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Friar Tuck

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IC: Virthee He looked down at Miha, a face of contemplation upon his mask. "Are you sure you want to do that Miha, it is rather late." He raised an eyebrow slightly. He didn't inflict a curfew on Miha, he never did. She decided when she went to sleep. This was her choice. It was also a sort of test now, Virthee waited to see her reaction.

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OOC: Man, I missed a post for Zyckel a few pages back! Sorry! IC: Zyckel "Two thousand? Are you mad?!" The Smith stared at them with a rather strange look of curiosity. "The price is only three hundred widgets, and nothing more." Two thousand, he had never heard something as unexpected as that before. Well, he had, just never about his merchandise. IC: Virthee "Oh, i'm certain that you are, but do you want to do it this late?" Virthee tried to keep his face serious, and not break out into a grin. He was testing her reaction.

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IC:Miha"Umm... Do you think I can do it this late?" Miha asked, clearly wanting his opinion. "If I make a mistake, there's no going back." she reminded him. OOC:This could conceivably go on forever...

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Virthee "Indeed. That is very true." The Toa of fire nodded, still testing his apprentice in Medicine. "You must choose," OOC: Virthee is seeing how willing she is to help others. He himself would spend the time to help someone, even if it cut into his sleep. He's seeing if she would do the same or not.

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OOC: Don't mind if I give some more description of the location ^^IC: Sisk had caught up with the group just as they entered the guard-house behind the main-gate. It had taken him a minute longer to get going, as he had made a quick check of Destiny and Skyscratcher. Being a Gukko-caretaker in the force, he naturally had adopted the task of making sure their birds were ok as part of his job on this journey. After the guards had let them in they were left in an almost barren room, save for some Guard-shields on the wall and benches made from volcanic rock. To the left was a window from which they could look over the iconic retractable lava-brige of Ta-Koro. The sight was intimidating, at least to Sisk, and the Le-Matoran was instantly reminded why the guard had such a high reputation.On the far side of the room were two doorways. One was open and revealed a control-room, where the mechanism that lowered and raised the bridge was activated. The machinery there seemed very old and used, but was kept in good order.The other door was closed. Matoran symbols had been burned into the hard wood with marking iron: :n: :m_o: :a: :m_d: :m: :i: :t: :t: :a: :n: :c: :e:.Left of the door somebody had also put up an obsidian tablet in Matoran eye-height, with more symbols carved into it:No fighting in the war-room.

Edited by Vezok's Friend




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IC: JL After a few minutes of getting stepped on, JL got himself up heavily, and to some shock to the villagers who had been standing right on him thinking he was just stone thanks to all the dust on him. JL looked around, and saw that it was night. He asked one of the Ta-Matoran where the closest medic was, and soon headed to that direction. After a few moments of finding a locating the store, he headed over. And immediately, he saw a horrid sight. He ran over to punch the female standing in the way, and forgot that he was heavily tired. IC: Cyrax Cyrax had been watching the 2 talk to each other, and she could already see that the Toa of Fire was slightly messing with his friend. Still, being weak and all, she wondered how long they would take. But she wasn't at all feeling weak when the punching sound came, as her adrenaline came in and her rival threw a punch at her. Immediately, a crystal wall stood up between them, and Cyrax saw JL punch right into it. JL fell, extremely tired from wasting too much energy and taking the few hits at the Le-Koro fight.Cyrax fell, exhausted from the Ta-Koro fight, wasting too much energy hurling crystals. Both of them sprawled on the ground, the crystal wall broke, Cyrax having made it just milliseconds ago, and both Toa started taking a nap, kicking each other unconsciously. OOC: Katuko, you might find me Cyrax and JL on the ground, in front of Virthee's medical thingy. I wonder what they would do now. Biobeast/TDC has right to auto-hit both of my characters a lot. You can always drag them in or something, then go back to sleep. Cyrax is also probs gonna be looking at Turaga Vakama soon, and JL just might be her unwilling... associate. :o

