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IC:After a few minutes a whole appeared in the icy wall, a whole which quickly grew. Skaarn saw now that his rescuers were Nui Rama, who, like him, were servants of Makuta. Skaarn sighed. He was the son of Makuta, and yet here he was being aided by mindless insects.Oh, how unjust the world is, he thought. But no matter. Soon Makuta would reign undisputed over all of Mata-Nui, and Skaarn would become the viceroy, exalted above all others. Yes, soon no Toa or Skakdi would dare fight Skaarn. But first there was the matter of the Hive. Makuta obviously wanted it kept standing, at least for the time being - why else would he have sent the Toa of Shadow and the Rakhshi there. Which meant that Skaarn would have to fight to protect it.The walls of the improptu prison quickly crumbled, and Skaarn grabbed hold of his rescuer's claws, that is, the Nui Rama's. He pulled himself atop it's abdomen and directed the insect towards the Hive. There he would regroup and meet any invaders with the hordes of Nui Rama. Skaarn fought for Makuta. Skaarn fought for greatness.

Edited by Toa Fanixe

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IC: (Enara)As she watched for Uar, Enara had been completely oblivious to the approaching swarm. By the time she had, both the strike force and the swarm were so absorbed in the battle that she had enough time to vacate to a hiding place and wait out the battle. However, one of the giant insects decided to investigate her location, and had nearly stabbed her with its stinger if not for her drawing both her sword and slicing its head off.IC: (Uar)Uar had jumped into battle after Lema, and had been zipping around the battlefield, slicing off a few Nui-Rama heads, and maiming a few. A stinger grazed him, and he felt a numbness slowly spreading from his side: The venom had taken effect.

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BIONICLE Table-Top Roleplaying Game System Project, Started by The Iron Toa


I used to write something about my rank here, but then I took an arrow to the knee...

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OOC: Danke, What even is her mask power?IC: AuronThe Toa of Fire shook his head before rolling to the side and releasing a large fireball at the Rama swarm, detonating and taking out about twenty or so the Toa believed. He then stood up, holding his head."Auron will never get on a Rahi again. Ever. Of all time," The Toa replied after a moment, checking his equipment to make sure he had everything. His knives were gone, they had fallen with his mount, but he still had his sword, slightly chipped, miraculously.The Toa felt like crying, again, "Second time that happen, second time, second time."

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OOC: Recovering energy should be a breeze for Sonics...IC: Madrihk"We need to punch a hole in the hive wall!" Madrihk shouted over the noise of the battle. "Onyx has sealed himself in that iron shelter, but we don't know if he's still pounding on it. Demolitions have set some of their explosives."He whirled and cut down a Nui-Rama as it pounced on them, and nearly lost his balance in the process."We can't hold out for too long against this onslaught, but once we are inside the hive, it should go quickly to put a stop to their reinforcements!"

Edited by Katuko
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OOC: X-Ray vision. To see through all sorta of things, rain, snow, rock, Nui Rama. :PIC: Aelynn"But you're alright," the Fe-Toa said, gutting a passing Rama with her blade. She was covered from head to toe in greenish fluid and dirt from the fighting. "And I'm glad," she added, wrapping her arms around the Toa of Fire. She didn't think now was a good time for this, and even less so for what was to come.Aelynn's body suddenly went rigid: she was having another vision, in the middle of a battle. Isn't that just lovely.



