun was just rising from the horizon. Very early then, but then again, Aidrak had always been a morning bird. He decided to walk downstairs to get something to eat, a good mug of blackale and a roast-beef sandwich most preferably, topped with a well fried egg.


Later on in the day, Saedrak grumbled as he woke up to the warm rays of the sun shining in through the window, right onto his face. "Karzahni's keister!" He exclaimed as he got out of bed, closing the window and sitting back down on the bed. For Irnakk's sake, he thought, can't that airhead of a skakdi give me a break? The skakdi of earth noticed a note on the table next to their bed. "I have decided to go on an air-stroll in the village to clear my mind. Feel free to do what ever you want, so long as it doesn't attract attention to us".


Saedrak placed the note back on the table, stood up off the bed and exited the room, locking it behind him. He walked downstairs, and made it very clear to the innkeeper that they were indeed returning to that room later in the day, and that he'd better not trifle with their belongings. After that brief conversation, he went outside and went on a stroll.


It had been a long time since Aidrak had felt this free. Swinging through the village of air felt like a good relief from the claustrophobic tunnels they were digging. Sure, it was his idea to dig the tunnels, but he didn't like the underground any better for that. Aidrak landed on one of the platforms, walking the path before coming across another swinging spot.


Saedrak on the other hand hated heights. He carefully walked along the paths, careful not to look down, because that would end him, right there and then. Saedrak looked around and sighed. Nothing interesting... nothing interesting at all. That was when he noticed a particular building. Looked kind of big and... burly for a Le-Koro building. He decided to check it out. Sedrak knocked on the doors.


OOC: Poor Saedrak just stumbled upon Colx's gym, I hope I didn't mess up in the vague description of the gym building...

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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


When the door opened, Saerdrak would see a Skakdi that, although clearly shorter than him, was in pretty much every other way a prime example of the brutal lifestyle their race were usually known to lead. Battered, scratched and powerfully built, with bulging muscles and threateningly sharp fingers and toes.


His irritated scowl was prominent, his stance was aggressive, and his voice a deep and gravely grunt of tempered experience and weathered life experiences.


"We're closed for now, kid, come back some other time" he said.

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IC: Saedrak & Aidrak

Saedrak looked about the lobby of the building. Nothing particularly eye-catching, aside from a window into the main gym area. "Sorry, just looking about the village." Saedrak was about to leave, but before he closed the door, he turned back slightly, just enough to face the old skakdi. "When is the gym open, then?" He had a good idea of what he might be doing later today.


Meanwhile, Aidrak landed on a small platform, panting from the physical exercise. Using his X-ray vision, Aidrak scoped in on Saedrak, scouting through the area before seeing him, almost on the other end of the Koro. He groaned, and jumped at a new vine, swinging through the treetops of the village.

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IC: Vrina


Vrina sipped gently at her coffee idly commenting to Colx

"Well at least i did not do anything i could logically regret.."


However Vrina looked at the Skakdi that colx was talking to. A devious little smirk came over her as she concentrated on said skakdi activating her power causing him to start to blur and become pixelated in a realistic manner. Of course this was just an illusion to anyone viewing him including himself but it was fun none the less

"You know Colx i wouldn't want to impeded on your business.. I can always come back later."


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IC: Saedrak

Out of the corner of his eye, Saedrak noticed a toa of crystal with a strange mask equipped. He recognized her immediately. "Hey. You were at the bar back in Po-Koro." He paused for a moment. "And you also bumped into me and my partner here in the village yesterday." Saedrak looked down, noticing the strange effect appearing on his body. "Wait, what the...?!"

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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


"Vrina, do I honestly look like a reputable businessman to you?" Colx asked, half-jokily, half-sarcastically. Before he turned to Saedrak.


"Yeah, she does that sometimes, it's her mask y'see." Colx explained bluntly.


"Now, as I already said, I'm busy, so don't bother me" Colx finished and closed the door in Saedrak's face.


"So," he asked as he turned to Vrina, "where were we?"

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IC: Vrina


Vrina waved a dismissive hand at the skakdi

"Yeah and what does it matter? You got something to stay?"