Edited by Jl1223 X

GT: Jl1223 X <----add me :3


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IC: Pirok & Invisible Pirok walked into Ta-Koro. It was night, now. He couldn't see any of the others, so he walked over to the nearest Matoran."Excuse me? Have you seen a group of Toa?" Invisible recognised Pirok as one of the Toa from Le-Koro. He decided the best idea would be to run. But Pirok soon caught up with him... "Now, why would a Matoran be running from a Toa? Unless they weren't a Matoran..." Pirok remembered the Toa of Sonics from earlier. He decided to take the mask off the Matoran. If the Matoran wasn't the Toa, they were at least up to something... Invisible's mask was removed by Pirok, and his Mahiki deactivated, turning him back into a Toa. "Well, well. Look who it is!" Pirok said. OOC: I did remember to say in Le-Wahi that Pirok had left, right? I'll go back and make sure I did...


Nikarra - Kaelynn - Ronan - Muir - Donal Aerus - Montague - Kira - KouraLearu - Alteora - Fuacht - Caana Nessen - Merrill

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IC - Sucogu - Zyck's ArmorHe stepped on Tarex's foot. Hard. What had the Toa of crystal been thinking?"Of course. My frein- my partner had gotten a little...overzealous.""We'll take three-hundred."

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC:MIha"Well..." Miha said, judging her ability to do the correct procedures. "I think-" Suddenly the being was tackled. Then the tackled being, and the attacker, were both asleep. "What the...?" OOC:And Miha's afraid of hurting people. She's willing to spend the time, just not willing to accidentally hurt them.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Virthee "Well... You don't see that every day..." Virthee muttered, stunned by the unexpected turn of events. OOC: Exactly why there were no wrong choices there. Virthee just wanted to see how she answered. IC: Zyckel "I figured you would. I wasn't going to take two thousand widgets." He grinned slightly. "You may want to teach your partner how to manage his widgets better."

Edited by The Dark Chronicler

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IC:Miha"Okay." Miha said, yawning again. "I'm going to go drink some (Insert Bionicle Equivalent of Coffe here) and be right back!" she called, heading towards the kitchen. OOC:I assume that he has a kitchen in the hospital/medical ward thingy, as they apparently live here. If not, then she quickly headed back to their house, then traveled back.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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OOC: Yes, it does have a kitchen. In the back of the building, behind the wall of medicine. But it is not a modern kitchen in any way. And yes, the home is also the hospital. IC: Virthee "Very well then, I'll start the examinations." He thought for a moment, before speaking again. "Don't drink too much this time. We don't want you stuck awake."

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OOC:You said we could Auto hit, right? NEVER say that to me. :evilgrin: IC:MihaMiha, who was moving a sharp knife from the table that JL was on when he started, also started, accidentally dropping the knife. The knife sliced a small hole in the ground, startling some rodents that were under there. Those rodents, burst out from under the floor, knocking a large hammer, the one that Miha had used to knock Venator unconscious, onto the table, hitting JL in the head. This would not kill him, although he would have quite a headache for a while. OOC:If the auto-hitting thing is gone, then just RP that it missed. IC:NightingNighting noticed a Toa of Air walking along the coastline. "Hey Dreenan, maybe that guy saw Fehdran run past here." he shouted as he ran to where the three had battled before. OOC:That would be Jasik.

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC - Sucogu - Breaking the forth wallThe Toa shrugged."I don't see why I should, and besides, it's not his fault he hasn't played MNOLG probably going to profit me one day."

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Salamander Salamander chuckled. "She's Tuara, a deputy member of the Guard. Or something like that..." He stood up and brushed the dust off of his coat. Facing Nikaron, he tried to determine how strong the Toa was. After a moment, he made up his mind. "No, there isn't. We don't even know where the culprit is right now."