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IC:Kahlynn finished his third run with a deep slash across a pair of Rama masks, causing the deceased insect to flip right over his head on the point of his sword.As he came into clean air once more, he found himself being flanked by a trio of Nui Rama who were trying to quell his charges. Kahlynn shrugged. Their funeral.Breygo flew lower, lower, lower, until they were below the canopy of trees, flying at top speed between vines, branches and other Rama corpses. The Skakdi allowed the three creatures to close in on him, until the middle one lunged forth and tried to pluck him from his saddle, only for it's target to suddenly drop below a branch. The insect was moving too fast to get out of the way and-SPLAT!Meanwhile, Kahlynn had blasted the second Rama with heat vision, causing it to slow down for a few moments, long enough for Kahlynn to do the second most suicidal thing he had done that day. He leapt off of his Kahu, which flew round the left side of the tree ahead, and skidded along a branch to the right, grabbing a hanging vine as he did so, before using this vine to swing back on to Breygo, just as the vine snapped. Tying it into a lasso, Kahlynn spun it round a few times in the air, before tossing it so it caught the tale of the Nui Rama in front, creating an almost comical horse-and-cart effect. He then proceeded to pull the rope into a tree, the weight of the Rama wrapping it around. The Skakdi let go of the vine just in time, as the two Rama collided with each other with another 'splat' this time more disgustingly crunchy.Breygo pulled up back into open air.

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OOC: ? That last sentence didn't make sense to me, KatukoIC: "Let's punch it" Amerikos said, felling two Rama with a cut, then dropped to one knee as three more Nui-Rama tried to tackle him, just barely keeping them off with his shield. "Just show me where to get in, and we'll find a way!" He stood up, throwing a iron spike at the flying bugs. It caught one wing, sending it flying towards the others. They all landed in a heap, freeing Amerikos to block a Rama headed for Madrihk's back. He began running towards the selected point for holes the demolition team had made, taking several hits from Rama as he did so.-Bane

Edited by General Rocka's Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC: AuronThe Toa of Fire blushed when Aelynn hugged him, but when she froze, he knew something was wrong. He moved back and touched her shoulder before he felt like was walking backwards, right into a wall before passing through it. The chain of memories, broken in some places, being reforged in the broken parts. This time, he went back slowly, to a place he had never been before...

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IC:"When will the Demo Squads's explosives be ready?" Kethrye shouted over to Madrihk, narrowly dodging a Nui-Rama's stinger.Kethrye sliced off the Rama's stinger, adjusting the angle of his blow so that his axe clipped the end of one of the rahi's wings, send it spiraling to the ground. The grounded Rama began to crawl in his direction, followed by a another wave of his friends. "Aelynn? A little help with this?There was no reply.Kethrye turned and then swore as he he saw Aelynn splayed out across the ground, directly next to Auron. Auron? He's not on the groudn squad. . . he thought, leaping over to them. Still, better find some way to keep them from getting eaten alive out here.

Edited by BenLuke-116
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OOC: Not a good time for visions, guysIC: Amerikos arrived near auron as Kethrye arrived next to the other toa. "I'll take Auron, you take the other one. I'll see what I can do going in. Wonder what happened to them, no major wounds," he mused to himself.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC:Kethrye simple nodded, grabbing Aelynn around the waist and hefting her away from the main part of the battle.Kethrye grinned as he felt his elemental power return. He pointed at the unconscious Toa with his axe, hastily created a protective wall of ice around her.That should keep her safe from the Rama, he thought, begining to jock back to were the Strike squad and Ground Squad were engaged. Although she's probably going to wake up a bit. . . chilly.

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OOC: Uh guys...you might want to ditch protecting the tunnel. It's completely sealed off in an attempt to save Onyx from a two truckloads of kamikaze Nui-Rama. It's staying closed until he's battered his way in, if Nuju allows it that is. Although I can make an exception to open it to shelter people to help him out.Your call guys.IC: AlfonAlfon continued to clutch his arm, about to refuse Kal's offer out of stubbornness but thought better of it. Not like he'd be swinging his sword around anymore."Yeah, a sling would be nice. I'm going to have to rely on my element and Calix to keep going."