However as soon as she lost sight of the skakdi she looked over at colx and her mask deactivated

"Well i believe your were recounting about how my glorious beauty managed to catch you off guard as I trotzed my way into here."

She offered a gentle smirk to Colx

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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


"I don't think I said that precise thing, but sure, I'll bite" Colx replied, before clearing his throat.


"Yes truly, your form bears evidence of a most divine grace, my fair lady. Your beauty is as striking as the brilliant crystal that springs forth from your delicate, skillfull hands, poetry in motion at its finest"


Colx did a little bow, grinning from ear to ear.

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IC: The recluse

He was curious, but she didn't seem to want to go into the details. He shifted his attention to the ground between them. A thin plan sprung up, rising half a bio before stopping. A small point glowed and swelled, forming into the unmistakable shape and glow of a Vuata Maca fruit. The plant then bent toward her.


Where he had been, an offering of Vuata Maca was a gesture of trust. It took as much energy to create it as eating it restored. Among the Toa, there was no more direct way to transfer energy between individuals, though it wasn't so direct as to be considered 'intimate'.

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IC: Saedrak & Aidrak


Frustrated by the seeming rudeness of the gym-owner, Saedrak strutted back to the inn, paying no heed to his fear of heights at the moment. Walking into the inn, finally, Saedrak stomped up the stairs, not caring if everyone in the building heard him. Opening the room, strutting in and throwing himself into the bed, he let out a long, deep sigh.


Aidrak swung onto the roof of the inn, then climbed down to the window of their room and crawled in. "I see you haven't left the bed all day. How's the mattress doing it for you?" he said, not oblivious to the fact that Saedrak had actually left the bed within the time of his absence.


Saedrak snarled at Aidrak. "For your information, I happen to have been walking the village while you were away. But you know I hate heights. I never liked this Irnakk forsaken village, and yet you always manage to drag me here."


"Well, I don't like being underground either, but I guess I can't complain, since it was my idea in the first place." Aidrak looked at the ground. He knew Saedrak didn't like being so high up, but neither did Aidrak like it down underground. "We two really are an odd pair, aren't we?"


Saedrak shrugged, and stood up. "Well, you know how it is. We're the only ones we can trust, really." He looked into Aidrak's blazing red eyes, and he could see the hint of concern. "What ever happens, I'm here for you, and I hope you'll be here for me as well." Saedrak smiled despite his grumpiness.


Aidrak smiled, and for a moment, there was silence. Then suddenly, Aidrak's smile turned into a smirk. "Besides, there must be something up here that you like, why else would you come with me up here time after time? It can't be the scenery, the thing you find most visually appealing is a stone wall." Aidrak raised his eyebrow suggestively.


Saedrak grinned, picking up on Aidrak's message. "Yeah, well, there's one other kind of scenery I enjoy."


"Oh really? And what is that?" Aidrak replied gleefully.






Aidrak laughed. "Is that your idea of a pickup line?"


Saidrak chuckled along "Well, it's true, I wouldn't have come up here if it weren't for you."


Aidrak nodded "So I've noticed" Aidrak walked up to his partner. "I'd say our recent success with the tunneling deserves a bit of celebration, though."


"My success with the tunneling, I dug the whole thing while you hung back, watching." "I provided directions." Aidrak replied. "We would have been lost down there without my directional aptitude."


Saedrak smiled. "What ever" And in that moment, Saedrak had his lips meet Aidrak's, the two sharing a passionate kiss.

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IC: 'Gray' (Fau Swamp)


She herself was completely unaware of this fact, she had never had the time to learn in depth about the traditions and customs of her kind, for she had not been wanted as a hero of the island's people.


But she recognized a gesture of goodwill when she saw it, and she accepted the fruit readily. Nodding at the Recluse to say thanks.

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IC: Vrina


Vrina smirked as she watched Colx's little theatrics and clapped softly

"And you my spiny fool is horrible at such grandiose displays of affection."


She leaned forward and sipped her coffee

"I will admit that what i said in my drunken stupor was not a lie although i think i likely would have waited on saying it.."


