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IC-Mussiki:Mussiki leaned on his staff for a moment, before angrily blasting a Nui-Rama into thousands of pieces with a quick sonic blast. He didn't like the thought of Sulov running in with the other squadrons-the Ussalry had so far proved invaluable."Let us thin them out with more explosives first," Mussiki growled. "Then I'm heading in with you."

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IC: Sulov sliced again. A rama's wing flopped to the ground."Zhank you, Mussiki."That was all he needed to say. Mussiki was not Onu in race, but having lived and fought alongside the Ussalmatoran, Sulov knew that such a brief comment would prove its genuine quality to the toa. His other companions needed even less verbal communication. The Ussalmatoran were island-renowned for their quiet nature. Indeed, they spoke little to their friends. This was due to their culture's unique expression of deep and brotherly bonds for others; the Onu-Matoran way was to show real emotion in actional display as opposed to verbal.So the Ussalry knew of their commander's feelings without speech. They knew, and did not speak precisely because of that knowledge.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: TarnokTarnok didn't comment, instead choosing to remain quiet, and prepared for the coming onslaught. He looked around. Assembled was a group of brings willing to die to free Le-Koro from this menace. Some already had. And many more would die before the day was through. Under his breath, barely audible to anyone else, he muttered the phrase that had sustained him through many battles. "Can I do less?"



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Reordin (Rama Hive, Le-Wahi)Reordin actually touched down his Rama, casting the now-dead insect to the ground and moving towards Sulov. No words were spoken at first between the two military men: they just stood and stared at each other for several minutes, their eyes betraying some quiet resolve that nobody else was privy to. Finally, Reordin reached out his hand and firmly shook the Ussalmatoran's remaining hand."You come back, you understand me?" Lieutenant Saporta asked, his voice carrying what may have been the threat of tears underneath it. "If I don't see you come out of that hive in fifteen minutes, I'm going in there and I'm getting you out myself."-Teezy



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IC: Sulov had learned of the handshake in service with Ko-Koroans. Though it was not native to his land, he had grown to understand its meaning and usage. He knew by now that the friendly greeting could mean more than that, similar to the kneel of Onu-Koro.The Onu-Matoran had determined that this handshake was more than a greeting.He grabbed Reordin's lithe hand in his massive one. His squeeze was a fraction of his true strength; not because it didn't convey deeper meaning than that which they had met studying each other, but because it did show that emotion while not injuring his friend."Underrstood," Sulov finally said, repressing all feeling once again. He had only shown it with the shake because he could afford to. Tone and eyes both were visible to his matoran, and as their commander, he thought himself to shoulder being their paragon as well.I cannot let them see anything else than gratitude and firm resolve. I am the commander and I am the example-I will not break down.This last thought was accompanied by a jab skyward with his prosthetic. A shriek was heard as a gout of purple blood sprayed Sulov and Reordin alike.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Reordin (Rama Hive, Le-Wahi)Reordin and Sulov both stood, neither of them bothering to turn away and speak. Finally, Reordin tilted his head to the left and spit out a small glob of purple blood that had landed in his mouth."You know, just for that," he said, "I'm waiting twenty minutes now. I expect you to adjust your kill expectations accordingly."-Teezy



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IC: Sulov held up the Onu-Koroan salute of two fingers. His helm was serious, his stance a subordinate's."Affirrmative," The commander said while drawing his saperka and sending both into the rama above. He made special care to do so in such a way that only his helm and back were painted royal."Vill vone hundrred du?"

Edited by Francis Wisehead



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC-Mussiki:"Make it two hundred," Mussiki said, pulling the Rahkshi staff out of the dirt. "I've got no plans on retreating without getting rid of a sizeable number of those creatures." The last statement he'd used his powers on, making sure to relay it to Madrihk.