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IC: Jasik The Toa of Air turned lightly as he heard a shout. He nodded and smiled politely at the approaching figure, who appeared to be a Toa of Lightning. "Can I help you?" -Spawn



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OOC: You cut through the solid stone floor? Rats, in solid stone? :blink: IC: Virthee The Toa of fire slowly examined the patient, oblivious to whatever Miha was doing. IC: Dreenan "Sure, let's find out." She glided after Nighting, flying on the power of her mask. She landed beside Nighting ans Jasik, waiting for Nighting to ask. IC: Zyckel "Yes, I myself could have easily profited from it myself." He laughed weakly, knowing he wouldn't have cheated the person... well, he hadn't... but he could have...

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IC: Tarex responded with a light punch to the back of the head, hard enough to hurt, but not hard enough to cause any lasting damage. Turning to Zyckel, as if nothing at all had happened, he replied. "Yeah, I haven't really been close to civilization for a long while, I'm kinda rusty on these things. Now, she said that this tablet was worth two thousand, how would I pay three hundred from it?" he asked, genuinely without knowledge on the subject. --Meanwhile, on the other side of the wahi-- A lone toa strode along the coastline, a large pack strapped to his back. He carried the weight easily, even though he'd been walking for miles, he had only a light sheen of sweat on his brow, a testament to his conditioning and strength. Of course, that was also visible on his respectably toned and muscular physique, body honed from years of training, as the cloth wraps around his hands and forearms indicated, in the martial arts. He stopped, gazing across the horizon, his sharp eyes picking out multiple figures about a mile or two ahead. Well, I guess I should go and see what's up, he reasoned. Got nothing better to do, and Tarex's probably already started training or a quest of his own. He's not one to waste time like me, so I can't let him get a big head start, can I? he thought, recalling the Pact and the Split they had made early today. With a course now set, Jolek broke into a brisk jog.

Edited by Razgriz 1

helo frens

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OOC:Then it cluttered into a mouse hole. Is that better, or is the building made out of stone as well? Plus, it was a really sharp knife. :P IC:Nighting"Um, yes." Nighting said, teleporting next to the Toa. "We're looking for a Toa of Water, her name's Fehdran. Have you seen her recently?" OOC:What mask does Fehdran wear again?

"I'll do it... If that is the choice of Stein's Gate!

I am the mad scientist, Hououin Kyouma!

Fooling the world is nothing to me!"

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IC: Jasik "Hm...Toa of Water. Any sort of physical description?" The Toa in front of him was kind-looking, and obviously seeking out a friend. Jasik had a pretty good sense of when he was being played, and this wasn't one of those times. So, naturally, he wanted to help. -Spawn



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OOC: I think the huts are pure stone, plus Virthee can't have rodents in his hospital, it's unsanitary. IC: Dreenan "Yeah, She was around here not long ago." The Toa of plasma explained to the Toa of air. "She had a mask shaped like a Faxon, carries a scepter, Dark blue and silver armor..." OOC: Calix, shaped like Faxon

Edited by The Dark Chronicler

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OOC: Not saying there's anything wrong with it, but Nikaron jumped to a really weird conclusion. Besides, if you want to catch a murderer, what else will matter if not fighting ability? Yes, you would need to be able to find him, but after that? If you can't fight with any reasonable amount of skill, it will all be for nothing. Just to be clear, I wasn't using strength in its literal sense... :l IC: Salamander Salamander held back the sarcastic remark that he desperately wanted to release and tried to remain polite. "Yeah, I guess we do need help finding him since we don't know where he is..." Is this some sort of joke? There's absolutely no way I'm letting this guy get near Utu, he'll just end up dead. Salamander imagined what would happen to the Toa and grinned ever so slightly. Then again... It might be kinda fun to watch...


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OOC: Not so sure, whats weird with it. You see someone sizing you up and then saying you can't do something seems to suggest that he thinks strength is a big deal. Also Salamander seems to be underestimating Nikaron, not saying he could beat Utu, but he's still not a complete weakling. IC: Nikaron "Well then tell me what you know so far, perhaps I could spot something you may have overlooked." Nikaron suggested.


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