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IC: Reordin (Rama Hive)Reordin was silent for a minute before sighing."Fine. Just don't blame me when you get yourself torn to pieces," said the lieutenant. "And like I said: stay sharp."He snapped the Rama's neck with his ankles and jumped onto another insect, plucking Trakuda from the corpse and pulling him on.-Teezy



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IC: Amerikos did likewise, lifting the fallen toa and carrying him behind the unused battering ram. "Man, you need to put off a few pounds," he said, almost to himself. He left the toa a short note scrawled on a piece of iron, telling the toa where they had gone. He then encased the toa in a thin sheet of iron from the ram, hoping the insects would not see through the deception. He then ran back, joining the ground squad and strike team fighting near the explosives. He saw Alfon holding his arm. "Let's see how bad the damage was. "Ohh, nasty break. I might be able to fix it ,though."OOC: TX, your call. I can splint it, if you want.-Bane

Edited by General Rocka's Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC (Dekuna): As he made his way back to where the fighting was, Dekuna tried to replentish his strength by absorbing the ever-present drone of the nui-rama's wings. He didn't want to absorb any other sounds, like squad leaders shouting instructions to their groups, just the buzz. There was more than enough of it to renew his stocks of elemental energy, as well as reinstate the protective field of silence around his sensitive ears.After a minute or so, he encountered the ground squad, who were still fighting off hoards of insects as they tried to advance towards the hive. He limped over to Aki-Nui and climbed onto his back behind Payiges. "I'm okay" he said to reassure the toa of lightning, "really".


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IC: AelynnThe Toa of Iron's mind was pushed back in time, for now she knew these were memories; her memories. She didn't know how she knew, it was a feeling.Aelynn opened her eyes once again for the third time. Once again, she had no control over her body, and merely watched the following event unfold. She knew this was before her first two ones, just as she knew this was a memory.The Fe-Toa felt herself crouched behind a large object, but wasn't able to turn her head to see what it was. She was hiding, from what? She didn't know, because her past self wasn't thinking of that right now. Aelynn did know that her past self didn't want to caught. Not yet, she had to wait for-The Toa of Iron's past self's thoughts were interupted by the sound of foot-steps approching. Aelynn felt her pulse quicken, and her legs tense up. The footsteps continued to get closer.They were level with the Fe-Toa now, Aelynn felt herself jump up from her hiding place and tackle..."YOUR BACK!" she said rather loudly, hugging a rather suprised Ta-Toa.OOC: AURON THAT'S UR CUE, MAN. AN I LYKE 2 THX EVR1 4 PROTECTING OUR CHARZ. K?Lolz chatspeak. http://www.bzpower.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/cool.png



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IC: AlfonAlfon wasn't exactly in the best mood for several reasons: his brother Onyx may be dead although he still clutched to the possibility of him being alive, every bone in his arm was wrecked and he almost died. Amerikos' last comment on his arm made him think up of a snappy response but he held his tongue."Whatever, just do what you can to fix my arm. Doesn't matter who it is."

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IC: Reordin (Rama Hive)As the two Ko-Matoran swooped back towards the Hive, Reordin caught sight of a blade stuck in a Rama and plucked it from the corpse as he flew; the blade was stained with blood both green and red, and there was a large, bloody handprint across the handle.It was the same sword that Komisk Runion had been fighting with.Quelling his emotions, Reordin kicked the Rama's underside, creating a burst of speed, as the distance to the Hive shortened until they had landed again. Sure enough, there was Komisk's body, surrounded by the corpses of several dozen Rama.-Teezy



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IC:Although Trakuda had only met Komisk briefly back at Pala-Koro, he still felt something for the deceased Matoran, and stared at the corpse for a few seconds, thinking. He then placed a hand on Reordin's shoulder, and said, "Komisk Runion and Darrick Bane did not die in vain. They died still believing there was hope, that we could we this. And for what Makuta has done, all the Matoran he's killed, he's going to pay."

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IC: Reordin (Rama Hive)"Yeah. Of course he will," said Reordin, having moved his concentration away from Komisk's body and slicing at Rama expertly with the borrowed blades of his fallen squadmates. As he spun, he saw a Rama sneaking up behind Trakuda as he finished his speech and whipped his left wrist as if cracking a whip: Bane's blade flew from his hand and spun, slicing into the Rama's side and taking out both major nerve clusters. The Rama fell to the ground instantly, dead.-Teezy



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IC:"Nice." Trakuda thanked with a smirk, before throwing his disk straight at Reordin's face. The other Ko-Matoran ducked, and the disk flew swiftly into the face of an attacking Rama, knocking both masks askew, and sending the creature into unconsciousness. A sword between the wings finished the job.