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


Colx sat down opposite of her again, enjoying his own drink.


"I think a Toa would need a pretty good reason to fancy a Skakdi, especially when here we have a young woman like yourself and an old geezer like me"


"Not that I have a problem with it, mind you. There's nothing wrong with being a little messed up"

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IC: Vrina


Vrina shrugged as she heard Colx

"To be bluntly honest i can not say what exactly it is i fancy about you. There is just something about you..When with you it brings me a gentle feeling of.. Contentedness along with perhaps a bit of amusement. Plus unlike alot of the young things around here you seem to have a solid head on your shoulders and I enjoy talking with you."


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


Colx grew more serious, but still smiling, it was his nature as a Skakdi.


"To be honest, I feel similar in some respects. I mean, yeah I think you're good looking, too, but... Helios and Melna have taught me that there are more important things in life, I've enjoyed the time I've spent with you, and you're a refreshing change from Melna because you've got brains, and you're dangerous, my kind of dangerous"


"I reckon we're just a pair of loners looking for a little something to brighten our lives"

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IC: Vrina


Vrina shrugged a bit as she heard this taking a long sip of her coffee

"I have always been a loner. Mostly because my mask makes people unconformable and because i tend to be blunt in my speaking. I don't sugar coat anything and I don't care whose feelings i hurt. However compared to the last two bumbling idiots i was journeying with recently you are a quite a change.."


She sighs as she leans back

"And given I was attacked by some stupid toa of water in Ta-koro because my mask annoyed her and she was drunk off her backside I am thinking I may wish to stop traveling.."

She took another sip and winked at Colx

"Plus you make a gosh darn good cup of coffee colx.."


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


"I used to be a textbook moron" Colx replied, "Running around the island like a Bat out of Karzahni, acting like I owned everything I saw, like I was the hottest thing on the block. I got the short end of the stick one too many times I think"


"As I got older, I feel like I just got tired of it all, and if I have to say it I'm much more on board with the person I am now than back then"


"Never had the statement 'young and stupid' been so accurate" he said with a bitter chuckle.

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IC: Vrina


Vrina laughed softly as she heard this

"I think everyone goes through a young and stupid stage colx."


OOC: Alrighty needing to get sleep so this will be my last post for a couple hours,


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IC: Colx (Le-Koro Fitness Center)


"Ain't that the truth," Colx conceded with a nod, "I just have a feeling mine was extra stupid"


"But you can't argue that I was more popular with the girls back then" he said to himself.


"So, you said you were gonna stop travelling, thinking of early retirement are you?"

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IC: The recluse

The wild Toa nodded back, then sank into a slightly uncomfortable 'silence', suddenly unsure of how to proceed. This Toa could make an excellent companion or an agreeable neighbor. He was unsure of how to articulate his thoughts, however. Trying his best, he tilted his head inquisitively and whispered "Stay, Wahi?"

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IC: 'Gray' (Fau Swamp)


She shook her head solemnly, smiling a little.


"No, I may not have a home, but I have friends," she said, gesturing in the direction of the twittering birds, "friends like them, that I must remember to visit"

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IC: Varan


Varan continued to walk along the village, careful not to come in physical contact with any Matoran, lest they discover him. He made his way towards the bar, in hopes of finding Kaama. The little wretch may be the only one who knew him well, and thus was a danger to his safety. He had to pay the Matoran to keep him quiet - or else kill him.

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IC: The recluse

He nodded his understanding. The sudden barrage of vocal language was tough to keep up with, but he understood the meaning. He lived a life of wandering as well, though the size of Le-Wahi was enough for him. The thought of visiting another was interesting, however.


He made a wide gesture at the area around them and tilted his head again. The message was asking where she would be going next.

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"Thank you for being here to help me get him up and moving," I said in reply, frowning. "Though I'm wondering just what all has happened to him...the Mark seems to remember quite a few things though it's possible that Utu may not." I shook my head - something more that would have to be dealt with, it looked like - before turning from Utu and back to Cael.


"So. How about that lunch?"





"I'd be happy to."

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