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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IC: Kethrye -"Vompran! You handle things here," Kethrye said, cutting his way out of the Rama defending the hole in the hive, "I'm going to go provide Marihk with backup, anyone interested to me!"Focusing on his Kanohi, Kethrye reanimating some of the dead Nui-Rama strewn around the hole, mental commanding them to hover above and wait fro further orders."Need a hand, sir?" Kethrye said, quickly stepping over to where Marihk stood.OOC: Kethrye and anybody else from the ground are going to aid Madrihk.

Edited by BenLuke-116
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IC: "Duly acknowledged," Sulov replied. Tossing away one rama, he sheathed his blade and waited for the next."May ze Grreat Spirrit prrotect and guide you as vell."Gavarm grinned back at Uyism. His blade was hard at work carving up a rama."If me 'n' my sword got anythang ta say about it, whale keep on fahtin' till they're oll dead. We ain't gonna dah any-tahm soon."



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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I.C. Vompran nodded approval to Kethrye. "Be careful. And try not to end up like old Trakuda." Vompran was not about to be overwhelmed by these larvae. He had come too far to be stopped easily. He went to Volin's aid firing thorns and telekinetic blasts from his sythe. He found that thorns were a quick and efficient way to eliminate enemies, without using up too much elemental power. Now that he was at the tunnel entry, there were no plants for him to absorb. He would have to use his energy reserves carefully.OOC:Summary: Vompran is trying to guard the entry to the hive.______________________________________________________________

IC: EntrixThe toa of air quickly jumped after Ardoku's gukko, and flew off using his mask. He slowly caught up with them, and then followed them for the rest of the trip.OOC: Ardoku, Entrix, Kranuka and Kotahk to Ko-Wahi?
I.C. Kranuka and Kotahk flew to Ko-wahi
I.C. Tamaka and Takana"All right. There's a gukko depot over there.""Hello, sir, do you mind if we borrow one of your gukkos?""What for?""We're mercenaries trying to catch a Vortixx. All we need the gukko for is to get to Ko-wahi. The gukko can fly back when he's done." "Well, all right. But you have to feed-care for him and such. If you pay me ten widgets, I'll let you guys borrow him."Takana and Tamaka had 7 widgets."Botan, we're three short. Maybe you could produce some herb worth about 3 widgets?"
IC Botan"Sure. Geon could have made us a precious gem, but that kohlii-head ran off... Anyways, here's the herb. It should be worth enough." Botan quickly produced a simple herb.The three recieved the Gukko, and Botan hopped on. "All aboard!"
I.C. Tamaka and takana jumped on, and the gukko took off.OOC: To ko-wahi.


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IC: Tarnok"When all is said and done, we better get a darn ballad out of this." Tarnok spoke up, cracking what was most likely his first joke in several decades.The Matoran held his saperka in a relaxed ready position.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Gavarm grinned. By now, he had been able to sheath his sword; air companies were beginning to work their magic again. Pressure was being relieved from the Ussalry."The Lejand uhv Seventh Squadron, Ah suppose," The lieutenant tossed out. "Always lahked ballads, mahself."He drew a lance from the supply Ussal's casket. "But first, we gotta get ta th' sur-vahv-in' part."Gavarm couched the lance. His vision flitted over those ahead of the Ussalry. When the infantry parted, the cavalry would charge.



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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IC: Reordin (Rama Hive, Le-Wahi)The Ko-Matoran observed the doomed cavalry with an odd look in his eye, somewhere between regret and respect."You guys are all bloody psychos."-Teezy



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IC: Sulov lanced up silently. Then he spoke."Ve haf not lost vone Ussalmatorran yet. If ve arr psychos, zhen I rrejoice, for such psychos as zhese vill not die."Gavarm grinned back at Ril. He raised his other hand in salute."Y'all 's whale. Good huntin'."

Edited by Francis Wisehead



Wisdom. Restraint. Emptiness. 



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OOC: There is now space.IC: SkrihenSkrihen snapped the group a sloppy salute. Her attention was fixed on a strange Toa, engaging in battle against another Toa. She recognized that one, from telhe clearing.Without another word, she cautiously approached Heuani, staff drawn.OOC: Skrihen, engaging Heuani.