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IC: Reordin (Rama Hive)"Whoa!" Reordin yelled as he turned and saw the dead insect. "Whoa."His gaze turned back towards the tunnel, stuffed full of Rama still. The explosives were still ready to be triggered..."Any luck in getting Onyx out?"-Teezy



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IC: "Are you ready?" Amerikos asked. "This can be very painful-there!" Amerikos set the bone quickly, suprised at how well Alfon took the pain. A simple grunt was all he received. "My, you're a tough one," he said. "I haven't seen anyone take a broken arm that well. Now, here's your splint." Amerikos created a gauntlet-shaped projection that he clamped over Alfon's arm. "And here's a protection weapon," he said, clamping a dead stinger to the brace. "That'll be good for close-combat situations."-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC: Onyx / AlfonOnyx continued to batter the walls with his mace, his swings powered by a Pakari along with extremely dense and heavy metal. Whether he was making any progress or not was quite hard to determine with such low lighting. Still, the area constantly beaten down repetitively couldn't withstand such force forever, right...?Just keep going...One thing which did prove effective about his tunnel was that there were no distractions or interferences, the metal providing terrific cover against the Rama. Downside was that the entire 'room' was jam packed with Rama corpses, the smell more than nauseating and the sight rather morbid. Worse was that his entire body was covered in sickly green blood, giving him the appearance of a slime monster from a child's worst nightmare. The Fe-Toa would continue to swing without interruptions and if his labour bore no fruit, he'd get out of there just in time before puking his guts out.Alfon gritted his teeth as pain flared in his entire left arm, his vision going white for a moment while he suppressed a cry of pain, sounding more like a muffled groan than anything. Once the feeling settled in, his arm felt rather numb but much better due to the sling and Amerikos' help."Thanks." he said plain and simply but his voice was filled with more than enough relief and gratitude. "Now let's keep moving." With that said, he thrust his right arm forward, sending jagged bolts of electricity at the sky, it's effects apparent as several Nui-Rama fell from the sky, twitching and convulsing before going still.OOC: Sumary: Onyx continues to batter at the wall in his tunnel and Alfon has obtained a sling for his broken left arm.

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IC: I was quickly growing impatient. The reason we hadn't jumped into the fight right away was because we weren't meant to fight on the outside of the hive, but that's exactly what we were doing. I slashed my sword over my head, severing the claws from a diving Rama, and finished the job with a burst of flame from a raised fist. "Punch a hole in the wall," I growled, close enough to Madrihk for him to hear. Not that I cared. "Brilliant. I never would've guessed." A trio of Rama dived at us and spontaneously combusted.


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IC: VolinVolin was worried sick about his older brother Onyx but comforted himself in knowing that the Stiff was a tough son of a Muaka when it came down to bear bones, hoping he was alive and kicking. As the Strike Team continued to advance, he used his telekinesis to repel anything that came near them, which was more than enough, suffice to say.Quickly growing impatient that the charges had not yet been detonated, he shouted out to the rest of the Demolitions team up ahead, for all the good that would do if they could hear him."Those fireworks would be nice and pretty any time now! We're burning daylight here, people!"

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IC: Reordin (Rama Hive)"You wanna quit rushing us?!" Reordin yelled back. "We'd have already blown the place sky-high if your brother wasn't trapped inside!"He spat in disgust, having finally tired of Volin's arrogance.-Teezy



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IC: VolinBlaming the delay on his brother was crossing the line for Volin and he was sorely tempted to melt the Ko-Matoran into a pile of green goo on the spot but thought better of it. It wasn't Onyx's fault his squad didn't act quick enough to plant the explosives while he provided cover, much less have others help him defend the entrance.Although the Rama were also to blame: there was no way anyone else here could hold off a truckload of Rama that had just swarmed the tunnel."Well plant them elsewhere or just do it fast! You tried knocking on the tunnel to see if you get a response from him to open it up?"