On this eve, the thirtieth anniversary of that first colony, many are left to wonder; is the world fast approaching a breaking point?



  Breaking Point: An OTC Mecha RPG


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IC: Reordin (Rama Hive, Le-Wahi)Reordin caught sight of Skrihen moving out of the corner of his eye and promptly ran towards her, grabbing her hand and spinning her. The tall Ko-Matoran's eyes met those of the Toa's, and Reordin realized for the first time that they were actually at eye level."Try not to die," he said, sneaking his hand into her jacket pocket and grabbing his pills. "Truth be told, I think I might like you a bit."-Teezy



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IC: Reordin (Rama Hive, Le-Wahi)"Nothing more than that, though!" he yelled with a grin as he turned around. "Just a little bit!"He began to walk back towards the group when he caught sight of a familiar face moving towards the Ussalry."Komisk Runion?"-Teezy



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IC - Komisk Runion - Battlefield"That'th me." He grinned, holding the sword in a reverse grip."Tho...are going to blow thith thing up from the inthide, or what?"

Edited by Shadow Guardian

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"It comes with the job," Halfimus explained, "I'm not paid enough to give anything outside quick flavour descriptions."

So pay me more AuRon.

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IC: Reordin (Rama Hive, Le-Wahi)Reordin wasn't quite sure how to react to seeing the Ussalryman still alive and (relatively) well: he had been rather emotionally drained by the battle, and his actions were beginning to feel robotic. And then, in the back of his head, there was a nagging concern for Skrihen...Shaking his head several times, a feral grin spread across his face."Mate, I've been ready all day."-Teezy



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IC: Auron (Le-Wahi):The Toa of Fire nodded, "Yes, Auron is fine. When we win this battle, Auron say we go to Ga-Wahi. Be nice change of looks from jungle, yes?"
IC: AelynnThe Toa of Iron nodded. She liked Ga-Wahi, it was... nice there.Slowly, she could feel the effects of the aclohol wearing off, and Aelynn layed back down in the bed. The Fe-Toa closed her eyes slightly, just barely keeping them open.



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IC: Amerikos was still scanning the hive, waiting for a response from the toa of shadows, when his audio receptors picked up a clang. It suddenly dawned on him that to him. He turned, and openly gaped at the toa of shadow that had materialized behind him. How did he get here so fast? he wondered, simultaneously slipping into a defensive T-stance. Pushing his quickly growing shock and amazement for the moment, he addressed the toa in an un-quavering, but weak voice. "Who are you, that slips from the shadow so easily? Methinks that you enjoy a fight, or I would be dead by now. Yes, I will turn off the mask, for it does me no aid." He disengaged his camouflage, revealing a brave, but frightened face. He lifted his sword into the ready position, pointing the blade up at the toa of shadow's head, and holding his shield at the ready. "Onguard," he said, waiting for Heauni to make the first move. He would not attack first, he was still too dazed by the sudden appearance of the toa of shadows. He wondered if this would be his last stand. OOC: Onguard, Nuju! You get to make the first move. -Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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OOC: Because of the Heuani busyness, I hope y'all forgive me if I concentrate mainly (almost entirely) on fighting as him for a while, letting the attack's general events continue as they are. Those of you planning to attack, please do so with your next posts, and indicate it strongly to me.IC:Heuani appraised Amerikos' raised sword with slight interest, his own translucent blade pointed at the ground, gripped loosely between his fingers. "You're a swordsman," he commented, as though remarking on the color of a bird on a nearby branch. "As a Toa of Iron, I suppose such things are typical. But you're also a traditionalist, less typical - shield, outdated speech, dueling protocol. It's charming, really." Heuani smiled again, and watched as Amerikos' uneasy expression eased slightly, unconsciously and unwillingly reassured by the Toa of Shadow.He tapped his blade up, batting the point of Amerikos' sword aside with more strength than should have been possible for a mere flick of the wrist. The sound the swords made was a clang, but an odd one, as though it was warped by the air - it was not the clang of metal on metal. Heuani drew closer to Amerikos, holding his sword vertically between them. The rippling blade caught and refracted the light like a piece of glasswork that had been smoked over on the inside as Heuani twirled it aimlessly between his fingers. "Isn't it a pretty thing?" Heuani asked, seemingly more to himself than to Amerikos. "It's one-of-a-kind, just like I am. I couldn't tell you what it's made of - I have no idea, to be honest - but it keeps an edge, bends like a willow if I coax it to. Then again, I am very good at... coaxing things." His attractive face broke into a wide, knowing smile, one that spoke volumes about this particular talent. He backed up from Amerikos casually, raising his own sword in an exaggerated, relaxed dueler's stance, one hand clasped behind his back, sword extended out. "If you want to fight with blades," he grinned, "I suppose I could indulge you that."Swiftly and suddenly, a dancer and a darting cat, Heuani leapt forward, his flamberge whipping in under Amerikos' raised arm to strike at the flesh of the Toa of Iron's sword side.


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IC: Amerikos watched, it seemed, in slow motion, as the blade came up. All movement came to a standstill, probably the result of adrenaline. Amerikos was afraid, possibly terrified, but ready. He back flipped, taking his body out of reach of the long, undulating blade, and came up into a ready position. "I may be outdated, fiend, but I do know fighting. You might be surprised at how well dueling fits in with this current era."He smiled, a very weak, but courageous, smile. "Yes, I am afraid of you. My fear threatens to take me in the heat of battle. But I do what must be done because I do not want what happened to me to happen to anyone else." He lifted his small claymore, and put his shield away. Charging at the toa of shadow, he hit hard, coming with two double-handed diagonal slashes toward the shoulders. The blade screamed towards Heauni, nowhere near as strong as the slashes he had dealt, but strong enough to kill. -Bane

Gentlemen, it's time to spread the word. And the word is: Panic


life is not a question of how long we live, but what we do with the life we have

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IC:Amerikos' strikes were powerful, two-handed slashes, forceful and full-bodied - this could be used against him. Heuani darted lightly to either side of the heavy cuts as they followed their paths that would have cleaved him shoulder to hip. After the second massive swipe, Amerikos was unbalanced; his entire upper body had been thrown into the swing, and his legs were in a position to match. Heuani saw this and acted accordingly. He quickly tapped Amerikos' blade, the tip of which was near the ground, further towards the earth, with that contact also turning the flat of his enemy's sword to the sky. He stepped on the blade, holding it there while he made an overhead horizontal cut that would have decapitated Amerikos had the Toa of Iron not ducked. But that cut had been a diversion; Amerikos, struggling to lift his blade and also ducking Heuani's sword, did not notice in time that Heuani's other foot had hooked his forward leg. The Toa of Shadow jerked it back, pulling Amerikos' footing out from under him to send him topping to the earth. Heuani placed his foot between Amerikos' shoulder blades, pressing them into the sodden ground, and swung his sword down so that its point rested at the base of Amerikos' neck. Amerikos could almost hear the relaxed smile on Heuani's face when he spoke. "To ignore fear is not an admirable act. It's a stupid one; it's ignoring natural impulse. Fight or flight is instinctual for a reason - when your body tells you to run, it's being smarter than you are. I find that I lead a much more successful and fulfilling life by following my own impulses. Shame that it's too late for you to follow yours."He raised his flamberge almost like a golf club, poised to slash open the back of Amerikos' neck.


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IC-Kal:"I believe I may have to disagree with you," Kal said, from where he had been watching. "He was not ignoring his fear, he was acknowledging it. Attempting to conquer it. You use fear as a weapon, do you not, Shadow-Toa?" Kal asked interestedly. "Correct me if I'm wrong about your element, however. Can I trust you to carry on a simple conversation?"

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i'm a south american giant otter now


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