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IC: "No offense meant," Amerikos shouted, throwing several daggers at several rama. The insects fell, killed from perfect bulleyes in the neck and chest. "But you might want to hurry it up, or there won't be much of a strike team left to go inside." He suddenly fell as ten Rama attacked, clawing and stinging at him. It hurt, but his armour prevented him from being hurt by the venom. He turned his mask on, and crawled out of the dogpile. The giant dragonflies toppeled on each other, tearing each other to pieces and killing each other. "Nui-Rama. What a bunch of dumb insects." Amerikos commented.-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC: Reordin (Rama Hive)"Oh, you know what, Volin, I think I just might do that!" said Reordin, trying to advance; Trakuda grabbed his elbow to stop him from bounding over to the smug Toa. "Hang on, let me burrow my way through the ton of dead insect flesh and ask him if it's okay to move the explosives! In case you haven't noticed, it's not that easy! If you knew jack about explosives, you'd know that! If you'd like, I could give you a crash course, so you could actually do something, ANYTHING besides sit around and be a patronizing little prick!"His eyes were flared in barely contained rage."Of course, if you and your strike team hadn't sat around for so long interrogating a useless beast of a "Toa", then maybe you guys could have given us our diversion and your brother wouldn't be suffocating in that tunnel as we speak!"-Teezy



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IC: Madrihk"I suggest you all shut up and listen before I find it more useful to feed you both to the Rama!" Madrihk shouted, barely contained himself. "We had trouble with more than insects, and we dealt with that trouble. Now this endless swarm is the biggest threat, so we will be proceeding as soon as possible!"He looked around."Amerikos! Open a small gap in that iron wall for us! We need to see if Onyx is still alive. If he's not, we blow the charges. If he is, we shelter ourselves as well and start doing some precision work. So you, and Kal, be ready to make a protective wall!"

Edited by Katuko
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IC: "Got it," Amerikos said, simultaneously snapping the neck of a nearby Nui-Rama. He ran up to the opening, using his power to open a bio-wide hole. He stuck his head through, and was bombarded by the smell of dead insects. Covering his nose, he yelled, "Onyx, you in there?!"-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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I.C. Vompran (Leader of the ground squad)Vompran was busy trying to hold off as many rama as he could. At first glance, he had thought Allyen and Auron were dead, but remembered that they had vision spells frequently.Vompran snared several Rama in his carnivorous plants, and fired thorns at several more. After killing about 8 rama, he switched to firing Kinetic bolts from his mask, giving his elemental energy a rest. Vompran waited anxiously to see what Onyx's fate was.


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IC: Volin / Onyx / AlfonIf it wasn't for Madrihk, Reordin would have probably died in a matter of seconds or got flung across the air several feet. Instead, he obeyed his leader and puckered his lips and stayed quiet, continuing to hold off as many Rama as he could. Although, upon hearing Reordin insisting on blowing the charges with the possibility of his brother still alive, he vowed to beat the living pulp out of the guy once this was all over.Same for Alfon.Daylight flooded Onyx's tunnel and he turned around swiftly with his sword in hand, shocked by the sudden occurrence as his eyes adjusted to the change in lighting. A voice called out to him."Oh yeah, doing just fine!" he lied, feeling like he would puke any second now. "What's the situation?"

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IC: Amerikos turned and shouted outside, "He's alive! Stop the charges!" Turning back to Onyx, he said, "Well, we're going to blow this joint, so I think you'd better get out. Come on! Let's get out of here! Before Reordin blows it. Come on!"-Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC: Onyx"Oh don't worry about me, worry about my brothers. Any chance you have some explosives left? I hammered the wall for a while and I'm pretty sure that I softened it up." he said."If not, let's get the karz out of here so I can make us some good cover while this thing blows."

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